
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

ThePpp_Pppp · Movies
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186 Chs

Gladiator (59)

The battle between Aaron and the relentless Jamato raged on. Despite the odds stacked against him, Aaron's tenacity and refusal to give up fueled his determination. Blow after blow, he dodged and countered as best he could, though he knew he was rapidly approaching his physical limits.

The futuristic audience watched with a mix of fascination and horror. They wanted to see him fall, but they couldn't help feel enraged that he was not dying.

Despite his battered state, Aaron managed to land a few powerful hits on the Jamato. Some of them staggered back, their vine-like limbs flailing as they tried to regain their footing.

Aaron's heart pounded, and his vision blurred from the pain. The arena around him became a chaotic whirlwind of flashing lights and fast movements. He couldn't help but reflect on the absurdity of this whole situation. Trapped in a deadly game, he was fighting not only for his life and something else.

He drew on the last reserves of his strength, launching a final, desperate assault. He had to fight his way through the Jamato to reach his ultimate goal, even if it meant sacrificing himself in the process.

Suddenly some sort construction buckle fell in the arena and a Jamato picked it up before putting it on...

This was becoming  more unfair by the seconds.

Aaron could only stare in disbelief as the Jamato equipped the construction buckle. It felt like the odds were stacked impossibly against him, and with each passing moment, the situation grew more precarious.

He had fought fiercely against the Jamato so far, but the introduction of this new element threatened to tip the scales even further. The construction buckle could grant its wearer the power to manipulate and create structures, giving them a significant advantage in the battle.

Despite the overwhelming odds, Aaron's determination remained unshaken. He understood that he had to adapt to this new challenge quickly or face certain defeat. The audience watched with bated breath, waiting to see how he would respond to this latest twist in the deadly game.

They wanted to see him shake.....fall..or better yet die.

The Jamato created a massive drill and aimed it at Aaron, attempting to bore through him. Aaron, however, displayed remarkable agility and managed to evade the attack. The drill, now unchecked, plowed deep into the arena floor, creating a substantial cavity in its wake.

An advanced Jamato entered the fray, displaying an array of water-based abilities. It leaped into the air, creating a watery whip that struck down towards Aaron. However, Aaron's combat instincts were razor-sharp. He evaded the attack with a swift sidestep, and the water whip struck the ground. The fluid splashed into the hole created by the earlier drilling Jamato, rapidly filling it up with a viscous, oil-like substance.

The advanced Jamato was an imposing figure with watery features, its body constantly changing and shifting, making it a formidable opponent.

As the oily substance filled the hole, the arena's floor became a slippery mess. This gave Aaron an idea. With his agile reflexes, he maneuvered through the chaos, intentionally sliding across the slick surface, creating a path of chaos for the advanced Jamato to follow. The watery foe, unaware of Aaron's strategy, attempted to chase him, but it lost control on the slippery ground.

With a surprising twist, Aaron seized the opportunity, launching a swift and precise attack. He lunged at the distracted Jamato, landing a crushing blow that knocked it off balance. The Jamato momentarily dissolved into a watery mist before regaining its form. Aaron's swift move not only injured his opponent but disrupted its watery composition temporarily.

Aaron's smirk returned, defying the audience's expectations yet again.

He however needed to get out of here before he loses his sanity like he did against Michinaga.

That was a slip up on his part, he doesn't want it to happen again, he doesn't want to let that monster put, he almost killed a man that wanted justice.

He needed to leave and fast.

He could feel his sanity leaving him already. That was all he had left, and he refused to let it go.....

'When did I start caring about how people viewed me' Aaron though


Aaron open his eyes and he saw himself inside a gladiator arena, his body was still bandaged up like crazy but on the screen he saw something about him facing a Jamato.

His vision seem to be blurred a bit as when he looked up and saw the Jamato he was going to face.

How long was this going to go on, it's been 3 hours for fuck sake.

He coughed up a bit of blood but it seemed like he put his hands in front of his mouth to make sure the blood didn't touch the floor.

Aaron recently figure those people are from the future and he doesn't want any of those motherfucker to mess with his genes and create a clone of him.

Those bastards probably would get a sick pleasure out of torturing his cloned and he didn't want that.

The bandage on his body being from the last time he healed before this started and now they were bloody again.

He will not even allow a droplet of his blood to fall on this stage and as he look up and Sees Beroba looking down at his miserable state with a satisfied smile on her face.

He started to laugh before he transformed, although very weak, he refused to get beat up by a Jamato out of all things.

"Even at my weakest, I will always be stronger than you," Aaron said looking at the Jamato and that seemed to piss him as the second the round started, they started to attack him.

Yep, this was not going to be a fair fight as Aaron noticed that he was getting attacked by more than one Jamato and with a heavy sigh he decided to fight both of them while his body screamed for him to rest.

A bunch of vines came to attack him, but he was successful and pushing them away before suddenly a water monster came out of the floor and tried to fight him to which he just spun his driver around as the transformation that happened when the armor switched place happen and due to that he was able to dodge the attack.

"Jaja, strike" He heard the Jamato voice say as he was bombarded by attacks that he either blocked or dodged.

He wasn't going to keep this out for long and he was right because 5 minutes later he was now on the floor still transformed but heavily damaged.

"My ribs, this is painful," Aaron said as he weakly stood up before looking at the 10 or so Jamato in the ring.

It was clear that Beroba did not want him to win as every time that he was winning she would add a rule that restricted him and added another Jamato.

"Hahahahha, this is fun, "Aaron said as he laughed his lungs out, he was in an incredible amount of pain but out of pure spite.

He refused to show any emotion that showed despair as he did not want Beroba to win against him at all.

He would annoy that woman until he died, he wiped the blood out of his mouth as he looked the Jamato in the ring before he did something nobody expected.

As a random boost buckle was thrown toward one of the Jamato he jumped in the air and caught it before he did something nobody expected.

He did use the buckle for something else, he swiftly moved the metal part of the buckle on the floor creating a small light and to everybody's shock.

He looked up and said "Did you know that oil flammable"

"He wouldn't" Beroga muttered to herself as he noticed what he was doing but before she could do anything a huge flame appeared in the arena where she could hear the screams of the Jamato.

They were burning and screaming in agony and after 3 minutes of waiting when she was 100% sure that Aaron had died had she used the fire alarm to make water pour down on the flame and calm it down.

Beroba watched in disbelief as Aaron emerged from the oil-soaked pit, gasping for air but far from defeated. Her sinister grin slowly faded into a scowl. The audience's cheers and jeers grew confused, some uncertain of what was unfolding.

Despite the odds stacked against him and the relentless brutality he had endured, Aaron refused to be defeated. He had defied the odds, bounced back from near-death, and continued to challenge the Jamato. His resilience and tenacity had flipped the script of the cruel show.

Beroba's frustration boiled within her, evident in her tightened fists. Aaron's stubborn survival had thwarted her sadistic plan, and she couldn't stand the fact that he still had the audacity to challenge them.

With a scowl on her face, she knew she had to make the game more unfair, more dangerous. Aaron's persistence would be met with even greater challenges. This wouldn't be the end, not by a long shot.

Beroba's anger flared as her meticulously crafted game continued to unravel. If the Jamato couldn't bring Aaron down, she was willing to take matters into her own hands. She saw him as a thorn in her side, something that needed to be dealt with swiftly.

She stepped forward, her eyes locked onto Aaron with an intense, almost predatory focus. In that moment, her desire to see him suffer outweighed the entertainment of the game. She was determined to end him herself, and the arena crackled with anticipation of the impending confrontation.

She jump in the arena with a gun in her hands walking closer to the beat-up body of Aaron.

"Hello there sweety..miss me already"Aaron said smiling with a bloody grin on his face.

Aaron's voice, even in his battered state, carried a defiant edge as he taunted Beroba. His sarcasm and humor remained unbroken, Beroba, however, was not in the mood for his antics. She raised the gun, pointing it directly at him, her expression cold and unyielding.

"Your mouth won't save you now," Beroba hissed. In that moment, it was clear that she was determined to end this once and for all. Her finger tensed on the trigger, and the arena held its collective breath, waiting for the outcome of this final standoff.

Despite the dire circumstances, Aaron's sarcastic humor never seemed to waver. He was well aware of the danger he was in, but he continued to taunt Beroba with a nonchalant demeanor, his gaze locked onto the gun pointed at him.

"You know, they say a broken heart is harder to heal than a bullet wound," he added, his words dripping with sarcasm.

Beroba, seething with anger and determined to end Aaron's life, aimed her gun at him. But in a split second, Aaron acted. With a smirk, he grabbed the Vision Driver from her waist, and before she could react, he activated it.As the gun fired, Aaron vanished. It was another masterful trick, leaving Beroba baffled and furious. Her bullet hit nothing but thin air, and the boy she was so desperate to eliminate had once again eluded her.

The futuristic audience watching the spectacle were not pleased. Many of them were furious that Aaron had escaped their carefully orchestrated execution. Their anger grew as they realized that their hope of seeing the so-called "Anomaly" meet his end had been dashed once again.

The outraged voices in the futuristic audience grew louder and more numerous. They had anticipated witnessing the Anomaly's demise, and the fact that he had eluded them yet again had ignited a collective fury. Their complaints and frustrations reverberated throughout the viewing chamber, creating a tumultuous atmosphere.

The rising complaints and frustrations of the futuristic audience finally reached the one orchestrating this brutal spectacle. He was a man donned in a striking red outfit, his face concealed behind a cryptic mask. As the voices of the audience echoed through the chamber, he adjusted his mask, clearly considering their reactions. His intentions and motives remained shrouded in secrecy, but it was evident that he was the mastermind behind this cruel performance.

The man in the red outfit paused, pondering the idea for a moment. "Killing the anomaly... It could be the perfect season finale for this world," he mused, his voice dripping with intrigue. It was apparent that he viewed this brutal game as nothing more than an elaborate entertainment show, one where life and death were just plot twists to keep the audience engaged.

A/N Chapter late because this one is very long....don't get used to it, it won't last long.

Merry Christmas