
Primordial Lycan

1000 years ago the ether caves gave the earth what it need to heal, the ether crystal. The next great industrial revolution began! But as we all know, everything comes at a cost...but this cost out weighed most. The planet healing, and the uses for the different types of ether crystals being discovered payment came do 500 years ago when the haze beast attacked; Taking with them a quarter of the worlds population over night! But the blessed decided it was time to reveal themselves to the world, teaching others the powers of the gods! The saint family being the first to step forward and protect the unburdened from the beasts. The beauty of the world began to come back as the haze beast were pushed back enough and giant walls placed around there dwellings, making it easier to deal with their numbers. Half the population of the human race dead. * * # * * But this isn’t a story about the gods and their blessed! This is a story of myth, the story of the hunted, the story of the damned. This is the story about the things that go bump in the night. This is the story of the families who go back to the time before we drove in cars, before we destroyed the world, the time of dragons and magic, knights and paladins! The stories of those that started at the beginning of time itself. The story of the primordial families, the cursed families. But let’s start with the story of the Blackwaters, the story of Ayden, the story of the Primordial Lycan!

Jonathan_Reece · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Separated, we get overwhelmed part 2/2

As the squad set out the pace was higher than on the way here. If on the way was a nice jog around the block, this was a full out sprint.

The feeling of death always being just around the corner started to seep into Ormrs bones. No one talked, they only ran.

The noon day sun above their heads beat the heat down upon them, as if today would be the last of its light and it was going out in a literal blaze of glory.

After 10 minutes of running the first haze beast began to appear. Most of which were easily seen, and ran at the sight of humans running through the forest trees at incredible speeds

-"Guard, tree high 1 o'clock, defense ready"

A loud commander of a voice that seemed to cut through the noise of the forest reaching all the way to the rear of the line, giving ample time for Ayden and one of the defense recruits to step out of line but maintain pace.

Right as Tah'ler reached the tree in question, a haze beast called a Bush Panther jumped from the tree targeting the support warriors, who seemed to be the easiest prey for it to get quickly, then get out just as fast. But the defense was ready for it as he jumped forward a slammed down on the ground producing a large wall of earth right in front of it.

Ayden's senses were telling him to jump over the wall as small platforms began to appear on the wall in front of him, so with a boost in his speed he jumped planting his feet just so on the wall to allow him to get up without losing to much speed in the process.

Once far enough up he planted his foot hard into the wall and pushed with all his strength till he was flying up and over into the air, flipping and bringing his foot down in a flying drop kick. An odd flash of light produced as his heel landed directly on the beast head.

Tah'lers call was right, Ayden was special. A Bush Panther was an intermediate tier haze beast that even gave difficulties to seasoned divers because of their speed and gorilla ambush tactics. For Ayden it took him seconds to adopt to a situation and kill the haze beast in a matter of seconds causing it to explode in a cloud of smoke, Ayden never even breaking his stride grab the beast Crystal out of the air as he took his place back in line.

[ACHIEVEMENT: Haze Beast - Bush Panther (intermediate) defeated, 100 exp. gained, 580/1000 exp.]

[ACHIEVEMENT: First kill bonus - Bush Panther (intermediate), 200 exp. gained, 780/1000]

[ACHIEVEMENT: first beast Crystal obtained, (50 + 50 for higher rank crystal )100 exp. gained, exp. adjusted to reward first Crystal being above basic level, 880/1000 exp.]

The flood of information screens popping up in front of Ayden was getting in the way of him running and paying attention to his surroundings, the annoyance visible on his face.

'Can't I make it so these are so big and in the way of my eyesight'

Just as the system minimized the screens blocking the majority of his vision, one last screen popped up.


Without anything to go on but the giant Boulder crashing right next to them, Ayden figured this battle was going to be a lot harder than he originally thought.


As the giant rock landed it kicked up enough dust to cover the entire area. The only thing pulling everyone to keep moving into battle they could jot see was Tah'lers commanding voice.

- "To battle,...DEEDS.... NOT WORDS!"

Before the dust could clear the beast had set upon them.

Ayden drew his sword tossing his sheath to the side as he ran forward through the storm of dust. He had slowed down to keep the support fighters within view, though soon he realized that even if he couldn't see them he could still sense them through the bond that they share!

The {PACK LINK (entry lvl)} let him know more than just where they were, it also let him know he came out the worst from the rocks explosion upon impact with a laceration just under his left eye.

Yet even with so much he could explore with the ability, time was short as the first beast burst through the dust jaws open ready to end a life!

The beast was called a Fanged Rat (Intermediate) because of their resemblance to rats along with its large protruding fangs, is what Ayden's {Eyes of Knowledge(entry lvl)} skill told him.

Ayden's eyes went wide in shock as his life past before him, the feeling of death just over his shoulder... as a gentle breeze blew past his ear. The rats head snapped back as some type of wire slammed into it.

> "Duck, it's still alive!!!"

The wire that has pierced the rats head yanked tight as it pulled towards Chris.

Ayden reacting almost immediately ducked down low, letting the now struggling rat pass right above him. But Ayden wanted to repost the debt of death to the Rat with his own hands, so as the Rat passed above he rammed his sword into its belly.

With Ayden's sword in his belly and Chris's wire pulling it past, the rat burst into smoke in seconds the beast Crystal quickly falling to the floor.

Gasping for air after an adrenaline filled moment Ayden ran up to the two support warriors.

"Let's stick together, I've lost sight of the rest of our squad."

Every one nodded, and prepared themselves for a rough fight, which took only seconds to begin.

Chris had adorned weird looking gauntlets that had a compartment for storing his wire, which he used to create a domed perimeter around the three of them.

As the rats started to attack in mass Chris slowed them with his wire springing from his right hand, and using his left hand wire to attack those that got past his wire-defense dome.

Ayden's blade never stopped moving as he slashed and stabbed. His movements became more fluid as he learned the rats weak points because of {Eyes of knowledge}, causing the haze beast to drop at an accelerated rate. Never forgetting to protect those next to him.

As Chris slowed and weakened the rats, and Ayden finished them off Tom stood close to Chris with their eyes closed without a word or any type of movement other than breathing. But soon something could be felt happening to the air around them all, with each exhale Toms breath cam e out whiter and whiter as the air became colder and colder, their skin paler and paler.

>> "I'm ready to begin, tether us so we don't get separated!"

> "Ayden, regroup on us now!!!"

Although Toms voice was less than a whisper Ayden heard the sweet tone that came from her mouth, and the seriousness coming from Chris's so he ended the rat in front of him and jumped back feeling the wires Chris used tighten around his body.

> "NOW!!!"

Just as the wire harness tightened around Ayden Toms appearance changed as she activated her ability, her entire person freezing in only a second and the armor she wore being unable to handle it came apart at the seems. Though even being covered in Ice she was still able to move and speak, only just as before it never raised above a whisper.

>> "Ice Field Enhanced"

Without warning of any kind Ayden felt the air around them begin to blow as hard as a wind storm, trying to separate them to the opposite sides of the world. the only thing keeping them in place was Chris's wire that he had anchored together and deep into the ground. as the air died down the area around them was completely different from a mere few seconds of activation. The dust storm that had come around as a part of the monsters boulder was no longer there blown away by the power of Toms Ability, as well as the ground was now covered in ice, and as far as they could see out onto the battlefield all the haze beast were trapped as well. Not all was to be celebrated because their allies were trapped as well but many were already using abilities to unstick themselves and those around them, then quickly forming up and finishing off the beast around them.

***** *****

As Tah'ler took the point of the spear Wayne took his right hand side, but even while Wayne was ranked #1 he was not called on to take care of the Bush panther which annoyed him but he kept his place and speed even though and was struggling at this pace only slightly.

then the giant boulder hit causing him Tah'ler and the other attacker to get separated from the others almost immediately. Wayne wasn't doing to well as the beast began to attack but soon activated his ability and began to rise into the air just out of reach of the fanged rats which gave him a view of Tah'ler also getting overwhelmed by the rats and a view of the lower ranked attacker within seconds getting overwhelmed by the fanged rats and died without killing a single beast.

As Tah'ler continued to fight on he fully activated his ability while remaining calm in the situation allowing him to get out of what was so close to overwhelming his strength, but as he released his battle cry it pushed the beasts back allowing him to gain his footing.

when things became manageable and he could catch his breath for a second he noticed Wayne hovering right above him watching him fight, the other recruit no where to be seen which worried him.

- "Did you forget your job recruit, and where is the other attacker I saw him get pushed here with us"

< "He's dead over there, and you seemed to have it under control."

This set a foul taste in Tah'lers mouth as he was sure that Wayne could of helped both of them and choose not to. even now as Tah'ler fought on with everything he had Wayne just floated just out of reach, as if on a break but he couldn't spare a word as he was to busy fighting for his life as more fanged rats emerged from the dust kicked up by the giant boulder.

though he only had to for a bit because just as he was beginning to lose ground to the rats and damage begin to build up he felt a slight breeze colder than he had ever felt brush past him, his instincts telling him to brace himself and not forgetting his duty as commander of Ormr squad and roared a warning with all his power.

- "BRACE!!!"

the dust blew away, the air cooled and the ground froze trapping anything and everything on the ground in place, Wayne didn't move an inch in the air as a translucent field could be seen around him protecting him from the effects of Toms Ability.

< "Who dare attack me!!!"

- "that 'attack' just saved everyone down here fighting's life, so shut your mouth recruit."

straining to break his legs free Tah'ler resorted to using his clawed gauntlets to shatter the ice, while Wayne begin moving his arms in a weird manner. with each wave of his hand beast began to turn to smoke as he started to descend to the ground. What was considered an overwhelming amount to everyone else was just a brushing dirt off ones shoulder movement for Wayne.

This did not sit well with Tah'ler, but he held his tongue as he needed to find the survivors of squad Ormr. He saw Ayden doing his job as support guard and felt proud of him, and saw the Two defense fighters protecting a group of wounded divers from the Way Station, and the dead body of rank 4 diver recruit attacker of Squad Ormr Ghadir Aleck.

i am sorry for the late release ment to have it out on friday, so i gave you a little bit longer chapter and am hopping to get another one out by wednesday.

if you would like to support more chapters

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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Also shout out to user ** _Avatar0FFury_ ** for all the support of this story you should all go check out their novel Beasts: Reborn


Jonathan_Reececreators' thoughts