
Primordial Lycan

1000 years ago the ether caves gave the earth what it need to heal, the ether crystal. The next great industrial revolution began! But as we all know, everything comes at a cost...but this cost out weighed most. The planet healing, and the uses for the different types of ether crystals being discovered payment came do 500 years ago when the haze beast attacked; Taking with them a quarter of the worlds population over night! But the blessed decided it was time to reveal themselves to the world, teaching others the powers of the gods! The saint family being the first to step forward and protect the unburdened from the beasts. The beauty of the world began to come back as the haze beast were pushed back enough and giant walls placed around there dwellings, making it easier to deal with their numbers. Half the population of the human race dead. * * # * * But this isn’t a story about the gods and their blessed! This is a story of myth, the story of the hunted, the story of the damned. This is the story about the things that go bump in the night. This is the story of the families who go back to the time before we drove in cars, before we destroyed the world, the time of dragons and magic, knights and paladins! The stories of those that started at the beginning of time itself. The story of the primordial families, the cursed families. But let’s start with the story of the Blackwaters, the story of Ayden, the story of the Primordial Lycan!

Jonathan_Reece · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

True Power of the God Tyr

With every passing minute both parties were weakened by some degree.

The Titan-para took it the first major injury as one of the defender took an opportunity to shot a spike of earth through its front right legs, just as Wayne had connected with another powerful blow to its head.


When the spike rammed home it let out a blood curdling roar almost human like and so strong everyone took a step back, as if they had done something wrong. But this was only a trick that gave the Titan-para enough time to get its feet back under itself, be-it with one less clawed foot touching the ground.

This damage caused the beast to begin attacking more vigorously, causing Squad Ormr to begin taking damage.

The first person to take damage was Chris, when the beast had been pushed closer to the group and began using its root whips to attack them as well. Ayden had been doing everything he could to block each whip but cutting them before they could do damage, but when another parasite was launched at them he was unable to catch one root before it had connected tossing Chris back.

> "Aaaahhhhhh, fuck!!!"

The surprise of the hit causing Chris's normally deep voice to rise a few octaves.

"All of you go check on him, Tom see what first-aid you can. I'll go help keep this thing busy!"

While Chris hadn't been knocked to far back, Ayden sent all of them to protect him and began to engage the Titan-para along side Wayne. While it was called a titan the bottom of its body was only 2 feet above the ground, but the top of its plant like back was over 16 feet up into the sky!

Sword drawn ready to cut, eyes sharp looking for any opening to exploit, legs pushing as hard as they could to avoid all the roots breaking the sound barrier with each crack of a whip!

With the amount of pressure being put on the beast decreased the overall power of it swelled, as the two people in front of it were easier to deal with than 6 people.

Yet Wayne's power wasn't even close to its limit, and there was more he could do to deal with this beast the refused to die just yet!

With another flip in the air his feet slammed into the beast head allowing him to push off in the opposite direction, paired with his ability launched him high within the air. With his hands free for a second and enough force to keep him air born, Wayne placed his palms together cancelling all his abilities so that he could activate a support ability that went along with his spatial movement and directional force but was of a higher quality because it was a constant fusion of the two.

With his eyes closed he began to allow his two abilities to form physical manifestations, that forced his hands apart revealing a light red blur with sparks of yellow every so often. When he felt like they had reached a high enough fusion he placed it onto his cheats piece which had a circular mount that held it perfectly, and after a few seconds his armor began to glow the same red and yellow.

When his eyes flimsily snapped open he rotated his feet so that they were below him and activated his abilities and landed without even disturbing the soil beneath him.

"Shattered star barrage!"

With excitement Wayne used a vocal cue to Activate a high tier blessing only the most faithful of his family received.

As ten bright lights formed at the tips of his fingers and shot off into the battle. The beauty of the stars he wielded usually caused people to underestimate them, but the beauty was deceiving as each one carried the massively destructive force of a neutron star.

With his ability active and star barrage in play Wayne began attacking in honest, hoping to end the fight before he exhausted his stamina.

While most of the key family that could use the ability liked using the stars directly unlike Wayne who liked using them to siphon a greater force than he could create himself.

This allowed him to constantly replenish them as their lights dimmed, but also let him keep the ability active much longer without having to create more star fragments with his ability; though this took more control which is why only he could accomplish it in, it allowed him to maintain his abilities active the entire time.


Ayden using Wayne's attacks as a distraction began moving in close until he could feel the heat radiating from the titan-para, till he was but an arms reach away from the beast.

The reason he did this was because he noticed after awhile of Wayne doing the brunt of the damage that the haze beast continued to move in a way that guarded a certain part of its form, and that was a flower at the base of the tree in its back. The flowers looked like an evolved version of the parasite seeds it was shooting at the group earlier.

With the other four just getting back into the fight after Chris took a root whip to the shoulder Ayden was able to get close with out impeding his allies. Once Ayden was able to get a clear view of the flower his {eyes of knowledge} ability kicked in proving that he was on the right track.

[Parasite flower- this flower is a haze beast that has a nerve poison that allows for it to take over beast who mistakenly eat a seedling. The longer they are infected the larger the plant on its back is. The plant on its back is derived from the vegetation the fully grown flower chooses to use. If the flower is destroyed so is the host-beast]

With the tiny moment of distraction while he read the discretion unable to see Wayne disengage, Ayden took a root whip to the chest sending him flying away. Yet he kept his cool as his year of practicing his families martial arts kicked in.

With a sharp kick and twisted his body to slow himself and get his feet under him enough to roll out of this predicament, Ayden was able to save himself from what would of been a deadly fall.

After catching his breath after getting the wind knocked out of him and Knowing what needed to be done Ayden yelled as loud as he could, and augmented it with his {Battle Cry} similar to how Tah'ler had used it to spread his voice far and wide.

"Destroy the flower!!!!"


After finishing his activation Wayne took off like a falling star, to re-engage the titan-para. As he come in he saw Ayden get smacked hard by a root whip, sending he flying away from the the beast giving Wayne a bit of a happy feeling as a smile spread across his face.

When he connected with his punch this time the beast could be seen actually skidding across the earth. His over all power was now 100 times stronger than before, but still the beast took it as if it didn't matter or that it could even feel the pain.

'Fuck this thing is tough, I'm almost at my limit'

As the minutes drew on Wayne began to slow from exhaustion, every so often taking a root whip hard but still able to continue fighting. But the beast showed no signs of slowing even as the others began helping again.

Then out of now where Aydens voice came booming into his ears, "Destroy the flower!!!!".

Looking around the beasts back Wayne saw the flower that Ayden had referenced that he hadn't even noticed before sitting at the base of the tree on the titan-para's back.

With all the grace of leaf coming out of typhoon Wayne slowed because he was already near his limit, so instead of diving in he did as his family did and sent the stars flying in.

The beast sensing their power tried to block them as he did before but as each star touched the beast large chunks were instantly vaporized, the stars themselves disappeared after. But one star made it to the plant doing the same thing, and as the flower was ripped to shards the Titan-Para burst into smoke.

Right as the battle was over Wayne dropped to the floor exhausted and at his limit, using his ability for over an hour during the battle along with his {shattered star barrage} pushed him further into exhaustion than he had ever been.

But his team was their for him as they surrounded him protecting him from the beast now running towards them, the familiar site of a small group of flame hounds welcome. As long as it wasn't another titan-para.

If i can get to 50 collections I’ll start releasing an extra chapter each week if it stays at or above 50, and if i get 25 stones I’ll release an extra chapter the following week as well.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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