Tell me, what would happen if a regular man reincarnated and spent his young life in the Marvel Universe to only find that upon reaching 20 Years Old, he would get his Gold Finger?
As I had the X-Men in front of me surrounded by angels I began to think of just HOW Professor Baldy could have found this place when it is surrounded by many MANY runes that should be able to protect me even from the Ancient One, Heimdal, Odin, or any other kind of Divine Being, then I noticed a particular person in the group that I forgot to take into account...
Jean Gray, the host of a very dangerous Cosmic Entity...
So they must have worked together to get past my annoying...
"Why did you all even come here? What's so special about my student, Kara, that your whole team decided to trespass here just to get here?" I asked Charles.
"We were worried that a mutant named Magneto and his Brotherhood kidnapped Young Kara here," Charles replied with a frown as he looked upon the three dozen angels that surrounded us.
"And why is that?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Because she suddenly teleported across the world and showed much better vital signs than minutes before, we thought that the Brotherhood might have kidnapped her and taken her to an outpost here in America and we were worried what they would use her power for...and more importantly, why..." Charles explained.
"And these Brotherhood people are?" I asked as if I had no clue who the people he was speaking of were.
"The Brotherhood of Mutants is a violent and egotistical group of Mutants who want to prove themselves superior to humanity, they have killed many many people and think only Violence is the answer…Magneto, the leader of the Brotherhood, has the power of Magnetokinesis" Charles explained, making the Brotherhood look as bad as possible.
"And what exactly do you think?" I asked knowing full well that Eric, or Magneto, was a realist while Charles was an idealist who seemed to favor humanity more than his own people…
So, between the two powerful Mutants, I agree with Eric more but I can't agree with everything either of the mutants says since they both have Major flaws in their thinking.
"I think that Mutants like ourselves can only be accepted back by Humanity through Peace and our actions, not Violence and bloodshed!" Charles informed me.
*Sigh*, So predictable.
I can understand what his thoughts are, but it's too Idealistic, not everyone will accept Mutants and many around the world hate Mutants with a passion and will do everything in their power to eradicate or smear the reputation of Mutants.
For example, one of the biggest haters of Mutants in this day and age was William Stryker, who caused quite a bit of suffering to Wolverine and even gave him an adamantium skeleton.
Speaking of Wolverine, he was also in the group of X-Men and if my assumption is correct, Charles has done nothing to help Wolverine in recovering his memories from before he was shot in the head with an adamantium bullet.
"Now then, I will ask you all politely to leave my land since Kara is under my protection and I will not just hand her over to all of you when you could be lying," I told the X-Men and Kara who looked to not want to go with them either.
"But we are telling the truth!" Cyclops shouted in clear frustration.
"Calm down Cyclops, we will leave but...Kara if you ever need help just call..." Professor Baldy informed Kara as he seemed to imprint their school's number into her mind through telepathy which only caused me to frown.
'He seriously needs to learn to stop that before I make him,' I mentally thought to myself as I carefully watched the X-Men.
"But Profess-!"
"Quiet, we are leaving, this is the end of the discussion," The Professor told Cyclops in a commanding tone.
The X-Men soon left and I watched with a smile as Cyclops looked to have just swallowed a lemon.
Once they were gone I walked around and not only repaired the damage done to the runes but also upgraded them even further to the point that they were nearly double in strength.
Once done I relooked over all the runes before heading back to my cabin to only see an orange portal open up and dozens of men and women rush through with energy weapons in their hands.
'You have got to be fucking kidding me...'
Of course, they show up directly after the X-Men left...
'I guess them destroying my rune barrier around my land to get in helped them find my location...' I thought with annoyance as I watched a particular bald woman walkout from the portal.
Now surrounded by Mystic Art users I was a little surprised that the Ancient One instantly sensed my summoned angels still floating in the air around us even though they all were invisible due to a spell.
"If you do not mind, can you reveal your...friends?" The Ancient One asked with a smile.
I just shrugged and deactivated the invisibility that covered the angels.
Seeing so many Angels suddenly appear around them all of the Mystical Art users became alert and ready to fight while The Ancient One and I just stood there calmly.
"Kara, you can go back inside, I will handle it from here," I told Kara who nodded in response after a few moments passed before retreating cautiously back to her cabin.
"Now that she is gone, I think we should talk, don't you?" The Ancient One asked with a smile on her face.