
That Devil

Yeong Ja a young beautiful girl striving to be loved only to be betrayed by someone she thought would get married to her. Life kept playing a crucial joke on her because almost immediately she lost her dad whom she considers to be her everything until all hope was lost. She became a low life although she was to inherit all of her dad's wealth which was also being snatched from her. When will all of this endless trouble finally come to an end? She was in Coma for 4 years of her life and after that, she met Dal Chan. He was rumored to be the devil. Yeong Ja thought that she would never find love until she met this devil. Even her relatives who she thought were good turned out to be after her life and father's properties. Eun and Haneul! These two were hellbent on making Yeong Ja loose face to the world, but all it took for them to be annihilated was just by a snap of the finger. ----- Guilty4 on Facebook! On Instagram!! Join my private group "DaoistLv Official Readers" You will get information about me and my other books on other platforms!!

Peterson_89 · Fantasy
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67 Chs


"William, looks like it's only both of us that wants to falsify this deed" Zaki said as he stood from the black leather chair enhanced beautifully with Faux Aniline leather.

"What else would I be doing, when he's rejecting the contract that finally came to us after the hard work.. dude, this is practically the biggest contract of the year and Mr Chan here wants to blow it off" William said.

Yun Zaki rubbed his temples.

"I have a plan, we can steal the contract off Ethan before he leaves. But before that, let's meet up with Hyun Woo he's my friend and he's waiting for me outside the companies block" Yun said. They both went to the table and signed out their names off the partnership deed and they left.

Dal Chan entered his office and as expected, Ja was sitted on his chair, her legs swaying as she fodoodled with her dark locks. Her hazel eyes suddenly brightened seeing him.

"Dal..." She called and the man walked a few steps closer to the chair and stood, with his hands crossed behind his back.

"You came" was his first statement and Yeong Ja smiled.

"Well, obviously I will. Am just coming from Hill Von. Well that place, it's like the confines of that place is protected by some mysterious powers" Ja said and Dal Chan moved even closer and he subconsciously began to toy on the little rope leaking out from a small enhancement done on her furry coat, his beautiful lashes blinking in slow motion to Ja's notice.

"Can I tell you about myself? Will.. you leave me, if I tell you who I really am? Dal asked and Ja's brows arched in confusion. Dal Chan stared directly into Ja's eyes before finally stating "if... I tell you what I am, will you be scared.. of me?"

Yeong Ja reached for his face as she gently cupped his cheeks, "whatever you are, devil or not, I will continue to love you" Ja said and immediately Dal Chan hugged her as he planted a soft kiss at a corner of her lips.

"Dal, I made lunch for you. I know it's been a stressful day for you these past two days so I had thought to make you a nice lunch, what do you think?" Ja asked with that tingling mesmerizing smile casading her face and after that statement, a smug smile appeared on the surface of Dal Chan's face.

"I see, wife material" Dal Chan said making Yeong Ja's mouth hang open in surprise. She never expected that. Isn't it normal for a lady to make dinner for her fiance? How does it relates to been a wife material?!

"Let's see what my soon to be wife prepared for her soon to be husband" Dal Chan said. It was like he was teasing her and she couldn't even hide her blush. It showed, free and eloquent.

"You know what, you look cute. Permit me to start from now and call you my wife." Dal Chan added again and Yeong Ja blinked this time making Dal Chan's face brighten ever so brightly. "Ok, wife; feed me" Dal Chan ordered.

Finally Ja get to speak after Dal Chan had given her no time to with all of his insane teasing.

"Oh, common Dal Chan..."

"That's my full name you know" Dal Chan said as he raised humorously his brow at Ja.

"I know, and I had to use it" Yeong Ja said as she tried to open up the huge flask.

Suddenly a man putting on a vintage colored top, his hair was unusually ragged and frigid, red and stripy black. His face held an awkward freckles impeached to it. He had interrupted Dal Chan and Yeong Ja and Dal was getting moody at this one fact. "How dare he interrupt us?" Was the question coming out of his lips but Ja tried to pacify him.

"Mr, are you lost?" Ja asked.

"Are you Yeong Ja?" He asked rather. Yeong Ja stared at Dal Chan before turning back to the man,

"well, yes. But..."

"I am here for you, a strict order from Din Le" he said as his eyes turned a bright red.

Shit!.. Dal Chan hissed as he pressed Ja tightly to himself. He must be one of the demons that had escaped hell, and now she seem to think she's got the upper hand, but no.

"Turn around" Dal Chan ordered him, but this man kept drawing closer. The atmosphere in the office had turned heavy and suffocating because of Dal Chan's aura and bloodlust which was directed at the man. Suddenly, Yeong Ja felt Dal's hand loosened it's hold on her and he launched am immediate attack on the man.


Din Le must have empowered him terribly and Dal Chan could feel it. The immerse powers that kept protruding from the man was way too much.

Dal Chan threw a powerful punch but the man was quick to dodge it. He was fast and reflexes was superb. Dal Chan even threw an ankle blow aimed at his stomach but he once again dodged successfully. Dal Chan's veins were bulging and he was on the verge of going beserk. Loosing his sanity and finishing off this man with just one slash! But Ja was around, she might get hurt so he controlled himself. Dal Chan was surprised as to how this man was able to predict all of his attack moves, he knew that his one punch meant death to his opponent, but this man had been successfully dodging all of his attacks.

Immediately Dal Chan landed a head on him and this one wasn't predicted. The impact of the blow threw the man back and he crashed over a Sudan shelf by the corner. When he stood up, he was met with another surprise. Yeong Ja threw a back flip and lifted herself off the floor with a great momentum. The tip of her foot was enough to be a deadly weapon as she landed the kick on his jaw which threw him backwards crashing and shattering Dal Chan's one entirely floor to ceiling window.