
Primordial Lycan

1000 years ago the ether caves gave the earth what it need to heal, the ether crystal. The next great industrial revolution began! But as we all know, everything comes at a cost...but this cost out weighed most. The planet healing, and the uses for the different types of ether crystals being discovered payment came do 500 years ago when the haze beast attacked; Taking with them a quarter of the worlds population over night! But the blessed decided it was time to reveal themselves to the world, teaching others the powers of the gods! The saint family being the first to step forward and protect the unburdened from the beasts. The beauty of the world began to come back as the haze beast were pushed back enough and giant walls placed around there dwellings, making it easier to deal with their numbers. Half the population of the human race dead. * * # * * But this isn’t a story about the gods and their blessed! This is a story of myth, the story of the hunted, the story of the damned. This is the story about the things that go bump in the night. This is the story of the families who go back to the time before we drove in cars, before we destroyed the world, the time of dragons and magic, knights and paladins! The stories of those that started at the beginning of time itself. The story of the primordial families, the cursed families. But let’s start with the story of the Blackwaters, the story of Ayden, the story of the Primordial Lycan!

Jonathan_Reece · Fantasía
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35 Chs

Last Rights

- "Follow me recruit! That's an order"

Tah'ler was done with the arrogant attitude coming from Wayne. He clearly had the ability to help deal with the rats and save the life of Ghadir and many other divers here but choose to do nothing to help those weaker than himself. The sad part was this is how many people thought in today's time, and it saddened Tah'ler immensely.

With the rats trapped in place and unable to escape within the range of the Ice Field those that had gotten separated from their units were able to reunite. Those with serious injuries were guarded until the Priest were able to get to them and use their Gods healing abilities on them, bring them back from the brink of death.

Those not so lucky were brought together to give the divers their last rights, this included Ghadir Aleck.

- "Squad Ormr fall in! It is time for you to learn what your last rights as a diver are, and for you to know why you must always keep your badge on you!"

The once talkative man now in the depths of his ability was direct and to the point, the once thin small framed man changed now to that of power and strength. His whole demeanor changed to one of mysticism and mystery.

Though the new recruits didn't move with as much efficiency as the way station divers, they were still able to make a good showing. Once everyone was lined up and standing at attention, though a group was set apart guarding this ceremony so as not to be taken by surprise.

When all was set, Tah'ler being the highest ranked guild member stepped forward.

"We divers,.... are the chosen ones to walk the path of the corruption and death. Our gods give us powers beyond normal human abilities allowing us to fight the corruption that seek to kill us humans.

But few of you know the true history of the haze beast and their most deadly attack,... their attack on our dead. What does one do when a beloved ally rises from death, then seeks to kill you while you celebrate their return?

Those who fight on the plaines of hell and in the ether caves are infused with the curruption of the haze beast and are transformed causing their bodies to change and fight back. But still we fight, because without us our families, friends, and all of humanity would parish at the hands at the haze beast if left unchecked.

So as your last right of being a diver we give you the right to never return to this world as a haze beast. And here at Judgment Day, if we have the time we send you off with the blessings of our Gods! Because though our Gods may be different we are one people, and each God who has given us abilities wishes for the survival of our race!"

As Tah'ler finished his speech with passion his body began to glow a deep crimson, and the veteran diver all around began to glow in their own Gods color representation.

Squad Ormr did the same for the most part as the 2 defense Warriors who used earth Abilities flew a bright vibrant green, Chris a light almost invisible blue, and in opposition Tom a dark unyielding blue.

Ayden who had no god did as he saw his family always do which was to draw one blade and press the flat side to his forehead and kneel, then stabbing the blade into the earth, bowing his head as he did so.

As he did this though he felt a strange energy pass through him, causing his body to glow a deep dark purple. He glowed so bright that it dwarfed the others, drawing all eyes towards him.

Seeing the brightness Ayden gave off many started to follow his lead and kneel placing their blades and weapons into the ground.

Tah'ler seeing the honor being shown by those behind him, his voice sang jubilantly out to those who lay dead in front of them all.

- "Deeds!"


- "Will never be forgotten"


As the last words were spoken all the badges of the deceased began to shoot a beam of light into the sky signifying their souls passing to their Gods temple, all while they released an odd gas that seemed to cling to their bodies. As the light dimmed and went out, the gas ignited burning every inch of the bodies!

When the ceremony was over everyone's badge flashed white accepting an updated list of the deceased that stores information that will be stored until they return to a guild beacon that will accept the information updating the guild personal information, so that guild members who die on the plains are never forgotten.


After the way station personnel were finished and on their way back Tah'ler turned to Squad Ormr, looking at the sun on its downward decent.

- "Or job is not done just yet so we move on, keep your eyes open as we are a man down but that doesn't mean we get to give up and go home."

With that Squad Ormr formed up and set off, with their individual mentors in tow. The Para-titan was their next target even if they were ready for it or not!

As they finally started to reach the Beasts location they noticed that the trees were bare and the land was devoid of any type of living vegetation, which spoke of the power they were seeking to go against.

When Tah'ler finally found the beast off in the distance he raised his fist bringing everyone to a stop, so that they could recover a bit before entering another battle.

With a few hand signals the 6 other mentors gave their last advise to the recruits and set off surrounding the beast so that other beast don't try and interfere.

As Tah'ler spoke a few words with the second in command Ayden went over to the defenders and asked to use his ability on them to help increase their strengths, he was met with the same surprise as before. When he approached Wayne he got nothing but a cold stare s as if help for the weakest member of their squad was pointless to even consider.

- "Ok, your battle begins soon. Select who will be the primary, they will have command of this battle for the most part."

Almost immediately everyone but Wayne voted for Ayden, which caused the face of pure disgust to flash across his face. It was so fast that one might not believe what that had seen like the green flash that came to some during sun rise and set.

< "Why would they want a weakling like you to lead them,... don't expect me to follow your orders 28. I'm still better than you will ever be."

"Then i won't give you an order, and we will only assist you since you're our only dedicated attacker!"

With the short talk Squad Ormr set off. Wayne no longer needing to conserve energy for his ability was off first, fast as a sprinting cheetah directly towards the Para-titan.

He was spotted almost immediately, and the beast form became its strangth!

The Para-titan had a think neck covered in boils, and as think as a house. It's legs while short were also covered in muscles and claws that tipped its toes. It's mouth was full of razed sharp fangs and a long oozing tongue and split at the end. Yet the most dangerous part was what looked like a giant tree on its back that seemd to come alive.

As Wayne now flying shot forward a root shot out quick as a whip to end his life as one does to an annoying fly, but he simply leaned out of the way. Without slowing down he continued forward until he was mere feet away and rolled forward putting as much force into his punch as he could.

With the speed of his flying and the force of his pivot in the air the beast head snapped to the side when his fist connected, a yellow fluid spraying the area around it.

Wayne never stopped his movements as used his blessing to it's almost god like capabilities, his arrogance wasn't just for show as his speed never slowed and the power of his blows only increased with power.

"Defenders take out its front legs or try and knock it off balance"

As the other 5 got within range they couldn't believe what they were seeing. While the beast was beyond large it moved with the speed and fierceness of a bull trying to throw off its rider, making it hard for Wayne to deal any significant damage but it was definitely feeling his attacks.

The two defenders went into action placing barriers in the path of its legs and/or turning the solid earth into a sand like pool letting its feet sink as it jumped around.

"Chris tie it up, Tom focused on the liquid!"

With the efficiency of those that know their abilities like breathing Chris and Tom joined the fray.

Chris pulled out a few heavy looking devices and launched them at the titan, as they got closer large expanses of wire could be seen shooting out tying around its legs making it even harder to avoid Wayne's attacks.

Ayden seeing that the liquid was beginning to grow and expand Ayden had their ice user focus on slowing that down, because it's better to be cautious than to let something cause one of them to loss their life! With that Tom had began forming balls of ice and throwing them towards the yellow fluid. As they landed they exploded in bouts of ice crystals freezing all the liquid it came into contact with and continuing to travel across the plains to get the rest on the ground.

As the titan noticed the 5 warriors interfering in their battle it began to send attacks towards them.

"Left defender, incoming"

As Ayden was watching the battle he noticed the change in its state as i shot a oddly shaped rock towards them, not knowing what it was he made the choice to be safe and block it just to make sure.

After the rock hit the wall and the wall was removed so that their view wasn't blocked Ayden saw that the rock was still moving like so giant... parasite.

"I'll guard you, you all focus the titan!" Yelled before moving forward to deal with the parasitic vegetation, it seemed as if the Para-titan had many more tricks up its sleeve.

{Battle Cry} was used as he started this dance of death! It's effect felt between all of them as their powers increased.

'I guess i finally get to get into this fight' Aydens adrenaline was pumping as he charged forward to protect those he commanded. The words of the guilds motto ringing through his mind 'deeds, not words' is what was needed now, and so they all fought on with out rest.

*****. *****

In the darkness of the void the golden eyes shined, as they watched the Blackwater warrior take his first steps into leadership, and war!

'Good young one, soon you may actually be strong enough to survive the coming war'

Sorry for the day late chapter was dealing with some bad news on my end and forgot to post the chapter, hope you all can forgive me and also enjoy this chapter!!!

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As always thanks for the support!!!

Jonathan_Reececreators' thoughts