
President of Brazil at DC

Author: MK0
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What is President of Brazil at DC

Read ‘President of Brazil at DC’ Online for Free, written by the author MK0, This book is a others Fanfic, covering ROMANCE Fanfiction, ADVENTURE Fan Fiction, REINCARNATION Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: Carlos Dias, a former military police officer and mayor of a small town, who was killed for trying to do something right...


Carlos Dias, a former military police officer and mayor of a small town, who was killed for trying to do something right, reincarnates into a younger version of himself in the DC universe. With nothing but a system and long-forgotten knowledge from his youth about this strange universe, Carlos will fight against everything and everyone to make Brazil a better country. *I only hold rights over my character.

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uma boa historia espero que foque mais na area de negocios acho que será interresante ele criar uma grande empreso no brasil ja que aqui e um grande caos para empreender


Je vais supposé que c'est un plagiat de l'autre histoire avec un président (j'espère que seul l'idée de base d'un président mc dans l'univers dc est reprise) MAIS SURTOUT j'espère que l'histoire ne sera pas abandonner...


Mano simplesmente sem palavras,você né ganhou nos três primeiros parágrafo, você realmente mostrou a verdade sobre nosso país e não a corja de mentira que eles espalham para os estrangeiros. Só de saber que existe alguém com esse pensamento já ganha meu livro, estarei acompanhando e doando quantas pedras for necessário.. não abandone amigo


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Good potential with a great start, I hope to see more. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Let's go. I don't know if the author has abandoned this, but I'll give my review anyway. As a good Brazilian, I really liked that the story is set here in Brazil, and the author spoke a lot of truths and described many things perfectly. But I need to say, brother, there are some things in the chapters that are unrealistic and don't make sense, and in the future, this might come back to bite you. First, the system: it's way too OP, and when I say too much, I mean really too much. First of all, letting the protagonist gain a power or knowledge every month is excessive. There will come a time when you won't have any more powers or knowledge to give him because you will have given everything. Imagine in 12 years, when the plot really begins, your MC will have 144 different powers. That's a lot, and the knowledge is even more powerful since he doesn't need to do anything to receive it. On this topic, another thing I didn't like was how easily the MC gets things. It's way too easy. He’s not struggling at all like a good Brazilian would. I’d prefer it to be a normal system where he actually has to train. We have capoeira that he could practice, but I mean really practice, without receiving it from his system. This will definitely make the MC lazy. And back to the system, there are so many things that I doubt you'll use half of them. Store? The MC will still be able to buy all kinds of things. You wrote in a chapter that there will be characters from other worlds. Another senseless thing, author. There are many interesting characters in DC, some of whom are even Brazilian (look them up). So I don't see the point in bringing characters from other worlds. Want beautiful women? Wonder Woman doesn't lose to anyone, author! My final assessment is this: the main villain in your fanfic is your system. Everything else is perfect.


Faltou uma imagem clara do personagem. Para ficar mais facil de imaginar, poderia usar IA.


A história é boa trazendo um ótimo conhecimento sobre o Brasil no mundo. Mas espero que o autor foque mais na vida do protagonista na DC do que com poderes, pois isso na minha opinião pode fazer a história ficar sem graça. Eu preferiria que o protagonista não tivesse poderes ou coisa assim, se o sistema dele fosse só sobre habilidades que ele mesmo pode treinar e habilidades simples como o conhecimento de áreas da ciência como foi apresentado na história. Mas eu sei que o autor não vai mudar a sua história só para me agradar. Eu só queria colocar meu ponto de vista sobre a história já que ela aparentemente tem um apelo mais sobre o slide of life do que com ação ou poderes.


Deixo aqui meu testemunho que essa é uma das melhores histórias que eu já li e olha eu já li muita coisa( mais de 6 mil) o estilo de escrita do autor e perfeito tem coerência, tem tudo o que eu buscava e muito mais. Vale realmente o ditado de que eu vim buscar cobre e encontrei ouro. Meus parabéns autor você é foda!


Cara, bom trabalho com essa história, você me ganhou com a perspectiva de um Brasil melhor, por favor não desista da história ela tem muito potencial.


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