
Chapter 33

[A/N: Made a change with the contract section of the last chapter, do note that this novel is a work in progress and that I am kind of just going with the flow, so don't be afraid to give me constructive criticism, after all, I am not a perfect writer! Also, there are only 2-3 chapters a week due to school and work, plus if I somehow managed to write a chapter every day then the novel would be dropped quite quickly since my ideas and inspirations would dry up quite quickly like a well in a desert. Thanks for your time, and enjoy the chapter!]

[A/N: PS. I might have to go to work tomorrow meaning I will have little time to write the chapter, meaning it will be shorter or might not even be uploaded until the next day once I finish it!]

[NetRedBane's POV]

An hour after the release of Resident Evil the streamer, NetRedBane could be seen streaming Ark Survival Evolved on the Nexus website which was the official game site where more than 20k viewers were watching him play the game on his private server with his fellow tribemates!

Suddenly, the comments from the live viewers started increasing at an alarming rate as the viewers started spreading the news about Resident Evil.

[New Game Guys!]

[A new game? I am going to go check it out!]

[Already? Man the creator sure does create many interesting games so fast!]

[I know right? I honestly believe the creator is an Alien of some kind!]

[How can that be? I bet he's just some rich guy like Tony Stark that likes playing games!]

[Have you fallen under a rock? Tony Stark was kidnapped! Whoever this is cannot be him!]

[You dolt! Read clearly before you reply! I said 'like' Tony Stark!]

[Enough upstairs! Has anyone actually looked at the genre of the game? It says its horror!]

[Scaredy Cat!]

[No guys think about it! With the way 'Extraterrestrial Creator' creates their games, this game will possibly be the most realistic horror game we will ever come across!]

[I agree, it's one thing to play a horror game through a screen, but to feel and experience it? It will be far more than just horrifying!]

Seeing the comments NetRed felt a bit of excitement as he decided to return to base and log out for the night so that he can check out the new game being discussed which seemed quite interesting.

'A Horror Game, eh? Sounds interesting!'


But while NetRedBane and many players flocked to play the game, a particular agent with a famous smile was called to the Director's Office.

Once the particular agent in question was near the office, he couldn't help but look at his watch.

9:47 PM

Sighing, the agent stepped into the office.

Once he took a step into the office a gruff voice greeted him.

"Agent Coulson, about time you got here," The Director greeted Agent Coulson with his signature frown.

"You called for me, sir?" Agent Coulson asked.

"That I did, you remember the assignment on that...racing video game I gave you a while ago?" The Director asked.

"I do, sir!" Coulson replied as he thought back to the fond memories he had while playing the simple but fun game.

"I have another task for you, this time I don't think you're going to exactly like it," The Director told Coulson with an amusing smile on his face as he thought about Coulson's misfortune.

And once Coulson left his office and headed down to the underground lab, Nick Fury or otherwise known as the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. looked back towards the computer with his signature scowl.

Nick has been incredibly angry for a while now, and that's for one major reason.

A problem that he has been attempting to deal with got much worse and at this point, almost impossible to stop...

On the computer screen was a simple but nice-looking website with a large word at the top of the screen.

'Nexus' the website read.


Meanwhile, a few minutes later Agent Coulson walked into the underground research facility and was strapped into a chair and hooked to a bunch of machines.

Once the scientists were ready Agent Coulson, using the mouse of the computer in front of him, launched the new game available on the 'Nexus'.

Resident Evil...

Having no idea what he was jumping into Coulson found himself out of his body once again and standing before a large menu screen that had three options to select.

'Load Game'

'New Game'


With slight hesitation, Coulson raise his arm and placed his hand on the new game option.

Suddenly Coulson finds himself frozen in a black expanse of nothingness barely able to move.

Then, suddenly green words flashed across the space in front of him.

'JUL. 1998'

'Raccoon Forest'

Suddenly the blackness began to clear up as heavy fog revealed itself before Coulson's eyes!

Then, an unfamiliar voice started speaking into his ear...

"Alpha Team is flying around the forest zone situated in northwest Raccoon City where we are searching for the helicopter of our compatriots. Bravo team, who disappeared during the middle of their mission."

As the voice spoke, he found himself sitting within a helicopter before appearing close to an old TV screen.

"Bizarre murder cases have recently occurred in Raccoon City. There are outlandish reports on families being attacked by a group of about ten people. The victims were eaten..."

Then Coulson suddenly found that a picture of the crime scene appeared in his hand for a few moments before disappearing.

Suddenly back in the helicopter, the voice continued to speak.

"The Bravo team was sent in to investigate, but we lost contact..."

"Look Chris!" shouted some woman's voice from inside the helicopter as Coulson's head was suddenly turned to the left where the light was being shinned onto a downed helicopter...

Then his vision suddenly changed to that of a body cam that had night vision as an unknown soldier crept into the downed helicopter with his rifle raised.

"Bravo team's helicopter was a derelict."

Then once the soldier stepped into the helicopter he pointed his gun towards the cockpit of the helicopter where the upper part of a body could be seen...

"Save for the remaining body of Kevin..."

With the sudden yelp of the soldier upon seeing the body, Coulson's POV changed once again to where he was now standing in the middle of a forest behind a bush overlooking a couple of men with weapons drawn and raised looking around with their flashlights.

"We continued our search for the other members...and it turned into a nightmare..."

Suddenly Coulson's POV changed once again to where he was now encircling a man and woman from the ground.


Suddenly hearing a growl come from behind him, the man with a shotgun in hand turned around too quickly to find that the noise stopped...momentarily before the sound of an animal running came from his right side and a strange dog lunged towards his throat...

Coulson instinctively jumped as his POV was changed another time to the other groups searching the forest who suddenly hear gunshots in the distance.

Then Coulson watched from the man's body cam as he was mauled alive by a pack of the strange dogs...

Then watching the scene from the woman's current view he could see four dogs covered in horrifying wounds and damage eating the man's corpse...

Suddenly one of the dogs turned around with a piece of the man's flesh in his mouth before noticing the woman!

With the dog's bark and growl it started furiously charging at the woman who backs away only to fall on her butt and watch as the dog nears her!


A loud gunshot suddenly rings in her ear as she watches the dog get killed before her eyes as a little bit of the dog's blood get onto her face...

Helping the woman up, the man who saved her dragged her along before both started running away as the dogs gave chase!

As they run through the woods they see overhead as the helicopter they arrive on fly away, leaving them behind...


Suddenly just as the man who saved the woman is about to get mauled by one of the dogs, another gunshot rings out saving him, just barely!

Turning back around to run, the man sees two more men that were a part of their group begin shooting at some of the dogs killing them before running with them away from the dogs chasing!

Seeing the remaining members of their group, they all began running through the forest as the dogs who were now greater in number than before chased after them!

Just as there was no hope in sight, they saw a mansion up ahead!


[A/N: Should I change the releases and give larger chapters but fewer chapters?]