
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

Ppp_Pppp · Película
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144 Chs

Saving an old friend.(60)

As Aaron stood in the empty room, he could feel the lingering tension in the air. His body bore the marks of a recent struggle, but his wounds were slowly healing. The room itself seemed eerie, with dim lighting casting eerie shadows across the space.

In the center of the room, the statue stood as an enigmatic sentinel. It was a sight to behold, both intriguing and disturbing. Its surface was smooth and unyielding, and Aaron couldn't help but wonder about its origins and purpose. He mumbled to himself, "So, this is what they turned you into."

A sense of foreboding washed over Aaron as he reached out to touch the statue. His fingertips made contact with the cool, unyielding surface. Beneath his touch, he could sense a faint presence, as if something was trapped within.

Curiosity drove him to scratch off a small piece of the statue's surface, revealing a strange material that defied easy identification. He took out a device from his bag and scanned it. The information that appeared on the screen left him with more questions than answers:

[Name: ????]

[Description: This is ?????, a very rare and hard substance to find. When properly treated, it can transform anything into a mindless statue that follows your orders. The effect can be reversed if you use ???]

Aaron's brows furrowed as he contemplated the implications of this discovery. He sighed and withdrew a small bottle from his bag, its contents shrouded in mystery but if he was being honest it was the antidote that Rui was able to make. He then climbed on top of the statue, he carefully poured the liquid onto its surface, uncertain of the consequences.

The room was soon filled with an ear-splitting chorus of destruction. The statue shattered into a thousand pieces, and the wails of a trapped goddess echoed, sending shockwaves that shattered nearby glass and brought down several towering buildings. The power of this substance was evident, and its consequences were devastating.

Amid the chaos, the statue crumbled to dust, revealing the unconscious form of a woman. She lay there, seemingly lifeless, but Aaron was too preoccupied with the aftermath to pay her much attention.

Without hesitation, Aaron appeared to use some mysterious power, and another statue materialized in the room, almost indistinguishable from the first. He then turned his focus to the unconscious woman, gently lifting her and hoisting her over his shoulder. The room now held more questions than answers, and Aaron's mission was far from over.

Aaron couldn't help but cast one last contemplative gaze upon the shattered remains of the mysterious statue. As he clutched the unconscious woman in his arms, he whispered to her with a determined yet tender tone, "I told you I would find you."

With a sense of purpose, Aaron activated his teleportation ability once more. In an instant, they were gone, leaving behind the remnants of the enigmatic room.

In their new location, Aaron and the unconscious woman materialized. It was a place of stark contrast to the previous scene, where a young girl stood, her expression a mix of curiosity and confusion. The sudden appearance of Aaron and the unconscious woman had taken her by surprise, and she stared at them with a raised eyebrow, waiting for an explanation.

In the new location, Aaron gently laid the unconscious woman on a comfortable bed. He addressed the young girl named Rui with a sense of urgency and care, saying, "Rui, please take care of her while I am gone."

Rui, who had been observing the situation with a mix of curiosity and concern, nodded her head vigorously, a silent promise to do as Aaron had asked.

As Aaron moved away from the bed and toward the girl, he couldn't help but show a small, reassuring gesture. He gently patted her head, offering a brief, reassuring smile.

In his hand, Aaron held the game master visor, a device that was likely instrumental to his mission. The visor had an intricate design, with a futuristic aesthetic and a holographic display that flickered to life with various symbols and data.

Was this technically stealing, no it wasn't.The game master had somehow lost it again and he made sure to get it back but this time.

He used to free her, Aaron then used it again to appeared in the room where the status was where he decided to just approach it.

As Aaron approached the empty pedestal, a sudden voice startled him, coming from behind. He swiftly turned to find the producer, the mastermind behind the enigmatic situation, standing there, casting a suspicious glance at Aaron.

With a quick reaction, Aaron put on an act, concealing his true intentions. He responded, feigning curiosity and disappointment, "I was wondering why Beroba wanted this thing so much, and that's why I decided to use it to see where it led. I'm disappointed to see that it only led to a statue." He made sure to sound disappointed, as if he had taken a risk for an underwhelming discovery.

Aaron continued, his voice tinged with frustration, "I got beat for this," implying that he had faced challenges and dangers in his pursuit of answers.

"This status is the goddess of creation, it is much more precious than you can ever imagine"The producer said.

"Heh, still look like a pile of rocks"Aaron said nonchalantly before he tossed the game producer the driver saying.

"Please make sure that the game master don't lose it again, I had enough of going to fix his mistake"

"Noted"The producer reply before Aaron said"Hum, also how do I get out of here"

The producer just smile before Aaron suddenly find himself in the Area where the Kamen rider where.

Niram stood there after he sent Aaron back,he doesn't know how Aaron managed to keep his nonchalant attitude ever after all that had happened.

He truly was a mystery...

Aaron meanwhile appeared where all the kamen rider were gathered and their eyes landed on him as soon as his appeared.

He didn't like it at all,those eyes..he doesn't want to see them again..he doesn't want to receive any of their pity.

He had received enough of them...it was fake to begin with so why would he want it.

He had seen those eyes before and every time he saw them, he ended up in more trouble.

"Yall look like y'all seen a ghost," Aaron said nonchalantly as he walked past them.

They had words in their head that they wanted to say but for some reason, the words couldn't come out of their mouth.

Aaron just smile upon noticing this, he passed by Ace before whispering something to him and walking out of the building.

"Where are you going?" Neon managed to muster the question.

Aaron's response was straightforward and blunt, "Oh, I thought it was obvious... I am leaving."

Neon, still bewildered, pressed on, "Why?"

Aaron nonchalantly shrugged and replied, "I thought the battle I just fought gave a good enough reason. They said it themselves – I'm a monster, a freak of nature, something with no feeling or emotion. It's only fair if I stay away from civilized people, after all."

His calm and detached demeanor in the face of such a significant decision left an air of finality in the room.

"You aren't though," Neon said looking at him, he didn't seem like a monster, he may be a tease or a flirt but he was never a monster.

He seemed much more human than the people calling him the anomaly.

"And what if I was faking it all, huh..i am sure you have seen it...I can be pretty savage like" Aaron said walking toward her to which she took a step back and that seemed to prove his point.

"Knew it" he said as he walked off.

"Hope to never see y'all again," he said walking away with one hand in his pocket.

He had achieved his secondary mission now all that was left was, to either stop the DGP altogether or kill the one behind everything.

He will need a lot of power to do that and the only way he could think he might win is if the goddess of creation blesses him but she was just freed from her shackle of giving other people their wishes.

Aaron found it to be a bit much to ask her for this after all she had been through so that only left plan B, which was to trick the man and find a way to kill him then.

No matter how he looks at it this is a gamble and his gambling his life for a world that he has only been in for like a month or two.

He will probably leave it when he is done so why is he risking so much, is it because he wants to make sure that Mitsume lives in a world where she doesn't have to worry about getting used again?

Or because he wants the people of this world to not be a plaything for the people of the future, people do not die for other amusement.

Or was it because of his job, who knows only fate could say what could happen, he still has to go to another one after this so let's make this quick.