
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

ThePpp_Pppp · Movies
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186 Chs

The plan (61)

Aaron reclined on a comfortable couch in his room, the soft fabric enveloping him as he stared intently at the unconscious form of Mitsume. She lay within a large, transparent chamber, designed with intricate technology that allowed for her condition to be closely monitored.The chamber was a marvel of futuristic engineering.

Its transparent walls gave an unobstructed view of Mitsume's form within. Soft, ambient lighting surrounded the chamber, casting a gentle, ethereal glow upon her as she lay in a serene slumber. The room itself was filled with high-tech equipment, displaying various data and readings.

The machine that Aaron watched displayed critical information about Mitsume's recovery. It showcased her progress both physically and mentally. The numbers on the screen indicated that she had reached 30% recovery. Vital signs, brain activity, and other metrics were all meticulously tracked, offering a detailed insight into her condition.

The chamber itself was designed to provide the best possible care for Mitsume. It regulated temperature, humidity, and even supplied nutrients to her in a controlled environment. Soft, soothing music played in the background, aiming to create a calming atmosphere to aid in her recovery.

Aaron's gaze shifted to another display on the advanced machine. It showed the remaining amount of creation power within Mitsume's body, and the number was alarmingly low, at just 5%. The gravity of the situation became crystal clear.

If four more wishes were made, she would exhaust her remaining power, putting her at the brink of peril.

A sense of urgency washed over Aaron as he realized the precariousness of Mitsume's situation. He knew that every decision made from this point on would carry significant weight, as they needed to preserve the precious power that kept her alive.

The room, once tranquil, now bore the weight of impending choices and the need for utmost caution in the days to come.

With a heavy sigh, Aaron reached out to touch the glass barrier that enclosed Mitsume's sleeping form. His fingers gently pressed against the transparent surface as he gazed at her with a mixture of sadness and regret. The room was filled with a somber atmosphere, and the soft, ambient lighting seemed to reflect the gravity of the situation.

"Sorry I couldn't come sooner," Aaron whispered softly to the slumbering woman. His voice carried a sense of sorrow and empathy. He couldn't help but feel a deep pang of sadness at the thought that had he been there 2000 years ago, Mitsume might not have had to endure such suffering.

As he continued to watch over her, he was determined to do everything in his power to ensure her safety and eventual restoration.

He wanted her to recover and not be lost forever as that would suck badly.


A younger Aaron was shown frantically rushing through a dimly lit, mysterious location. His face was filled with concern and determination as he moved with all his might, carrying something precious in his hands.

"Shit... Shit... Shit... Why is it getting worse?" he muttered under his breath, his voice trembling with anxiety. The urgency of the situation was evident in his actions, and it was clear that he was facing a critical and escalating crisis, his determination and resolve pushing him to his limits.

As Aaron reached a flight of stairs in his frantic rush, a figure suddenly materialized at the top, casting a haunting presence. The woman had mesmerizing yet eerie crimson eyes that seemed to pierce through the darkness of the environment. Her dark hair framed her pale face, and her presence sent shivers down Aaron's spine.

A seductive, almost playful voice called out, "Where do you think you're going, Aaron~kun?" It was a voice that sent chills down his spine, a voice he recognized all too well.

He turned around to confront the unexpected arrival and his dread only deepened as he came face to face with a familiar but unsettling woman – he knew her,this scary woman, She shouldn't have been here, and her presence raised a multitude of questions and fears within Aaron. The room's eerie ambiance heightened the tension as their gaze locked, and a sense of impending danger loomed in the air.

Flashback end

With a heavy sigh, Aaron brought himself back to the present, pulling himself away from the weight of his memories.

Aaron sat in his room, a thoughtful expression on his face as he contemplated the situation. The room's lighting cast a gentle glow, creating a tranquil atmosphere. He was engrossed in his thoughts when Rui, a perceptive little girl, entered the room and observed his pensive demeanor.

"Nii~san, what are you thinking about?" Rui inquired, her voice filled with curiosity and concern.

She was actually speaking to him and no just talking to him via telepathy.

Aaron looked up at her and didn't mince his words, his tone blunt, "About how to make sure she doesn't get used again."

Rui, not entirely aware of the full extent of the situation, questioned, "She is safe now, isn't she?"

Aaron's response was tinged with a touch of annoyance as he explained his concerns, "It would be pointless to save her just for Suel to take her again, so I better deal with it permanently."

Rui didn fully get what he meant by permantly but Aaron mind was made and he was ready to execute his plans.

All he needed now was a bit more power....

He might need to go to "her".

"Just don't lose yourself Nee~san"Rui said looking at Aaron.

"I will try"Aaron said smiling.

Deep in her mind though she knew that it was out of his control..everytime Aaron fight someone so overlmingly stronger than him he always lose it.

She didn't want to see this side of him again...that side of him was...