
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

ThePpp_Pppp · Movies
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186 Chs

The cell {38}

A heavy silence descended upon the rooftop, broken only by the soft sobs escaping Rui's lips as she cradled her unconscious brother in her arms. Her gentle voice, a soothing balm against the storm of emotions that had just raged, whispered reassurances. "I'm right here, Nii-san," she murmured, stroking his head with a tenderness that spoke volumes of their bond.

The arrival of Fenix soldiers, their faces grim but a flicker of relief in their eyes, brought a new tension to the scene.  However, upon witnessing the tender embrace between the siblings, their apprehension eased slightly.  They understood the importance of this moment, the fragile peace that had settled after the storm.

No one, not a single soldier, dared to pry Aaron from Rui's protective hold. The memory of Yami's monstrous form was still fresh, a chilling reminder of the darkness that resided within Aaron. Separating them now, disrupting this fragile connection, was not an option.

One of the soldiers, a woman named Akari, approached cautiously, her voice soft yet firm. "Rui-san," she began, "we need to get your brother to safety. We have medical personnel on standby."

Rui, her gaze never leaving Aaron's face, nodded slowly. "Take us... together," she whispered, her voice hoarse but resolute.

Hikaru, understanding the unspoken plea, nodded back. "Of course," she said gently.  Carefully, two other soldiers joined them, forming a protective circle around the siblings.

As they carefully lifted Aaron, his body limp in their arms, Rui remained by his side, her hand clutching his tightly. Her eyes, though filled with worry and exhaustion, held a flicker of defiance.

  Yami, the embodiment of Aaron's rage, remained a lurking threat within his subconscious.  But Rui wouldn't let him win.  She would be there for her brother, her love a beacon of hope guiding him back from the darkness.

A sterile white glare assaulted Aaron's eyes as he jolted awake. The harsh fluorescent lights and the acrid tang of disinfectant assaulted his senses, a stark contrast to the smoky chaos of the previous night. He sat up abruptly, wincing at the dull ache throbbing in his head, and attempted to push himself out of bed.

He reached the door only to be met with a discouraging sight. The handle was replaced with a smooth, featureless panel – not exactly the welcoming exit sign he was hoping for. This wasn't just a hospital, it was a Fenix prison in disguise.  A sardonic chuckle escaped his lips.  Adorable, indeed.

Meanwhile, in a nearby observation room, George studied the scans of Aaron's body with a furrowed brow. Unlike the standard human biology he was accustomed to, Aaron's genetic makeup was a labyrinthine puzzle. It possessed a complexity that defied easy analysis.  It felt...  advanced.  Almost futuristic, in a way.

George ran another simulation, pushing the virtual force exerted on Aaron's digital body to a staggering 80 tons. To his astonishment, the digital Aaron remained standing, though visibly strained.  He couldn't believe it. 80 tons!  The sheer durability was off the charts. 

Further investigation revealed Achilles' heels, though. Slashing attacks seemed to bypass the incredible resilience. But even then, his healing factor was exceptional. The scans revealed a rapid cellular regeneration process, capable of mending most injuries at an accelerated rate, as long as the damage wasn't fatal.  The speed of this regeneration, however, remained a mystery.

George scribbled notes furiously, his mind racing. This was a scientific anomaly of epic proportions.  Aaron wasn't just another Kamen Rider – his body was a marvel of evolution, a blueprint for future human potential. 

A sharp rap on the door jolted George from his research reverie. It was Akari, her face etched with worry. "George," she said, her voice a low murmur, "Aaron's awake. He's... agitated."

George nodded, a grim understanding settling on his features. This wouldn't be an easy conversation. With a sigh, he gestured for Akari to follow and they headed towards Aaron's holding cell.

The security surrounding the room was intense - multiple layers, each checkpoint filled with stern-faced guards. It was as if they were holding a ticking time bomb, not a recovering patient. After a series of meticulous checks, they finally gained access to the sterile, hospital-like room.

Inside, Aaron sat on the edge of the bed, a picture of forced calm. The fluorescent lights overhead reflected coldly in his eyes as he turned towards them. His voice, when he spoke, was surprisingly level. "Where's Rui?"

Akari stepped forward, her gaze gentle. "She's safe and sound," she assured him.

Aaron offered a curt nod, a faint tremor running through his hands. George noticed it – the subtle tell that betrayed the turmoil underneath the surface. Was Aaron claustrophobic? Did the sterile confines of the cell trigger a hidden fear?

"Then I assume I'm in here because of the incident," Aaron stated, a hint of nonchalance in his voice that didn't quite ring true. His words brushed over the destruction, the near-apocalypse he'd unleashed while possessed by Yami.

George narrowed his eyes. "Assume?" he echoed, his tone laced with a hint of skepticism. "Aaron, you nearly leveled a city. We can't exactly leave you wandering around unsupervised."

A sardonic smirk played on Aaron's lips as he listened to George. "So what," he drawled, his voice dripping with nonchalance, "you gonna lock me up in some fancy cell and throw away the key?"

George shook his head, surprising Aaron. "Heck no," he stated bluntly. "Locking you up would probably be the worst thing we could do right now."

Aaron's eyebrows shot up in surprise.  This wasn't the response he expected. "Hold on," he said, his voice cautious. "We just established I nearly leveled a city thanks to the freaky demon living inside me.  And your brilliant solution is...?"

George cut him off, his expression serious. "We saw how strong your inner demon is, Aaron. Stuffing you in a cell would only create a pressure cooker, increase the chances of it erupting again.  No, we need to do something different."

Aaron leaned back, processing this unexpected turn. "So," he said slowly, "you're not keeping me locked up?"

George met his gaze steadily. "You're free to go...  as long as you can keep yourself cool. But," he added, his voice firming up, "understand this: your sister, Rui, won't be alone. There will be guards around her at all times. We're not taking any chances."

Aaron pursed his lips, a mix of emotions flickering across his face.  Relief, apprehension, and a flicker of anger simmered beneath the surface.  He understood their caution; after all, he'd nearly become a weapon of mass destruction.