
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Movies
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145 Chs

Aaron character file.

Aight so as I can't do what if Aaron X random woman from Revice due to his curse because it wouldn't work at all.

Like the what if only happen because there was a chance it could actually happen in the story but in the revice world the chances are so low that it's basically impossible so instead of the what if for this world it's going to a mix between character stats sheets and some other stuff so to start it off lets start with the black man himself.


Name: Aaron Marshall [Abi gave him his last name]

Age:17years (Reason why he is not 19 like the thing said is simple,as soon as he was born he was consider one year old, and also as soon as the next year begin another year was added even if that was before his birthday)

Height:6 feet

Weight: currently 180.

Body fat percentage. 10%(depending on how harsh the mission is his body fat can go to 19% or as low as 6%)

Favorite food:Whatever Rui cooks. but he does love chocolate.

Fun fact about him: He can basically make anything he can find edible, not good but just edible, he will eat tree bark if he needs it to survive.

Fighting style:His fighting style is basically a mix of every single fighting style he has encountered over his life mix into one, it allows him to be as creative as he wants, he can either go all on offense or defense or a mix of both.

Language: He speaks a lot of different languages...mostly aliens one.

Iq:depend on how he is feeling as he can go from the dumbest person in the room to the smartest person in there.

Morality:Currently he doesn't have a morality of his own he mostly just use Rui or Abi as judge to guess if what he is doing his right or wrong for example.

If he was going to torture someone for info In a painful way he will think to himself.

(would they think this is the right thing to do)

Hobbies: he recently started reading mangas.

Something the readers know that he doesn't...Mitsume actually liked him back and fun fact about that if he had spoken to her atleast once while he was back in Geats Ace would have had a stepdad.


Job title:%%^%%^


Strenght:Peak human to low superhuman

Durability:as show durability is his stronguest point,it definitely superhuman,he was taking Suel hits like a champ...lets ignore the fact that he was basically half dead after the fight though.

Speed:around 64 mile per hour

Battle iq: As show in the story he is pretty good at this,being able to use anything into his advantage.

Weopon:Name it he can use it.

How to befriend him: Buy him ice cream (yes it's that easy, the amount of people to have genuinely treated him with care can be counted on one hand)

Biggest fear:Razors....i didn't stutter his biggest fear is razors,

Does he feel remorse about the people he has killed...not really it was them or him and he choose to live, but still doesn't stop it from giving him nightmares.

Does Aaron have a love interest.....yes and she has been foreshadowed,

Love language: If y'all paid any attention to all the Aaron x [Insert character] you would see his love language is physical. That the reason

why do most Aaron x [Insert character] have physical interactions and not just emotional ones?

Neon had the shopping and hugging.

Mitsume had the hugging and kissing.

Tsumuri had the....you know what she had

Trauma....he collect them like they were Pokemon...name it and he probably has it or some form of it.

Reason he is doing this job to begin with....will be revealed later on but for now can't reveal it yet as this chapter was written before the reveal chapter was released or fully been organized

Aight that it for now, now vote on who you want to see next, next character chapter probably drop in like 15 or 10 chapter.




Now let get the readers opinion on this one.

How good is Aaron hand to hand combat in your opinion,is he at best above average or more than that,i will really like to know on where yall place his hand to hand skill and see who get the closest to the actual truth.