
That Devil

Yeong Ja a young beautiful girl striving to be loved only to be betrayed by someone she thought would get married to her. Life kept playing a crucial joke on her because almost immediately she lost her dad whom she considers to be her everything until all hope was lost. She became a low life although she was to inherit all of her dad's wealth which was also being snatched from her. When will all of this endless trouble finally come to an end? She was in Coma for 4 years of her life and after that, she met Dal Chan. He was rumored to be the devil. Yeong Ja thought that she would never find love until she met this devil. Even her relatives who she thought were good turned out to be after her life and father's properties. Eun and Haneul! These two were hellbent on making Yeong Ja loose face to the world, but all it took for them to be annihilated was just by a snap of the finger. ----- Guilty4 on Facebook! On Instagram!! Join my private group "DaoistLv Official Readers" You will get information about me and my other books on other platforms!!

Peterson_89 · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Obscure 1/4

<p>Dal Chan settled behind a large pillar. He was in a desolate area where he had teleported the demons to, so that he wouldn't have to create a scene with the numerous inhuman activities they were showing off while fighting, so his teleportation had landed him here and now he is hiding from the demons. They had injected him with a high effective colesteral poison and the poison was showing off it's full effect. It is slowly cancelling his powers, reducing his speed and fighting with the demons is like playing with fire so Dal Chan didn't want to get involved into more fights. Not that he wasn't powerful now, he just doesn't want to go beyond. If he happens to go beyond then no one would survive, not even humans that was why he decided to mellow down. Now the demons knew that Dal Chan wouldn't use his powers to the fullest and had decided to use that fact against him, and all these while the reason they were able to hit him was because of Yeong Ja. His aim and resolve to protect Ja was skimming higher and higher that he allowed himself to get hurt than see his beloved taken away from him the second time, no way!<br/>When he teleported, the teleportation went beyond the human world and now they were in some cursed ruins somewhere below coral golems the underworld of the evil but defeated knights. And they were behind a giant cathedral, it was on one of it's large pillars that Dal Chan had hidden. He kept wondering, "is Ja alright? How would she be feeling, with me gone for hours now?!<br/>Immediately he longed to see Ja, he wanted to see her face and remembering that her beautiful face alone was enough to install lots of hope and self confidence in him. Every part of his body ached to see Ja to hold Ja and get her in his arms. He has been away for too long and needed to be back in her arms. His resolve skyrocketed.<br/>He stood up immediately from where he sat and to his notice, his body was turning green indicating the effect of the poison. He wouldn't be able to touch Ja after realizing this. The poison was still fresh in him and it might transfer to her if contacted with the physical body so holding Ja was going to be a big risk for him and for Ja, so he had to find a way to get rid of the poison completely. Just as he was about leaving the pillar where he had been hiding the whole time, they spotted him. The demons using the form of those men caught up with him and Dal Chan could feel the evil radiating from them so his face darkened as a contagious bloodlust brew from Dal Chan. But as this bloodlust kept up its pace, Dal Chan seem to have gotten an idea although, he didn't stop showing off that devilish look showcasing over his pretty face. He look less human and more of the devil, 'Lord of the hell and all it's inhabitants.' <br/>His menacing look was prowling and like a whirlwind, his aura blazed and burned enough to cause a catastrophic damage to anyone present.<br/>"Which one of you injected me with the colesteral poison?" Dal Chan asked casting his disdainful look at them. His burning gaze ignited a little tremor in their hearts at the sudden burning ferocity emitting from him, they all flinched.<br/>"Have you forgotten, I created the colesteral poison. I equiped you all with at least, a dozen of it and you all still have to do this to me?"<br/>"My Lord... we are only following a strict order from Din Le..." <br/>"Din Le my foot" Dal Chan thundered causing panic and reproach in their hearts and minds.<br/>"I am the ruler and creator of you demons. I manage hell and gave it the looks you see now. Only that, I got denied of a chance to entry. Sacrifice!! I had done it all to keep you demons from making grave mistakes, but here you are following Din Le. She isn't the giver of life but I am. So why obey her? Din Le's a half witch and half a demon. But you all are fully demons, don't you think you have Dominion over her? Why take her orders?!<br/>"My Lord... you should have handed Yeong Ja as we have instructed" <br/>Dal Chan got upset immediately that they were still involving Yeong Ja into the topic. <br/>"Should I erase you all?! His voice was valid and Stern, with obscure power radiating the whole scenery. Obviously, he had the powers to do so, he was the Lord of hell after all and his statement was indomitable. It actually put fear in their hearts and minds. Even Dal Chan knew that he would never erase a demon from existence unless they deserved it, which they didn't because they were been enthralled. But he had to threaten them so that, the shackles of Din Le's enthrallment might fall off their eyes. <br/>Dal Chan clasped his hands into tight balls and released it again. <br/>Immediately, a life threatening dark void was emitted from him. The dark void was pitch black. If it sucks anyone into it, was capable of ending one's life completely. Infact, seeing the void was enough to drag life out of the person, be it slowly or quickly.<br/>Immediately the demons began to react to it. The void was killing their souls slowly and it was Dal Chan's perception to make it that way so that they would beg. His void was ploric and dispeakable, everything it created was truly powerful and the only person wielding this powers was Dal Chan. It was this same black void that Dal Chan uses to create life and then take it. But now his threat turned heavy making the demons surrender.<br/>"My Lord... we are sorry" <br/>Hearing them plead made Dal Chan smile in satisfaction. Because when he looked, a myriad light sparkled slowly on their eyes and then fell to the floor and disappeared into nothingness.</p>