
That Devil

Yeong Ja a young beautiful girl striving to be loved only to be betrayed by someone she thought would get married to her. Life kept playing a crucial joke on her because almost immediately she lost her dad whom she considers to be her everything until all hope was lost. She became a low life although she was to inherit all of her dad's wealth which was also being snatched from her. When will all of this endless trouble finally come to an end? She was in Coma for 4 years of her life and after that, she met Dal Chan. He was rumored to be the devil. Yeong Ja thought that she would never find love until she met this devil. Even her relatives who she thought were good turned out to be after her life and father's properties. Eun and Haneul! These two were hellbent on making Yeong Ja loose face to the world, but all it took for them to be annihilated was just by a snap of the finger. ----- Guilty4 on Facebook! On Instagram!! Join my private group "DaoistLv Official Readers" You will get information about me and my other books on other platforms!!

Peterson_89 · Fantasy
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67 Chs

A New Body [Blood Wish]

As soon as Dal Chan noticed that Ja was gone, he folded the magazine as he pressed his head to it as he groaned harshly into it. The fact that he was able to hide how he was feeling was really exuberant but the feelings still remained untold will he continue to hide his feeling because very soon, they would be both engaged and next married.

Suddenly he stood up as a thought crossed his mind. He abandoned his coffee which remained half as he left the house.

Driving his car as fast as the wind, Dal Chan couldn't stop thinking about Yeong Ja and about her body and then about the last thing she suggested when he was still in the hospital ( "then you have to find a way to solve your fragile skin problem." )

"I think it's high time I protect you from now on Ja" Dal Chan said and suddenly he slammed his feet on the brakes and the car came to a halt at a dead end where the road seemed broken. The route he'd taken was in Scarlet Hill. Scarlet Hill was like a mountain road and slopy downwards drain, and on the top of the mountain ended a road which became an actual dead end.

The construction of the roads in Scarlet Hill were supposed to build a large bridge over the mountain to the other end but since he died and everyone lost the blueprint, no one was able to make up their mind about the construction so Scarlet Hill became forgotten.

Dal Chan stepped out of the car as he silently stared at the other side viewing a mass of thick forest. And slowly, he dug his nails which were suddenly sharp and elongated into his flesh untill it began to bleed. It started with a small blood flow and the next minute there was a gust of the freaking blood pouring out. It seemed he had reached the blood clot of the skin which wasn't able to stop the blood from pouring.

Golden light began to dazzle in the blood as his eyes turned into that dangerous crimson color. Soon the golden light began to shine all around his body as a large quantity of blood puddled on the floor. His blood dragging out even more on the inside. Dal Chan was expecting something and it was taking forever and he was running out of his patience and also that of time.

"What if it didn't work?"

He was already loosing a lot of blood and it would get real bad if what he expected didn't happen. His eye lid was growing heavy and the world of darkness seem to be crawling slowly into his heart and swallowing his whole being.

But suddenly:

[Dark god... Make a wish and it will be Granted.]

[The goddess is satisfied with your blood...]

That smirk that was expected to show from him appeared and immediately he screamed,

"I want a new body!"

He immediately dropped to his knees as the sight of blood came to his view. He was slowly drowning into the world of darkness. "Hurry up and fix me you dimwit." Dal Chan scowled. Suddenly the golden light turned slightly reddish and a force like that of a wind surged within his body. Destroying and reforming it back inch by inch. His bones was getting destroyed and re assembled and Dal Chan fell on the floor in a lying position as he endured the excruciating pain daring to tear him to pieces. Now the magic was concentrated on his outer body he felt the pain of being burnt in a hot blazing fire and he gritted his teeth as the pain felt terribly uncomfortable.

"Am doing this for you Ja" he muttered slightly and his body began to attain a glorious golden color as a large black mark was suddenly tattooed to his back it was the picture of a dragon. It was more of black and seeping of immerse darkness.

The internal torture started again putting him at that zenith degree of what excruciating pain feels like

which lasted for long until suddenly there was a coolness easing the new body and new organ off the pain it felt earlier. Dal Chan kept lying on his back as he waited a while longer until there was no more pain but a sudden calmness.

[Demon Lord ... you have been transformed.]

[Draw out another blood for another Wish]

Dal Chan sighs and he picked his shirt which he didn't even know how it pulled it off and he wore it.

"Ja must be worried I better get going" he thought and he drove back and in no time he was at the tall building as he slowly stepped out of the car.

He entered the house and immediately he saw Yeong Ja walking towards him, with a face of someone who had been worried sick about something.

"Dal, where have you been? you are not fully recovered you know and you should have carried your phone along" Ja scolded and Dal Chan sighed.

"I'm sorry Ja, but am fine, take a look at me, and you don't have to worry about me, because it's my duty to protect you" Dal Chan said as they both walked upstairs together and Ja rolled her eyes.

"Common, we talked about this in the hospital, you shouldn't be doing all this please...just let me protect you"

"You don't have to Ja,"

"..I will do it, let me protect you" Dal said and Ja stomped her feet lightly on the floor.

"But what about your fragile skin?" Ja said in sort of whisper and Dal Chan heaved "I've gotten rid off it."

Immediately Yeong Ja's mouth dropped open in a frenzy as Dal Chan said those words.

What did he just say? Did I hear him correctly?! We're the questions forming in her head.

"How Dal?" That question fell off her lips and Dal Chan pulled open the door to her room,

"you don't want to know, seriously" he said as he sat on the bed and Ja sat alongside him, shock still evident on her face. She watched him pull off his shoes and then his socks and the next thing that welcomed her view was a beautiful golden leg flesh.

"Dal did you get a spray tan done on your body?"Ja suddenly asked forgetting about his fragile skin situation and Dal Chan stared at her and replied,


Ja stared at him really stupefied and quickly she unbuttoned his shirt and his chest came to her view again golden and well polished chest skin even his muscularity added the more.

"Ehhh...are you sure you didn't get a tan?" Ja asked and Dal Chan faced Ja before answering,

"No!... I changed my body.. that's all" Dal Chan said and he crawled to the bed and rested his head on the pillow and immediately dozed off which was one of the symptoms of getting a new body.