
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

ThePpp_Pppp · Película
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185 Chs

Test {39}

A wry smile tugged at the corner of Aaron's lips. "Fair enough," he conceded. "Being locked up wouldn't exactly help anyone sleep at night, would it?"

He understood their apprehension. The memory of Yami's monstrous form wreaking havoc still sent shivers down his spine. Still, the constant surveillance around Rui felt like a cage, a constant reminder of the threat he posed.

"But," George continued, his voice firm, "before you leave, we need to run some tests."

Aaron arched an eyebrow, his gaze flickering between George and Akari. "Tests?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of suspicion.

Shifting POV to Aaron

Suddenly, he found himself surrounded by five Fenix officers. George, ever the strategist, had explained they were all highly trained warriors, their skills honed over countless battles.  Aaron's objective was simple, on the surface at least: defeat them.

He scanned the group, their faces grim but professional. A spark flickered in his eyes – a warrior's challenge, a test of his strength. Yet, a nagging question lingered at the back of his mind.  What exactly were they hoping to learn from this exercise?  Was it a test of his physical prowess, or something more?  Pushing those thoughts aside for now, he squared his shoulders and assumed a fighting stance.

Aaron just took a stance before getting ready to take on five dudes.....

Hold up that sounded hella wrong, he needs to rephrase that in his mind

With newfound resolve, Aaron adjusted his stance, ready to face the five Fenix soldiers. "Let's get this over with," he muttered, the challenge evident in his voice.

The silence stretched for a beat before one of the soldiers, a woman with fiery red hair, stepped forward. "Don't worry, we'll go easy on you... at first," she said with a sly grin.

A ghost of a smile played on Aaron's lips. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. He raised his hands in a fighting pose, eyes locking with the red-haired soldier. It was time to show them what he was truly capable of, both in skill and control.

Wasn't this girl just being cute, the fact that she thought she was the one who needed to go easy on him was adorable.

He would blow her back out so much that it would take his shape.....

Yeah, he was not rephrasing that thought in his mind, it was staying no matter how out of pocket and dirty it sounded.

'Should I end this by just temporally paralyzing them' Aaron thought before that thought.

'No that would raise too much suspicion' Aaron thought, he did not want to get higher on George's radar so he just resorted to only showcasing the level of skill he had showcased before, which was good enough to beat people that used martial as a sport or have been trained at hand to hand combat but not yet to the level of a master.

Basically restricts himself heavily.

With a deep breath, Aaron settled into a fighting stance he remembered from his past training. It wasn't the most advanced form, but it offered a balance of fluidity and efficiency. He wouldn't be mistaken for a master, but he wouldn't seem like a novice either. This was a performance, a carefully curated display of his combat capabilities.

The red-haired soldier, her smile widening at Aaron's seemingly basic stance, lunged forward. Her attack was textbook – a straight punch aimed squarely at his chest. Aaron's movements were measured, almost slow in comparison. He didn't block the punch head-on, instead using a subtle shift of his body and a deft twist of his wrist to deflect it harmlessly away.

This wasn't about brute force; it was about precision and control. He anticipated each attack, his body responding with an almost instinctive grace. He evaded kicks, and parried blows, never once resorting to a full-on strike. His movements flowed with a practiced fluidity, showcasing a level of skill honed through years of training, even if it wasn't the pinnacle of martial arts mastery.

"Guess you're not the strongest Kamen Rider for no reason," the red-haired soldier remarked after the final bell, a hint of grudging respect in her voice as she noticed his movements.

Aaron blinked, momentarily caught off guard by the comment. Strongest? That was a stretch. In his mind, Ikki with his raw power, and Daiji with his holy form easily surpassed him. He might have been on par with Sakura, but strongest? Definitely not.

Then it hit him. Here, he was facing off against enhanced humans, Deadmen. Three of them, each a formidable opponent who could potentially take on the entire Revice crew by themselves. In that context, with their inherent weakness to him readily apparent, his performance did paint a different picture.

He'd essentially exploited a cheat code, making him appear far more powerful than he truly was. A wry smile touched his lips. Beating these Deadmen might make him look strong, but in reality, it wasn't a fair comparison.

Aaron kind of zoned out after everything started happening, he did some tests passed them and now he was allowed to walk outside again.

He really didn't care about what George would do with the info he found about him, that was for the scientist to worry about.

He had a sister to visit and make sure was safe.

But first, he needed to visit the Iguarashi and apologize for what he did, even thought that wasn't really him in control of his body.

He would still apologize for having to hospitalize them like that, he should have held this demon back more, he shouldn't have let it go so far but he couldn't.

As soon as he realized that Rui was in danger he wasn't thinking logically all he felt was just pure rage, anger like no other coursed through his veins like never before.

With that in mind,he walked toward the hospital were they were being kept at.

A/N Aaron is a walking Cryptonite to Akuma so even though he appeared busted in terms of actual raw power he would be like second or third.

Maybe fourth or Fifth if we include Gifu and Sakura's future awakening and also the caveman.

Also next chapter is a special one.