
That Devil

Yeong Ja a young beautiful girl striving to be loved only to be betrayed by someone she thought would get married to her. Life kept playing a crucial joke on her because almost immediately she lost her dad whom she considers to be her everything until all hope was lost. She became a low life although she was to inherit all of her dad's wealth which was also being snatched from her. When will all of this endless trouble finally come to an end? She was in Coma for 4 years of her life and after that, she met Dal Chan. He was rumored to be the devil. Yeong Ja thought that she would never find love until she met this devil. Even her relatives who she thought were good turned out to be after her life and father's properties. Eun and Haneul! These two were hellbent on making Yeong Ja loose face to the world, but all it took for them to be annihilated was just by a snap of the finger. ----- Guilty4 on Facebook! On Instagram!! Join my private group "DaoistLv Official Readers" You will get information about me and my other books on other platforms!!

Peterson_89 · Fantasía
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67 Chs


Yeong Ja was beginning to feel like she was doomed. She couldn't help but think that this Dal Chan the devil was surely displeased by what she did. After all, who dare snatch something from this mighty creature and expect nothing in return? This was the same man whom even the richest and most powerful people were afraid of to their deepest core, after all! Yeong Ja could only tug her own hair in her mind. Why did she not think about something better than this? Although he have been helping her out and he was her soon to be fiance and husband but she isn't supposed to take it for granted, he's the devil after all right? She should have screamed and switched to her acting mode or anything to get his attention rather than this right?! oh time, please rewind. Let me redo this scene again....T^T

Ja stared eye ball to eye ball at Dal Chan, she began to imagine Dal Chan in his angry mood, well she hadn't seen him grow angry at her but if he happened to how would it be like? I should tell him something at least, so he wouldn't misunderstand, right why are you even wasting time Ja.


She cleared her throat.

"...uhm actually, this book is personal --- I mean, I have written lots of personal stuff and that you don't want to know"

"Great! Ja Great! You're pulling it off" Ja screamed to herself inwardly.

"Oh, ok" Dal Chan said and sat down quietly as he picked up the coffee and began drinking after he had mixed up the components together and Ja just stood there staring at him forgetting that she was on towel. Seemingly sighing heavily in relief.

"Well, Dal if you feel like you want to read something, then I would find ----- uhm, yeah that suits your standard. It would trig your interest." Ja said as she reached for the shelf as the man glared intensely at her. She aimed for a magazine that was at the highest point of the shelf and she used the tip of her toes to gain more height as she seemed not to reach it.

Finally she was able to topple it off and just as she got it out of the shelf holding, her towel loosened and dropped to the floor making Yeong Ja freeze. Even Dal Chan who had been watching her suddenly froze after her towel came off and his eyes still fixed on Ja's body, he didn't even try to look away, neither of them moved and time seem to tick slowly.

Yeong Ja could feel her face reddening like fast and she could feel the heat on her face that she thought that if she turned Dal Chan would see her blush and he would be able to feel the heat, even the tip of her ears reddened and it was like her own body betraying her.

Not that it was really bad like right now because she was on her pink bra and her pink lacy wear and it was normal to any lady to be dressed like that. She have even seen scenerio where a guy and a lady swim in a pool with the lady dressing that way. But for her, nuh uhh. This one was awkward for both of them especially for her because it was in front of the man she was having feelings for. Just, why would this towel fall at the wrong time? The magazine she held was shaking in her hands and she gulped. He would think that she wanted to seduce him, no no. That was not the impression she wanted him to have of her, but this time she had nothing to defend herself with, words were stuck in her throat, infact it was air because she didn't even know what to say.


Couple of minutes later, Yeong Ja and Dal Chan have both found their long lost composure, the towel was already wrapped more tightly on her as she cleared her throat, but before she could say anything Dal Chan's voice echoed;

"Don't be bothered by what happened. Don't worry, I'll take responsibility." He said and an invisible big question mark fell from the sky hitting Yeong Ja's head as she looked at him with questioning eyes.

H-huh? What is he saying? He'll take responsibility for what? For seeing my body? W-what do you even mean by that?! Did I even hear him right?!


"I said, I'll take responsibility."

Yeong Ja: ...?"


Astounded with Dal Chan's unexpected remarks, Yeong Ja's mouth turned agape. She looked intently into his eyes and when she saw no trace of Joke in those coal-black, diamond like eyes of his, she would do nothing but just stare at him in silence.

She never saw this coming. When her towel fell, Yeong Ja actually thought that Dal Chan might have thought that she was someone so desperate that she would resort to doing something like this to seduce him. She wouldn't blame him if he thought that way although she wished he didn't, since anyone in his situation might think like that. After all she stormed at him in that state just because of a certain short book, knowing that they a grown up man and woman were alone in the house. She also knew that her impromptu explanation would only appear as silly explanation or excuse for her to look innocent before him. This was why Yeong Ja was not only embarrassed but also felt a bit degraded. Even if she was indeed in a desperate situation, that wasn't her intention and she definitely didn't want to be seen by him like that.

She sighed a bit as the magazine in her hand stayed still, she didn't even plan to give it to him anymore but suddenly Dal Chan took the magazine off her hand as he covered his face with it, like he was reading it.

"You might still want a bath don't you?" His voice echoed making Ja flinch a bit before turning away as she headed up the stairs as her hidden blush surfaced.