
The First DemiGod

Koa Alvin is a bastard son from the city of Axefall. He was treated very poorly. He wanted to become stronger in a world where the strong thrive. Koa was sent in to his first battle where he died. He met someone allowing him to return but more than what he once was. Follow Koa as he becomes something else within the world of Desolaverunt. This is the Discord sever that I will be using: https://discord.gg/UBwXv3K7Mf Send a message at me if you see a mistake that you think will needed to be fixed. This is my first book so I don't mind criticism but make it where it will allow me to learn from my mistakes. By no means am I a amazing book writer that makes no mistakes, English is my first language and I still suck at it. Each chapter will consist of a thousand words so, don't imagine long chapters. This will allow me to post at least once a week. The post day will be Sunday morning. If more people want chapters I will try to post more on Wednesdays of the week but it will depend on you guys.

Koakiki_2000 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 23

The groups marked where they were on their maps for a location the guards can follow. This maybe a chance for them to hit it big find a body of someone that has bounty on him or something.

The groups decided they would report this incident after their mission was over. They walked away from the bloody seen like this was a normal sighting. As for the other two scenes were completely gone, as creatures that were active during the day had completely picked the bodies and even the bones clean from the area.

City of Tavis

In the building of Adventurers, a commotion was going on. Many of the adventurers or hunters were scrambling into the building. This commotion was caused by the yearly draft of the large Guilds. Being in a guild would allow anyone to have a backer, so if you got in trouble with someone powerful your guild would try to give you the benefit of the doubt and back you up. Though if you get into a large guild you are more susceptible to the guild as they need to meet quotas but your protection from the guild is top notch even if you are a lower member. To enter large guild, you have to meet certain requirements; these requirements are a lowest of a C- rank with a minimum of 45 completed quest at a level of D or higher; also pass the combat requirements of the guild by a small spar off. This requirement was made to ensure that the person applying wasn't just promoted because they are first their required amount of quest to promote. It would also allow the guild to save on training new recruits as they would already have some level of battle experience, giving the higher ranks to do more important quests.

A pair of individuals were talking, outside of the building paying attention to hordes of people trying to get into a large guild. These two individuals both wore a symbol of a loins head with a sun in the background.

"So, Venes do you see any of the new recruits with anything that is special?" A masculine voice said.

"No Lefet, they all look even worse than last year's recruits, there are some that are strong, but none that can pique my interest." Venes said with a feminine voice.

"Worse than last year?! Weren't we both in last year's recruitments?" Lefet asked with suspicion.

"Yes we both were, but you did not pique my interest. We only became to know each other because we were assigned to do quests as a group." Venes said without changing any tone in her voice.

"So, we didn't meet because of fate." Lefet said as he felt as if he got hit by an anvil.

"Then why do we always hangout if there is no interest in each other." Lefet asked trying to make himself feel better.

"Well, you are always following me when you see me, and I would feel bad if I just chased you off. So, I just let you follow me around." Venes said with a strange look on her face.

'Why is truth only coming out now I feel like I've been lied to. You what? I'll keep following you until you see me in interest as you do with the strong individuals in the guild.' Lefet said to himself with determination.

Venes was completely unaware what Lefet was think at the time she was just hoping to see if there were any new powerful or strange people that were going to sign up for the large guilds. This recruitment would be going on for a few days, but todays was almost over for the day. Venes and Lefet had given up on see if there were powerful begins going into the Adventurers building and just left.

Entrance of the City of Tavis

After a few days of traveling and hunting Koa final made it to the city that was in the direction he was heading. He killed many Wolfs and a few minor monsters such as goblins and Kobolds. He made a makeshift bag from the hides of animals he killed to store more hides and other important sellable items.

Koa had also done some more unsatisfying things such as eating goblins and Kobolds. The corpses of these monsters were poisonous to most creatures besides magic beasts. This wasn't really a desire to but in order to sate his mutation he had to because he had no food at the time. The mutation known as Aggressive Digestive System causes him to eat more than twice what a normal person would eat, and if this need is not met he will enter a state of hunger and eat just about any kind of meat such as monster flesh. As a result of eating the goblins and Kobolds he got a decent number of stats, temporary skills, and Blood Essence from them.

When Koa was on his way to the city he passed by some towns and met an alchemist that was experimenting with a new tablet that could help adventurers when they were out hunting in the field. This tablet was known as a condensed food tablet that can fill up their stomachs, so they didn't need to hunt for food when they were hunting. Each tablet could be split into three parts making it equal to a total of three meals. The tablets were flavorless, but filling. To other adventurers this tablet would be a luxury item because it didn't help you in combat; it merely filled your stomach so you could be full. It was still experimental at the time, but Koa used half of his silvers in order to buy as much as he could cause he did not want to repeat the incident with the Goblins and Kobolds. Koa had over four hundred tablets since they were experimental, but Koa knowns he will have to buy more.

The main reason Koa had come to this city has to get stronger, but he could also register as an adventure and make a decent sum of slivers. The main reason for the slivers was to pay for the food tablets.

Thanks for reading.

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