
Omnitrix Ascendant

Alan reincarnates into another world with The Omnitrix. Let's see how Alan would lead his second life...... Note: Hey guys I'm writing this fan-fiction as a Fun activity. I'm using AI to write this story. I Admit it. You can give me your suggestions and ideas in the comments. You can also suggest new routes for the story in the comments if I liked the idea I will add it. I usually update on Mondays.

ExplorerVan17 · Cómic
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36 Chs

Chapter 10 : Joining the Adventurers Guild

Chapter 10: Joining the Adventurers Guild

The morning sun cast a warm glow over Tallian as Alan woke up in his room at the Sunny Days Inn. He stretched and dressed quickly, donning his long sword, which hung comfortably at his side. After a hearty breakfast, he stepped out of the inn, ready to embark on his next venture.

Alan's destination was the Adventurers Guild, a place he had heard much about and where he hoped to find work and further opportunities. Unsure of the exact location, he approached a nearby guard who seemed friendly enough.

"Excuse me, can you direct me to the Adventurers Guild?" Alan asked politely.

The guard, a burly man with a kind face, nodded. "Of course. Head north from here, past the market square. You'll know you're close when you start seeing more armed folks and weapon stalls. The guild building itself is hard to miss—it's a large three-story mansion-like structure."

Alan thanked the guard and set off. As he walked through the bustling streets, the atmosphere gradually shifted. The further north he went, the more he noticed an increase in the number of muscular men and women, all clad in various types of armor and armed with an assortment of weapons. Stalls lined the streets, selling swords, shields, and potions, adding to the martial air of this part of the city.

Eventually, Alan reached the northern part of Tallian and saw the guild building. It stood tall and imposing, a three-story structure reminiscent of a noble's mansion, with sturdy stone walls and large windows. A crest depicting crossed swords and a shield adorned the entrance, indicating its purpose.

Taking a deep breath, Alan pushed open the heavy wooden doors and stepped inside. The interior was just as impressive, with high ceilings and walls adorned with various weapons and trophies from past quests. The main hall was bustling with activity. Groups of adventurers, all well-built and heavily armed, crowded around a large board filled with various mission postings.

Alan observed the scene for a moment, noting the camaraderie and purpose that filled the air. He then approached the reception desk, where an imposing old man with sharp features and a no-nonsense demeanor stood. The man looked up as Alan approached.

"Good morning," Alan greeted. "I'm interested in joining the Adventurers Guild. Could you tell me what steps I need to take?"

The old man, who introduced himself as Sebastien, nodded curtly. "You're looking to become an adventurer, eh? It's not a simple task. First, you'll need to pass a fight test. We assign one of our seasoned adventurers to assess your skills in combat. If you succeed, you'll be registered as a novice adventurer and can start taking on missions."

Alan listened intently, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. "And where do I go for this fight test?"

Sebastien pointed to a door at the far end of the hall. "Through that door and into the training yard. You'll find someone there who can assist you. Good luck."

With a nod of thanks, Alan made his way to the training yard. The atmosphere changed as he stepped outside again, this time into a large, open area filled with training dummies, sparring pairs, and various weapons racks. The sound of clashing swords and shouted instructions filled the air.

A woman in her mid-thirties, tall and muscular with a scar running down her cheek, approached him. "You must be the new recruit. I'm Lyra, and I'll be your evaluator today."

Alan introduced himself and followed Lyra to a clear area in the yard. She picked up a wooden practice sword and handed another to Alan. "We'll be using these for the test. Don't hold back; I need to see what you're capable of."

They squared off, and Alan immediately took a defensive stance. Lyra wasted no time, launching a swift attack that Alan barely managed to parry. Her strikes were precise and powerful, and Alan quickly realized he needed to step up his game. Drawing on his enhanced physical abilities and past experience, he countered with a series of quick, calculated moves.

The duel continued, with Alan gradually finding his rhythm. He focused on anticipating Lyra's attacks and exploiting any openings. After several intense minutes, he managed to disarm her with a deft maneuver, sending her wooden sword flying.

Breathing heavily, Lyra stepped back and nodded approvingly. "Not bad. You've got potential. Welcome to the guild."

Relief washed over Alan as he thanked her. Lyra led him back to the main hall, where Sebastien was waiting.

"How did he do?" Sebastien asked.

Lyra grinned. "He passed. He's got good instincts and skills."

Sebastien nodded and turned to Alan. "Congratulations. You're now a novice adventurer. Take this." He handed Alan a small metal badge. "This badge identifies you as a guild member. Keep it with you at all times. You can start taking missions from the board over there. Some are solo, some require a team. Choose wisely."

Alan accepted the badge, feeling a sense of accomplishment. He thanked Sebastien and Lyra once more before heading to the mission board. The variety of tasks was staggering, ranging from simple escort missions to dangerous monster hunts.

Alan looked at the badge with a smile.

'Look at that so pretty....'

'Let's see if there's any mission for me on the board.'

As he scanned the postings, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement for the adventures that lay ahead. This was the beginning of a new chapter in his life, one filled with challenges and opportunities.

'I should mainly focus on the solo missions so that I could use my Omnitrix and get stronger also I should learn how to fight with a long sword.....' Alan decided in his mind.

With his newfound status as an adventurer, Alan was ready to take on whatever came his way.

He chose a few missions that seemed manageable for a novice like him and took note of their details. With a clear plan in mind, he left the guild, eager to prove himself and earn his place among the seasoned adventurers he had seen in the guild hall.

The streets of Tallian seemed even more vibrant as he made his way back through the market area. He noticed the wide variety of goods on offer, from exotic spices and fresh produce to finely crafted weapons and armor. The sounds of haggling merchants and the scents of street food filled the air, making the city feel alive with energy.

Alan eventually found himself back at the Sunny Days Inn, ready to prepare for his first mission. As he settled into his room, he couldn't help but reflect on how much had changed since he arrived in this world. The Omnitrix, the battles, the encounters with goblins, and now, becoming an adventurer—it was a lot to take in.

But Alan knew that this was just the beginning. With determination and a sense of purpose, he looked forward to the challenges and adventures that awaited him in Tallian and beyond.

Hey guys hope you liked the story.