
Omnitrix Ascendant

Alan reincarnates into another world with The Omnitrix. Let's see how Alan would lead his second life...... Note: Hey guys I'm writing this fan-fiction as a Fun activity. I'm using AI to write this story. I Admit it. You can give me your suggestions and ideas in the comments. You can also suggest new routes for the story in the comments if I liked the idea I will add it. I usually update on Mondays.

ExplorerVan17 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 11: The First Mission

Chapter 11: The First Mission

The morning sun rose high over the bustling city of Tallian, casting long shadows across its cobblestone streets. Alan stood in front of the Adventurers Guild building, a grand three-story structure resembling a noble's mansion with its imposing stone façade and large windows. The surrounding area was alive with the sounds of merchants hawking their wares, clinking armor, and the chatter of adventurers preparing for their next mission.

Alan took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and determination. Today was the day he would start his official journey as an adventurer. He had to begin somewhere, and the mission board inside the guild building was the perfect place to start.

Inside, the atmosphere was charged with energy. The main hall was filled with muscular men and women, each one seemingly more formidable than the last. They clustered around a large wooden board covered with parchments. Alan pushed his way through the crowd, scanning the missions until one caught his eye: "Exterminate a Wild Boar – Harrak Village."

The mission details were simple: a wild boar had been terrorizing the farmlands of Harrak, a village just outside the city. The boar had destroyed crops and even injured a few villagers. Alan chose this mission because it was straightforward and outside the town, offering him a chance to ease into his new role without too much immediate scrutiny.

Alan grabbed the mission form and walked over to the receptionist's desk, where a stern-looking old man named Sebastien, with sharp features and a neatly trimmed beard, sat. Alan handed him the form.

Sebastien looked at the form, then at Alan. "First mission, huh?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," Alan replied confidently.

Sebastien nodded and took out a stamp, pressing it onto the mission form. The stamp left a detailed imprint of the guild's crest, a symbol that would verify Alan's acceptance of the mission. "Good luck. And remember, bring back proof of your kill."

"Thank you," Alan said, taking the stamped form and tucking it into his satchel. He then exited the building and headed towards the marketplace to prepare.

The market was a colorful and noisy place, with stalls lining the streets and vendors shouting out their prices. Alan walked through the throngs of people, looking for armor. He visited a few stalls, but none had what he was looking for—something durable yet lightweight.

Finally, he spotted a set of chest plates painted black, hanging outside a shop with a sign that read "Harker's Arms and Armor." Intrigued, Alan entered the shop. Inside, the walls were lined with various weapons and pieces of armor, all meticulously arranged. He approached the counter and rang the small brass bell sitting there.

After a moment, a tall woman with long brown hair emerged from the back. She had an air of authority about her and introduced herself with a firm handshake. "I'm Salini, the receptionist here. How can I help you?"

"I'm looking for some light armor, preferably something like those black chest plates outside," Alan said, gesturing towards the door.

Salini smiled. "Ah, those are quite popular. Unfortunately, the owner isn't here to discuss specifics—he lives in the capital and this is just one of our branches. But I can tell you about the city and its people while you browse."

Alan nodded appreciatively. "That sounds great."

As they talked, Alan learned that Tallian was a hub of activity in the Asula kingdom, a place where adventurers and merchants alike gathered. The city was known for its skilled craftsmen and bustling market. Salini spoke highly of the local blacksmiths and their work, but also of the dangers that lurked outside the city walls.

Despite the interesting conversation, Alan decided against purchasing any armor just yet. He thanked Salini for her time and left the shop, feeling better informed about his new environment.

Next, Alan visited a clothing store nearby. The store was cozy, with shelves stacked high with various fabrics and ready-made garments. Alan selected three pairs of sturdy clothes that would be suitable for his travels and paid the shopkeeper, a friendly middle-aged woman who made polite conversation as she wrapped up his purchases.

"Are you new in town?" she asked, noticing his unfamiliar face.

"Yes, I'm an adventurer," Alan replied, trying to keep his tone casual.

"Well, welcome to Tallian. Be sure to visit our market regularly; you'll always find something useful here," she said with a warm smile.

Alan thanked her and left the store, feeling better prepared for his mission. He had everything he needed for now. It was time to head to Harrak Village and deal with that wild boar.

The sun rose over Tallian City, casting its golden rays across the stone buildings and bustling streets. Alan was ready to leave the city behind and embark on his first official mission as an adventurer. He packed his belongings, strapped his long sword to his back, and made his way to the city gates.

At the gates, he presented his guild badge and mission form to the guards. They inspected his documents, nodded, and allowed him to pass. Alan walked a few distances from the city, away from prying eyes, and then activated his Omnitrix. With a bright flash of green light, he transformed into XLR8, the sleek, blue, velociraptor-like alien known for its incredible speed.

In the blink of an eye, Alan sped towards Harrak Village, the landscape blurring around him as he moved. It wasn't long before he reached the outskirts of the village. He deactivated his Omnitrix and returned to his human form, feeling the familiar weight of his sword on his back as he approached the village.

Harrak was a small, quaint settlement with simple houses made of wood and thatch. The air was filled with the earthy scent of farmland and the distant sounds of livestock. Alan noted the peacefulness of the village, but he could also see the signs of distress—the trampled crops and the anxious faces of the villagers.

Spotting a man standing near the streets, Alan approached him. "Excuse me, can you tell me where I can find the village chief?" he asked politely.

The man, a middle-aged farmer with a weathered face and calloused hands, pointed towards the largest house in the village. "That's the chief's house over there. It's the biggest one in the village, but it's just a bit larger than the others."

"Thank you," Alan replied, nodding his appreciation. He walked towards the house, noticing its slightly grander structure compared to the surrounding homes. It was still modest, but it had an air of authority about it.

Alan knocked on the wooden door, and after a moment, it was opened by an older man with a kind but tired face. "Hello, I'm Alan. I'm here from the Adventurers Guild to help with the wild boar problem."

The chief's eyes lit up with relief. "Thank goodness you've arrived. Please, come in." He stepped aside to let Alan enter.

Inside, the chief's house was simple but well-kept. Wooden furniture filled the room, and the walls were adorned with family portraits and local crafts. The chief gestured for Alan to sit at a sturdy wooden table. "My name is Roderick. I'm the chief of this village."

"Nice to meet you, Chief Roderick," Alan said, taking a seat. "Can you tell me more about the wild boar situation?"

Roderick sighed heavily. "It started a few weeks ago. A huge boar began attacking our fields at night. It's destroyed a significant portion of our crops and injured a few villagers who tried to chase it away. It's unlike any boar we've ever seen—much larger and more aggressive."

Alan listened intently. "Do you know where it might be during the day?"

"We believe it hides in the forest just beyond the eastern fields. It only comes out at night to raid our crops," Roderick explained. "We've tried to deal with it ourselves, but it's too dangerous."

"I understand," Alan said. "I'll take care of it tonight. For now, I'll rest and prepare. Thank you for the information."

Roderick nodded gratefully. "You're welcome to rest here in my house. We're all counting on you."

Alan spent the day gathering more information from the villagers. They spoke of the boar with fear and frustration, describing its size and ferocity. As night approached, Alan prepared himself mentally for the task ahead. He rested in the village chief's house, conserving his energy and formulating a plan.

Nightfall came quickly in Harrak Village, the sky darkening and the air cooling. Alan stood at the edge of the eastern fields, the sounds of the night surrounding him. Crickets chirped, and the occasional hoot of an owl echoed through the air. The fields were eerily silent, as if the land itself was holding its breath in anticipation of the boar's arrival.

Alan waited patiently, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. He had positioned himself near the trampled crops where the boar had been seen before. His eyes scanned the darkness, alert for any sign of movement.

Suddenly, he heard it—a low, rumbling grunt followed by the rustling of underbrush. Alan tensed, his eyes narrowing as he focused on the source of the sound. Emerging from the forest, the wild boar appeared, its massive form silhouetted against the moonlit sky. It was indeed a formidable creature, its eyes glowing with a malevolent gleam.

Alan drew his sword, the blade glinting in the moonlight. The boar charged, and Alan sidestepped quickly, his reflexes heightened by his training and experience. He swung his sword, aiming for the boar's side, but the creature was surprisingly agile, dodging the strike and turning to charge again.

Alan knew he had to be strategic. He waited for the boar to charge once more, then leaped to the side and brought his sword down with all his strength. The blade connected with the boar's spine, severing it. The boar collapsed with a final, pained grunt, its eyes dimming as life left its body.

Guys I hope you liked the story.

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