
President of Brazil at DC

Carlos Dias, a former military police officer and mayor of a small town, who was killed for trying to do something right, reincarnates into a younger version of himself in the DC universe. With nothing but a system and long-forgotten knowledge from his youth about this strange universe, Carlos will fight against everything and everyone to make Brazil a better country. *I only hold rights over my character.

MK0 · Others
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15 Chs

"Word count/draft of the story

The story would go like this, but many things have been changed. This text is only intended to serve as a word count, nothing more. You can read it if you want, but I don't think anything from here will make it into the final work.


In a luxurious office, a man sat on an expensive couch with a glass of whiskey, watching the news on television with seriousness. He was a handsome man with well-groomed black hair in a social cut, dark brown eyes, and fair brown skin.

Beside him, a woman was tinkering with a tablet while resting her head on his lap, enjoying the affection from the man.

The atmosphere between them seemed quite prone to evolve into something more, however, neither of them seemed enthusiastic. On television, a news report, at the very least unbelievable, was being broadcast to the world. A commercial flight had encountered problems, and a plane full of passengers had crashed. However, contrary to what many expected, no one died or even got injured.

All thanks to a flying man who saved the plane with his own hands, WITH HIS OWN HANDS. It was amazing and, physically speaking, impossible, but here was the video of the plane being placed in the middle of a baseball field, broadcasted worldwide on all news channels.

"The news is causing a series of reactions worldwide, but it seems that nothing can harm our actions."


Finishing his drink, the man, who had been focused on the television until then, turned to look at the woman who was still focused on the tablet. She was beautiful, with fair skin, red hair, and green eyes that shone like beautiful emeralds. Calling her beautiful was an understatement; she was stunning. However, for those close to her, they knew that behind such beauty was one of the deadliest assassins in the world, or at least in her original world.

"Natasha, inform the others. I want a meeting in 2 hours."

Natasha paused slightly and looked towards her 'boss,' seeing the seriousness in his eyes, she put down the tablet and stood up.

"Understood, but that snake may not want to come."

"You just don't want to have to enter his lab, but that's okay. Get in touch with the assistant and deliver the message: tell him that if he wants to continue receiving funding for his research, he must attend. Last time I let it slide, but this time he'll have to show up."

"Ugh, fine."

She got up and went to the bedroom to change, and as she walked, Carlos never took his eyes off her body, which she noticed and reciprocated with a slight smile at him. Shortly after, she returned, this time wearing a tactical suit that perfectly adorned her sexy body. She approached and gave the man a gentle kiss before leaving.

Watching Natasha leave the room, the man turned his attention back to the television. His name was Carlos Dias de Andrade Correia Neto, one of the richest men in the world and owner of Dias companies (no better name for now), mainly focused on health products but also involved in some other areas, such as developing new technologies and more recently expanding into space exploration.

Perhaps his fortune wasn't as large compared to men like Bruce Wayne or Lex Luthor, but undoubtedly his opinion had great influence in his country and in some other countries.

To many, Carlos was a genius, a man who came from nothing and built a multibillion-dollar empire. But he knew... it was just luck, a lot of luck.

"While other countries nurture their geniuses, we destroy them," this was a phrase that could very well represent Brazil, the country where he was born.

A very famous case that proves this is that of João Gurgel, a man who had only one dream, to create a line of 100% national cars. The Gurgel company created several cars, some of which were even used by the army at the time, and they even created and marketed an electric car in the 90s. Unfortunately, due to the actions of the president at the time, easing taxes and giving more space to international assemblers, the population decided to abandon national vehicles and buy vehicles from more reputable and famous brands, which made Gurgel cars be left aside. João Gurgel still tried to keep the doors open, asking for a loan, but unfortunately, this was denied to him, and he declared bankruptcy and sold the brand for a meager 850 reais.

Growing up in such a socially broken country was an immense challenge; it was like playing Dark Souls for the first time and still being blindfolded. Basic education was precarious, Health inaccessible to many. Rights ignored or not assured. Security... only for some. In a country like this, even your basic dignity is denied. Brazil is a beautiful country, with people who smile to avoid crying.

Of course, part of this is the fault of the population itself, who unfortunately, in their majority, entered a state of social decay, mostly developing the "vira-lata syndrome" due to excessive complacency and being satisfied with living in a country that sinks more and more into debt and stains its image before the world. As long as most of their needs are met and the status quo remains as it is, the population will continue to ignore real problems and worry about which iPhone to buy or who the next eliminated from Big Brother Brasil is.

This doesn't mean that the people are lazy. A mother who wakes up at 4 in the morning, prepares breakfast for her children, and takes 3 different buses to a job that pays no more than a measly 1400 reais. After exhausting 10 hours of work... often humiliated, she returns home tired, but with a smile on her face, she still tries to help her children with their studies, with a hope, often in vain, that they can live a life different from hers, like just another one in the concrete jungle, and that they can at least get some of the dignity that was denied to her or better yet the dignity that was stolen from her.

Calling Brazilians lazy... is worse than spitting in their face... it denies all the effort they make day after day to survive.

Turning off the television, Carlos looked at the empty glass and placed it on the table before going to take a shower. Closing his eyes, Carlos tried to ignore the many ideas that crossed his mind and focused on remembering his last life. (Plot twist)


Carlos was someone who lived a common life in his last life. He grew up in a single-parent family, raised only by his mother, a teacher. Often they didn't see each other during the day due to his mother's exhausting work hours, but luckily he lived close to his grandmother's house and other relatives, so he was never alone.

Carlos was not one for many words; in fact, he had serious difficulties in communicating due to possible autism and mild ADHD that was only diagnosed later in his life.

He grew up in a large family, with relatives scattered throughout the country, and they occasionally gathered at his grandmother's house. The place was located in a safe neighborhood, but over time it became dangerous, with different drug selling points being opened in the region and thieves becoming increasingly audacious.

Carlos grew up and continued his studies with the intention of becoming a judge or prosecutor; however, seeing his neighborhood gradually sink and fearing for the safety of his grandmother, who refused to move, he decided to pursue a career in security as a PM.

He fought for a long period of his life in a vain attempt to improve things in his small town, but over time, he noticed that nothing seemed to really improve. When he saw that only the police wouldn't do much, he decided to get into politics.

Carlos was elected twice as councilman of his small town due to his good reputation, and in his 8 years as councilman, he handled the job well, being as transparent as possible with the population and trying to stay close to more deprived communities.

It was also during this period that he got married and had two children, and he took the law course he had dreamed of when he was younger.

Graduated and with an ideal of bringing more significant changes to his city, in the following elections, Carlos decided he wanted to do more, so he ran for mayor.

He ran a good campaign with a primary focus on public security and combating drug trafficking, which was increasingly proliferating in his city, which unfortunately was part of the famous "caipira route."

Carlos has been threatened with death several times, yet he remained steadfast in his ideals, and a few days before the elections when everyone already considered him the new mayor, his car was riddled with bullets with him and his family inside.

Carlos was hit by several shots that struck him in different areas of the body. Normally, Carlos wouldn't worry about his car being shot at; it had armor capable of protecting against 5.56 and 7.62 calibers, but this time he didn't count on the criminals' determination to see him dead.

They made a point of treating Carlos like the VIP he was and made sure to use a .50 caliber to kill him; saying that his body was shredded was unnecessary. Carlos died on the spot, but contrary to what many thought, he didn't die immediately; he remained alive long enough to see the bodies of his wife beside him, his 7-year-old daughter in the back seat, and his youngest son, 3 years old, strapped in his car seat. Carlos wanted to scream, wanted to cry, wanted to hug their little bodies... but in the end, all he could do was close his eyes and be engulfed by darkness.

When he opened his eyes again, Carlos found himself as a 15-year-old boy in an unfamiliar room. He touched his body for a moment, trying to feel the wounds; the taste of blood in his throat was still there, but his body seemed fine.

While still trying to figure out what had happened to him, a screen appeared in front of him; basically, it was information that he had died, and his soul had been sent to another world. There were a few more things, but Carlos couldn't read them.

After reading the first part, Carlos couldn't help but cry. The memories of his children and wife, he had only one job, to keep them safe, and yet he failed. He didn't remember when he stopped crying, but when he did, his mind was confused, and he found himself purposeless.

After living his new life for a few days, he found that besides some small changes around him, his life was still the same; he was still an only child and lived in a single-parent family.

He also saw that no matter the world, Brazil remained the same, a hell for the poor, a purgatory for the middle class, and paradise for the wealthy.


Opening his eyes, Carlos stepped out from under the shower and got ready to leave. Wearing a black suit, he poured himself another shot of whiskey and went to the window of his penthouse, observing with some pleasure the bustling city sprawling before him.



HOST - Carlos Dias de Andrade Correia Neto

AGE - 35 years

ABILITIES - Chakra refinement, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, calm mind, Observation Haki. (No more ideas for now)

POWERS - Yami Yami no Mi, Mokuton, Pseudo-immortality (To be changed later, too superficial and common)

TITLES - Just an ordinary man, HueHueBR.

SHOP - Allows buying items, abilities, and powers from different worlds that can be used by both the host and others (gold only)

ARENA - Allows challenging personalities from other worlds in exchange for rewards. The winner can demand anything from the loser, such as abilities and powers. (Warning: only opponents with similar power levels can be found. Opponents are randomly selected)

TRADING HALL - Allows meeting with personalities from other worlds for trading goods and knowledge from different worlds

UNIVERSAL HR - Allows hiring beings from other worlds for yours, subject to a binding contract (binding contracts can only be obtained by purchasing in the store or in bonus boxes, good luck)

Carlos glanced briefly at the screen in front of him and, after reading everything, sighed as he finished his drink. Since he received this strange system, he has worked hard to build an economic empire with a single purpose.

He looked at some billboards with smiling politicians' faces promoting their projects to the people, with a mixture of disgust and hatred. If before Carlos wanted to change only his small town, this time he wanted to go much further; screw a state, he wanted to change the entire country.

He stood there watching everything with different thoughts in his mind. Carlos didn't see himself as a genius. As one of his titles dictated, he was just an ordinary man.

If it weren't for this system, he would be dead, sleeping in a wooden suit next to his ex-wife and children. He didn't know the origin of the system, nor did he care; he was alive and had a chance to make his country a better place; that was all that mattered to him.

He worked hard, tirelessly, for 20 years, and almost died several times for going against some more powerful people. And now, with the advent of heroes coming, he finally had a chance to make significant changes in the country more effectively without causing much discontent with the population.

As he thought about the next steps, Natasha returned and stopped beside him; she looked at Carlos for a moment wondering what was going on in his mind.

Natasha Romanoff, or as she was known in her original world, black widow, former KGB agent, spy and one of her world's deadliest assassins. She was one of the first 3 people with whom Carlos made a contract.

In exchange for her loyalty, he gave her what she had always sought, the chance to be a mother. With the technology of Dias Enterprises, she received a new uterus, not a transplant, but literally a new one, made from her own cells and grown in a laboratory. The operation was also performed by one of the company's most important surgeons and scientists.

After that, Natasha became the head of security for the company and served as his personal assistant, and lover in a way. Their romantic relationship was not exactly the pure love between man and woman, but rather the accumulated frustration of both and some other factors.

Of course, something more could have developed between them, and Carlos also wanted that. But honestly, he was afraid that what happened before would happen again. Even with so much wealth and incredible power at his disposal, Carlos still didn't feel confident, or even comfortable, in having a new family.

As for Natasha, she simply didn't want to get pregnant from a casual relationship with her boss. Although she desired to be a mother, it didn't mean she would open her legs to just anyone. The only reason she slept with Carlos, apart from accumulated frustration, was the feeling of gratitude for making her whole again. In a way, both were broken and somehow completed each other.

She had done many things of which she felt shame and remorse. Over the years, there were many times when Natasha believed that the fact of never being able to be a mother was a fitting punishment for her actions.

There was also the issue of Carlos's previous life, something he confided only to her and another person with whom he had a similar relationship, after a night of drinking and a lot of fun among the three of them. Until today, she wondered if that was a plan of that busty woman to sleep with Carlos.

"Carlos, I've already informed everyone, and they will be arriving at the company soon. The helicopter is also ready."

Carlos nodded slightly and then turned to leave, with Natasha accompanying him.

As they left the penthouse, in another location in a large industrial park, a group of people began to gather in a meeting room.

The first was a young woman, wearing a white lab coat and looking a bit annoyed at the moment. She had blond hair styled in two loose ponytails, bright brown eyes, and her beautiful face was charming. On her forehead was a small purple diamond shape, but what stood out the most was undoubtedly her large breasts. She sat in one of the chairs marked with her name and position: Tsunade Senju - Director of the medical sector.

"What the hell does that idiot want now? I've been busy lately and haven't even had time to go to Vegas to gamble."

"Do you want to owe the boss again? Or maybe suffer another kidnapping attempt?"

"Huh? I think I didn't hear you right. Did you say something, Law?"

Tsunade looked to her right, where a young man was sitting who seemed to be sleeping. He wore ordinary clothes and a strange white hat with black spots, his hands were covered with strange tattoos, and on his shoulders, he rested a sword. He looked quite threatening. On the plate in front of him was his name: Trafalgar D. Walter Law - Director of the Dias Correia Hospital.

"No, must be your imagination... grandma."

"What did you say, you brat?"

"Kukukuku, things seem as lively as ever around here."

While Tsunade looked threateningly at Law, and Law tried to ignore Orochimaru's perverted gaze, another person entered the room. He was a man with long black hair, pale skin, and strange golden eyes that very much resembled a snake observing its prey.

"Orochimaru? You too? It seems things are much more serious than they seem."

"Kukuku, indeed, Tsunade. The last time we gathered like this was what? About 2 years ago? Although at that time, it was just a gathering to welcome a new member."

Orochimaru then sat in a chair in front of Tsunade, where his name was written, while looking slightly at Law: Orochimaru - head of Biological research and development.

While Tsunade calmed down a bit, and Law tried to ignore Orochimaru's perverted gaze, another person entered the room. She was an elegant woman wearing a beautiful red dress and a slight smile on her face. She didn't greet the others, but instead sat quietly in her place and began to fiddle with a strange cellphone: Ada Wong - head of the counterintelligence department.

Tsunade glanced slightly at her before furrowing her brow a bit. She didn't like this woman, because, in part, she was responsible for Carlos banning her from gambling. Thinking about her boss made her even more irritated.

"Tsk, what a petty guy, I just lost 100 million. If he really trusted me, he'd let me recover it."

About 7 years ago, Tsunade accompanied Carlos on a trip to Las Vegas to meet some business partners who were not well-regarded in public. Carlos wasn't a saintly white knight; his involvement with someone like Orochimaru already said a lot about that.

Instead, he lived in a gray area, so sometimes doing business with certain people was unavoidable. Of course, he never got involved with traffickers or killers, at most, they were some smugglers who brought minerals and other things from more closed countries or intermediaries who operated in the black market.

Usually, in these cases, it was Ada or Natasha who handled negotiations, but this time he had to go personally, and by chance, Tsunade ended up going along. You don't need to be a genius to know that the world's greatest Naruto and Las Vegas player was not a good combination.

The result? Carlos shelled out over 100 million dollars to pay the blonde's bill at the casino where they were, besides the kidnapping attempt Tsunade suffered after getting drunk and almost killing an idiot who tried to molest her. Anyway, that trip was a complete disaster.

While everyone was waiting, a few more people entered the room. Two women and one man.

The first was a beautiful blonde woman with deep blue eyes and an elegant bearing. She wore completely white clothes and behaved like a queen, attracting everyone's attention. She was Emma Frost, the current CEO and general director of Dias Enterprises, and like Natasha, she was one of the first 3 people hired by Carlos.

The other woman was older, her face already showing wrinkles, and her hair had also started to turn white. She silently sat down next to Orochimaru, where her name was marked: Dr. Catherine Elizabeth Halsey - Research Leader - Sector 0.

And finally, the strangest of all, a man wearing an exoskeleton entered while drinking a milkshake and sat with his feet on the table as if he were at home. He had tanned skin and a hairstyle very similar to a samurai, and he carried a sword strapped to his waist. In front of him was written Samuel Rodrigues - chief security of Sector 0.

After everyone settled down, they fell silent for a moment until suddenly the door opened. From there, Carlos entered accompanied by Natasha and sat in the main chair.

As he looked at everyone, he gave a small smile, after all, most of them were geniuses in their respective fields, and it wasn't easy to hire them. Although the binding contract seemed powerful, in the end, it was just that, a contract. According to the system, if one of the parties broke their word, their soul would be immediately eliminated, no afterlife, no second chances, just the end. However, in this world, nothing was definitive, and Carlos didn't completely trust the word of the system, so he was always careful in selecting his employees.

For some, it was easy, like Emma. When Carlos hired her, it was at her most vulnerable moment; he appeared with the promise of going to a new world far from all her past, a place where she could make her mark. She immediately accepted and was immediately placed as CEO of the newly inaugurated Dias companies.

Today, she is recognized as one of the most influential women in the world, and there is no shortage of suitors; she even founded her own company, Frost Enterprise, which, although somewhat smaller, still ranks among the top 500 most profitable companies in the world.

Other cases like Tsunade's were more complex. Carlos brought her to this world about 18 years ago, as one of the first people to be hired. She was still an inexperienced young woman who had just returned to Konoha after the end of the Second Great Ninja War. Alone and without family, Carlos contacted her at the time and, in exchange for her loyalty, he spent almost all of his newly accumulated fortune to bring Tsunade's brother back to life.

In fact, money was quite easy to come by. Through the Trading Hall, Carlos exchanged a lot of food for jewels and precious metals initially with some survivors from a post-apocalyptic world. Unfortunately, at that time, Carlos was just a poor young man, so this wasn't a very viable means, as it could attract unwanted attention, and over time, the amount obtained by this method became negligible.

"Well, I think everyone's here, so I won't prolong this too much. Natasha, show them."

Natasha tapped lightly on the tablet, and the video of Superman, as he had recently been called, played for everyone present. Their reactions were mixed.

Tsunade, Law, Emma, and Ada looked with some attention and seemed to notice a few things in the video that made them somewhat serious.

Dr. Halsey and Orochimaru looked with interest, as if they had just discovered something interesting to study.

As for Sam... well, he continued sipping his milkshake. Sam, like Carlos, was Brazilian; however, the Brazil he grew up in was much tougher than the current one.

Sam didn't live a dignified life as dictated by the code taught by his father; he was a mercenary who lived by a contradictory moral compass. Carlos hired him after he was killed by Raiden and convinced him to try to change his country. Sam accepted after realizing that this could be his chance for redemption, after all, deep down, he was still a samurai, or something similar, and in the last year, he has done a good job.

After the video ended, Carlos observed everyone for a moment before speaking.

"What you saw was the action of Clark Kent, or Kal-El, one of the last Kryptonians in the universe."

Data was shown to everyone. Everything about Clark's life was exposed. Over the years, as the economic power of Dias Enterprises grew, Carlos went after the future members of the Justice League, trying to find out everything about them.

He wouldn't be foolish enough not to prepare against them, and if he were in the Injustice universe? Carlos preferred to be cautious.

Among the formation of the League, there were only two people Carlos didn't seek to monitor. One was Bruce Wayne; it was madness to try to investigate Batman. And the other was Diana Prince, who, for some reason, still lived in Themyscira. Martian Manhunter was also out of sight, so he was left out.

As for Barry Allen, Arthur Curry, Victor Stone, Hal Jordan, and John Stewart, they were all under heavy surveillance by Carlos. At least until they developed their respective powers.

Teen Titans members like Starfire and Raven have not been found yet, probably not having arrived on Earth yet. Beast Boy was also under observation, in Africa.

Carlos believed that, at most, in 2 years, the League would be formed. Slowly, heroes are emerging, and Superman's action today only confirms that they will soon act more publicly. Another thing that worries Carlos is the growing wave of metahumans that will emerge in the coming years.

If Brazil is already chaotic now, it will be even worse in the future. That's why he needs to act now.

"As I warned years ago, this world is much more dangerous than you can even begin to imagine. Now, for the next phase of the plan, I will take the next step... I will run for president."