
Shigaraki in Marvel

Read about a teenagers descent into madness and destruction as he faces the reality of the marvel world. Not only does he face the reality of marvel but also fights with it hand to hand, read about him versus the rest of the world.

Stingleese · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
62 Chs


It had been almost a whole week since he confronted Fisk, once the man realised all Tomura needed was some money and one man's location he sent him away with all he needed as if he was the plague.

In a way Tomura is a plague.

If he touches you, your family, your house, your neighbourhood…your city.

Your most likely dead.

Tomura yawned as he looked up at the roof of the building while occasionally taking notes. This is all he had been doing the whole time since he got the money off Fisk.

He booked into a hotel with internet, bought himself a cheap laptop and got to researching. His training could wait, he was going to enter a whole new battlefield soon and he needed to prepare.

Samuel Sterns.

He knew nothing about him, he had broken multiple laws, he had experimented on animals when he was a kid and he experimented on Hulks blood.

That's all thats really online.

But it does lead him to believe that Samuel isn't an upstanding citizen, and that he can be bought.

He looked over to the duffel bag filled with cash. A leaving gift from Fisk himself, he didn't want to threaten Samuel like he did Fisk.

He was planning on getting Samuel to not only experiment on him but also enhance him, he cannot have Samuel hating or fearing him.

He got back to researching but his new phone buzzed.

He looked over eagerly, it was from Fisk.

An address, perfect.

He quickly jumped into the shower and prepared himself, this was a battle of the minds.

He needed to present his best front.


He was walking through Harlem and getting stares from most, he was still wearing all black and his cape, this time however the black parts were all far higher quality.

Another leaving gift from Fisk.

He arrived at the address, a sketchy house with boarded up windows and an intercom instead of a doorbell, his eyebrows went up in slight surprise but he approached.

The intercom buzzed "You the destroying guy?" Tomura nodded, that felt like a good description.

"Yes" he said simply into the intercom, the door unlocked and opened. Tomura walked into the sketchy house and met eyes with his future partner.

His skin was a slight sickly green pigment and his cranium was fucking huge.

He was clearly nervous and was fidgeting with his hands. Tomura offered his hand in a handshake.

Samuel thought about it for a moment before hesitatingly shaking his hand. Tomura forced a smile onto his face.

"So Sam, is it okay if I call you Sam?" The man nodded "Whats your dream?" The man opened his mouth to speak. "No, wait sorry, let me explain mine and get it out the way."

Tomuras voice was exaggerated and he added hand gestures along that lined up with his point. "You see, mine is simple. I want to do what ever I want. Let's say one day I want to tear a small village in Cambodia down" Tomura shrugged "Well then I'll get a flight and tear it down"

"It's simple, a world where I'm strong enough to do whatever and not have to worry about anything ever again." Tomura explained.

"Now you?" Tomuras explanation was partly true, he did want to do what he wanted but he exaggerated and tried to add an infectious energy onto the dream.

Samuel met his eyes. "I want the same, I want to experiment when I want, I want the resources to experiment whatever I wish to and I want the world to see my works." He explained quickly.

Tomura felt a grin rise to his face, perfect.

"Well, I've got a treat for you" Tomura explained and tossed the duffel bag over to the man who caught it "We can make that dream a reality"

Samuel looked down into the bag with awe on his face.


"Why haven't we gone after him Professor?" Jean asked the older man, she was honestly missing the kid.

She was worried.

Charles sighed "He's, in New York…all we can really do is keep an eye on the boy. Because if he reacts badly to our presence."

Jean nodded, thousands-no millions could die. She wiped her eyes, they had already told Shield and the Avengers they've probably got an eye out for him.


"So…have you heard of this before Father?" Thor asked his father.

"Hmm, yes…you say the boys the Avatar of this God" Odin asked while he ate.

Thor took a large bite of whatever meat was on his plate, to his unrefined palette it tasted nice. Therefore it went into his mouth.

"Yes Father, well it seems so." Thor said with his mouth half full. He turned to where his brother was usually sat and half expected him to scold him but only sighed when he only found an empty chair.

He hates to admit it, but by the Gods he missing his brothers scolding, just his brother in general.

He Imprisoned his own brother…

"It seems so? What do you mean my son" Odin had picked up on that, of course he did.

"Well I researched it and Avatars don't get divine energy?" He half asked his father, he wasn't a hundred percent sure of his information.

Odin perked up "He had divine energy?"

Thor responded back in kind, if his father was interested that meant he was twice as interested as before. "Yes, not much but enough that I could sense it."

Odin only hummed. "Perhaps he is the son of a God, but I know no God as you described."

Thor nodded but could tell his father was holding something back. "What are you not saying?"

Odin chuckled "Well done my son" he looked up at the roof for a second before meeting Thors eyes. "Well, we might be witnessing the birth of a new divine being"

Thors eyes widened "What? That can happen, Gods can just be born to regular beings?" He thought you could only be born into divinity.

"No, he's a divine being, and he can only achieve that by pushing his body and mind to the limits" Odin said to his son. "Something many, can't or won't do"

Thoughts on the divine thing? Also this book is 128!! on the POWER RANKINGS!! THANK YOU ALL FOR THE STONES THAT GOT ME THERE :)