The Minister of Foreign Affairs looked at the president of the Minister Council and did not know what to say—he had been told the whole situation and still could not believe it.
"What we have to do now is to make Sergio and the Prince meet. Thankfully, the King does not want to isolate the Prince but wants to keep him in France for the time being," The President of the Minister said seriously.
"I have contacted Sergio… the news travels very fast; he is demanding that the prince be taken out from house arrest for his protection… the amount of Paris Guard to the Consulate of the Colombian empire is not a nice thing." The Marquis said as every second he spoke, the faster the words came out of his mouth.
Normally, a consulate would be in a country's secondary city, and the Embassy would be in the country's capital. Yet the Colombians bought a Castle or Chateau and made it their Embassy, meaning they would need a Branch in Paris, which ended up being the Consulate of Paris.
"I do not know of that, but he is also in house arrest… ahh, this is annoying."
"Then send people to escort him to the Chateau where the Prince is being held hostage! You say that his majesty wants to put the Prince as a hostage; there is no reason for the Ambassador to be put under arrest. Send soldiers to escort them when they reach the Consulate," The Minister of Foreign Affairs said as he used his handkerchief to dry his sweaty forehead, even though it was cold in the room.
"Yes, they are mostly royal guards and City guards… there should be no problem then." The President of the Minister understood what the foreign affairs minister asked him to do, basically sort the Ambassador to the prison of the Prince while they sent troops to both places: the Colombian Consulate and the prison Chateau.
Felipe looked at his soldiers with wonder as he saw their complete spiral into debauchery. The people looking at them were very easygoing in fulfilling every request the Soldiers might have.
That includes alcohol and whores.
He did not partake in anything, but he could hear the moans as each of them would bring them to their room—despite him giving total freedom for his soldiers to do anything and everything, he was not in the mood to watch other people have sex.
Nonetheless, the Chateau was full of food and sweets across the room, and they would taste the most delicious meals they could get their hands on.
"Fucking hell, this is the second coming of aids." Felipe worried about the fact that his soldiers would have STDs. However, it was a bit useless trying to protect South America from STDs because that is where STDs made a return after being almost eradicated from Europe less than 400 years ago.
Columbus and his mercenaries landed in the Caribbean, so they began procreating! Then a few mercenaries brought back their infested dicks to Europe and thus spread it across the continent.
However, Felipe really could not blame them; they were on a whole different continent separated by a couple of months of sailing and at the prime of their lives, where they were set to make dumb decisions, just like going to war with the Ottomans.
He still had some cheat days with food. However, he did his best to burn it off before sleeping. He did not do this to conserve his image; instead, he was as tired as possible before going to sleep so that he could not dream.
His time in France has turned from imminent demise to complete bliss as he slowly began to care less about his problems and compromises.
As he saw the whore slowly leave the Chateau in which he was confined, he saw a mall army of soldiers, actual soldiers and not Royal guards approach.
"Well, it can not be any worse, can it?" Felipe laughed as he stood by the open door, interested in what they would do there.
As the whores were sprinting past the soldiers, another person sprinted past the soldiers in the front line to look for him as he shouted: "Your Majesty! Are you okay!?"
Felipe was in a bathrobe kind of wear without any shirt, making the impression as if he had just a massive orgy with all the whores and was just recovering from all of it.
"Oh, Sergio, you bastard… Where the fuck were you? You missed all the fun." Felipe opened his arms as hugging as he casually stepped out of the palace and hugged him.
A deafening sound was heard as Felipe gut-punched him after a reassembling of arms in the hug.
"This is for spending so much fucking money… now please, we have not seen each other in a long time. Glad to see you are not dead. Bless Mauricio, and God bless his soul." Felipe said as he casually supported Sergio. He was still curling up, trying to gasp for air, but he followed inside the Chateau as Felipe was side-hugging him.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, who was also with Sergio when he arrived, was perplexed by the whole thing and did not say anything.
"Ah, your Majesty…" The Minister said as he swallowed his words. However, they were enough to make Felipe stop and turn his head around.
"Who are you?"
"… Right….... I am the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of France; I would like to talk with you as this matter is extremely important." He said this quickly so as not to take up time.
"Oh… I remember… Marquis of Clermont-Tonnerre, if I am not wrong." Felipe said as he looked at the sky, calling back his memory.
"Sergio here describes you as a light drinker, not fit to be Minister of Foreign Affairs because you would get drunk the first." Felipe laughed in a good manner.
"…Ah!" It was not an insult, as it was true, but a joke.
"Do not worry. I do not like to drink… only when I am too distressed. I recently discovered that Jasmine flower tea is one of the things I enjoy the most during a conversation or negotiation. It's too bad you guys do not have it. Now, come, come, my house is your house. Haha, literally."
"Yes…" He said as he slowly went upstairs into the Chateau.
"Now, please make yourselves at home… sorry for the mess; the cleaning people have not come yet," Felipe said as he sat the still hurting Ambassador on a very comfy chair and signalled to the Minister the open couch.
He then sat on another chair facing the Minister with his Ambassador on his right.
"Your Majesty, on behalf of the French people, I ask for forgiveness for this situation." The Minister was a fan of Felipe's works, as were many French, as it was one of the most popular markets for his stories and newspapers.
"…" Felipe did not know the situation, so he said nothing.
"… Right…... King Charles the 10th has decided to keep you under house arrest; however, the French people would not accept such treatment of yourself."
"What do you mean house arrest? I am here under the protection of the Royal Guards due to threats to my life. Please extend my gratitude to the King for giving me such accommodation; my people with whom I have shared fate have been incredibly well rewarded, as you could see when you were entering the premises of this huge complex." Felipe said with a huge smile all around.
"…" The Minister did not know what to say.
Everyone knew that the Prince of Colombia was no dummy; after all, he had made text pieces since he was two years old! He was a paranormal entity among men! He might have already been canonized as a saint if he had not been so against the Catholic church.
Nevertheless, his anti-church sentiments have kept good sentiments of non-catholic people who would put more emphasis on that; case in point, the British.
Nonetheless, the Minister began to think that the Prince would be in denial; after all, even the most intelligent and wise people could do so when there was no way to escape or move.
"Please, help me tell your King I would love to meet him. After all, there are so many talks on the air now. Also, please extend my gratitude for gifting me such expenses, including Chateau; my men truly needed a rest. Though I am afraid that after tasting a piece of heaven, they might not be happy with their humble lives," Felipe said, honestly worried about his sailors.
His sailors were the students of exchange students; they were sent to work in merchant ships to learn and then come back and bring their expertise in sailing. Now, the ones with him were not the best of the best but the most average; however, the life of a sailor was just rough, nothing else but rough.
"Ummm. Indeed, yes, of course, I will very much relay this message to the King." The Minister quickly looked at their de-escalation ways of Felipe and just sighed; only if their King were half as wise as the crown prince, they would not be in such a quagmire.
The Minister stood up, and so did Felipe. They both shook their hands, knowing that the Minister had overstayed his invitation.
"It was a pleasure."
"As well as mine."
French Whores - South American Empire - WebNovel