
The First DemiGod

Koa Alvin is a bastard son from the city of Axefall. He was treated very poorly. He wanted to become stronger in a world where the strong thrive. Koa was sent in to his first battle where he died. He met someone allowing him to return but more than what he once was. Follow Koa as he becomes something else within the world of Desolaverunt. This is the Discord sever that I will be using: https://discord.gg/UBwXv3K7Mf Send a message at me if you see a mistake that you think will needed to be fixed. This is my first book so I don't mind criticism but make it where it will allow me to learn from my mistakes. By no means am I a amazing book writer that makes no mistakes, English is my first language and I still suck at it. Each chapter will consist of a thousand words so, don't imagine long chapters. This will allow me to post at least once a week. The post day will be Sunday morning. If more people want chapters I will try to post more on Wednesdays of the week but it will depend on you guys.

Koakiki_2000 · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Chapter 24

The main reason Koa had come to this city has to get stronger, but he could also register as an adventure and make a decent sum of slivers. The main reason for the slivers was to pay for the food tablets.

"Finally made it the damn city." Koa said with a slight smirk.

"At least I made a decent amount of progress boosting my stats, but it was not as nice as I would like to remember." Koa said as he had a flash back to the days he had ate the goblins and Kobolds.

[Name: Koa Alvin]

[ Race: Demigod (Human)]

[Age: 16 years]

[Title: Blood Prince; Shadow Wolf's Presence]

[Sub-Title: Solus's Aspects]


Life Points: 1728 / 1728

Mana Points: 104/104

Stamina: 264/289

Strength: 61

Dexterity: 54

Intelligence: 35

Constitution: 64

Soul Strength: 38 ]


Lone Swordsman <Passive>


Evolution's Call <Passive>

Shadow Follower

Feral Instincts <Passive> ]

[Unique Skills:

Syphon Blood (Blood Essence Stored: 1576).]

[Temporary Skills:

Feral Instincts <Passive> {Allotted time 22 days}..

Shadow Soul. {Allotted time 8 days}

Greed, Greed is Good! <Passive> {Allotted time 35 days}

Strong When Weak {Allotted time 23 days}

Together We Strong <Passive> {Allotted time 11 days}

Weak Spear Antics {Allotted time 12 days}

Strange Tastes <Passive> {Allotted time 5 days}

Weak Adaptation <Passive> {Allotted time 6 days} ]

[Mutation (Evolution):

Aggressive Digestive System <Permanent effective Passive>]

Through those days of traveling to the city Koa gained quite a bit of stats and blood essence. He used so of his Blood Essence to buy a permanent skill which was Feral Instincts. Also, gain a few more temporary skills that are useful and some that are not.

[Temporary Skill- Greed, Greed is Good!: This skill is the instinct of the goblin, anything that is shiny or that looks powerful makes you want it. Be it gold or a smooth stone that gets reflected by the sun. You also have extreme dislike of giving away your shiny stuff. No mana Required. {Allotted time 35 days}. To make permanent 250 Blood Essence.]

[Temporary Skill- Strong When Weak: When you are tired or have less than half stamina you gain a boost in your strength stats, but this does not increase your base stamina stat. 15 mana required lasts until run out of stamina or deactivate skill. {Allotted time 23 days}. To make permanent 450 Blood Essence.]

[Temporary Skill- Together We Strong: Monsters that are weak alone are in danger when alone. That's why they go in groups. When alone you gain no bonuses. When with at least one other being you gain a 1% boost in all stats, this increases by a half percent with each additional person in your group. All beings qualify that can boost stats; be it doppelganger or summon it will boost your stat. NO mana Required. {Allotted time 11 days} To make permanent 750 Blood Essence.]

[Temporary Skill- Weak Spear Antics: This is a skill that will let you learn the basics of using a spear and some minor tricks that may give you an advantage. This skill is gain by practicing with a spear for a few years but is ultimately the lowest very of the skill, but still has its uses. 10 Mana Required when activated to gain the knowledge and experience of the spear user will last until deactivated. Warning when active can interfere with non-spear skills. {Allotted time 12 days} To make permanent 750 Blood Essence.]

[Temporary Skill- Strange Tastes: To be strong you need to eat. To not be tired or exhausted you need to eat. So eat, eat everything that can be consumed. When eating any food or drinking you will restore your stamina; depending on what you eat, and the quality will determine the restoration. Over time when enough food is eaten you will gain one Constitution point. The time required to gain a Constitution point will depend on the amount eaten and the quality of the eaten food. No mana required. {Allotted time 5 days} To make permanent 1000 Blood Essence.]

[Temporary Skill- Weak Adaptation: The weakest version of all Adaptions but does have its significance. When in an environment that is foreign or hazardous you would wont gain an advantage, but you will not at a disadvantage. You will be as if you are a being that has been in this environment since the beginning of your life. This will allow to be on a playing field that is on par with normal creatures. No mana required. {Allotted time 6 days.} To make permanent 950 Blood Essence.]

Koa began to look around in order to find the building so he could at least sign up for quests. He was looking around he found a lot of things that did not have in the city he was born in. Most buildings were made of some strange red stone that was symmetrical to almost all the pieces. To not look like an outsider he only looked at the buildings for a few seconds before continuing to look in the city.

Almost an hour has past since Koa began search for this building, but no luck. So far all he has found is a place to stay, the bakery and illegal fighting arena. Fed up with search for the Adventure building he finally decided to ask a person that looked like they were an adventurer.

"Um excuse me, but by chance do you know where the Adventurer Building is?" Koa asked a girl that had to daggers at each of her sides.

"Yeah is it down the street until the next right then you should see it it's the large building with the Adventurers emblem on it." The girl answered in a annoying tone. She also had the are you retarded look on her face.

"Ah I see thank you. I've been wondering around for it for about an hour but looks like I've been heading in the wrong direction this entire time." Koa said.

After Koa finished his sentence he did not wait and headed straight for the Adverturer's Building.

When Koa left the girl she merely looked at his back.

"Is that all he wanted? I thought he was one of the people that are a fan and just wanted to talk about the same subject." The girl named Elizabeth said to herself.

Thanks for reading!

Koakiki_2000creators' thoughts