
That Devil

Yeong Ja a young beautiful girl striving to be loved only to be betrayed by someone she thought would get married to her. Life kept playing a crucial joke on her because almost immediately she lost her dad whom she considers to be her everything until all hope was lost. She became a low life although she was to inherit all of her dad's wealth which was also being snatched from her. When will all of this endless trouble finally come to an end? She was in Coma for 4 years of her life and after that, she met Dal Chan. He was rumored to be the devil. Yeong Ja thought that she would never find love until she met this devil. Even her relatives who she thought were good turned out to be after her life and father's properties. Eun and Haneul! These two were hellbent on making Yeong Ja loose face to the world, but all it took for them to be annihilated was just by a snap of the finger. ----- Guilty4 on Facebook! On Instagram!! Join my private group "DaoistLv Official Readers" You will get information about me and my other books on other platforms!!

Peterson_89 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
67 Chs


Dal Chan turned to face Ja who watched intensely as the window crashed to pieces. His expression had turned exceptionally morbid and grim as his stare cut in deeper.

"Don't get involved.. again." His order was stern and precise as he spoke. His uneven dark orbs we're glistening with a thick red, silhouette of dark flames blazing ferrously in them. Without words, he picked her up the princess style and he hurried out of the office. His movements were rushed. It was as if, if he doesn't get her to safety, they might take Ja away from him again. He wasn't ready to go through such pain of loosing and then endure torture of waiting for her and after thousands of years you still have to wait for her. Even though you could see her pass by, just in front of you and cannot be able to hold her in your hands how painful. But now he's not making that mistake. He had lost Yeong Ja before thousands of years ago to a harsh shipwreck. That storm that came brewing melancholy into him, taking away his beloved and making him cry for hundred years because of her death. And now Din Le wants to kill Ja for reasons best known to her, but this time he would not, and will never let anyone or anything separate them.

Finally, he saw his car like few kilometers from them but before he could reach it, that same man that was thrown out of the window by Yeong Ja's kick stood in their path. His eyes shone so bright with the red light and that stances alone was enough to pass the message that the fight from earlier wasn't over yet.

"Din Le had given a strict order to bring Yeong Ja to her and I am willing to execute that order so not even you... 'Lord' can stop me." Dal Chan immediately clutched Ja tight to himself.

"Release the girl or I will be forced to do myself" he gave Dal Chan an ultimatum but Dal remained adamant. Instead of only that man, several others came by him as if wanting to drag Ja with them by force. Whatever Din Le had done to enthral these bloody demons then it was working. These other men had decided to join the man in his quest and to notice that they looked just like him, in facial expression and looks. They also looked jagged and rough. Their eyes were glowing a bright red in particular and that with so much animosity.

One of them had lunged towards Dal Chan and Ja interjected the attack with her hand throwing them backwards. "Ja.. Ja listen to me, don't get involved please. I will..."

A hard blow landed on his neck and Dal Chan hid Ja so that the blow wouldn't be thrown at her. "Dal.. they are getting you injured" Ja screamed as her anger suddenly blazed but Dal Chan made her look at him as another blow disintegrated within him.

"Don't bother about me... I would be fine soon I.. I will heal up soon, they should hit me but they mustn't hurt you.. I would die if they do..."

Another blow landed harshly on his spine enough to end him but he was still holding.


Yeong Ja screamed. It was unfortunate she had to watch her fiance been beaten up by demons.

"Your honor.. I still ask that you leave her or we take her by force" Their order came out as if it was the last time they were going to give him this chance to give in. But Dal Chan still refused,

immediately one of the men jumped on him with a colesteral poison ready to bath him with it but, as soon as Dal Chan noticed what it was he pushed Yeong Ja off him as a heavy blow landed below his elbow penetrating the poison into his body making Yeong Ja gasp.

"Hey!!!" Yeong Ja screamed at the man who had effortlessly landed the blow and injected the poison on Dal Chan. Before she could do anything else, two men suddenly grabbed her from behind trapping her hands and legs. Her strength kept dwindling when she watched them beat Dal Chan as if that wasn't enough, they even injected him with poison. What would he do now full of the life threatening poison?

"We've got her, let him go" they spoke.

Realizing that Yeong Ja had been held up, Dal Chan's anger blazed uncontrollably and he leaped forward and in an instant, he crushed the heads of both men holding Ja making other men feel that fear from his one hand crushing. They could be next too but just how loyal were they to Din Le that they were still standing to fight with their lives to accomplish the little task assigned to them by Din Le.

With what little sanity left in him, Dal Chan picked Ja up and kept her locked up in the car. Dal Chan had already gotten a premonition about all of this bloody fight and had set up a time to restrict normal humans from passing that place this whole scene took place. And this place was just in front of his Empires block. And just for the time being, he was able to prevent humans from passing but very soon the time would be gone so he had to do something else to clear up this mess.

He was going beserk already and he didn't want Ja to get hurt by him and that was why she was placed into the car. He knew how much damages he would cause once he looses his mind entirely. This whole fighting and bloodshed was intense and he needed to finish this up.

Immediately, he reeled himself in between the rough men also known as the demons and they in return gathered him. Suddenly, something like a whirlpool of wind gathered them and a dark smoke engulfing them lingering and permeating all over the scenery. The melancholy of the supernatural drama going on was beyond comprehension and when Ja noticed, she could feel that it was Dal Chan doing all of it, the wind, the darkness... all of it, it was supernatural.

The next minute, everything settled and when Ja looked none of the men from earlier was seen even Dal Chan seemed to be gone himself. The place was clean with no bloodstains decorating the floor they seemed to have teleported.

And at that moment, after they had teleported some guys walked out of the Chan's empire. Ethan, William and Hyun Woo...

"Oh my gosh, what is Hyun doing here?" Ja asked with her eyes shinning wide in shock. "What has he come to do in Dal's company? And how is this possible?! Isn't he some mechanic, well a really wealthy one at that... but, how and why is he here?" Ja wondered but that wasn't what she should be worried about right now, the question was, "where did Dal Chan take those men to? Is he even safe?"

Immediately she unhooked the car and got out, she had spotted Gu Blake some distance away and had decided to meet up with him, but once again, she met Hyun the third time after their separation 4 years ago.

"Ja.. Look what you are doing to me" Hyun stated as he moves closer to her but Yeong Ja took few steps back and gritted her teeth. "My fiance is drowning in the tide of these monsters and you expect me to listen to you.. get lost" Ja hissed as she started going but the stubborn Hyun kept going after her.

"Listen to me Ja!"

"Listen.. listen fuck Ja listen to me" he screamed, about to grab her hand but Gu Blake came at him all of a sudden and gave him a harsh punch. When he notice Hyun roll over the floor, he faced Ja.

"Mi lady, did he hurt you?"

"No, he's just being a pain that's all. Take me to Dal Chan please!!"