
Omnitrix Ascendant

Alan reincarnates into another world with The Omnitrix. Let's see how Alan would lead his second life...... Note: Hey guys I'm writing this fan-fiction as a Fun activity. I'm using AI to write this story. I Admit it. You can give me your suggestions and ideas in the comments. You can also suggest new routes for the story in the comments if I liked the idea I will add it. I usually update on Mondays.

ExplorerVan17 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 9 : Settling in Tallian

Chapter 9: Settling in Tallian

After his quick meeting with Thomas and Gregory, Alan stepped out of the bustling Merchant's Guild and into the vibrant streets of Tallian.

'Let's check out how's the market in this town.' Alan thought to himself.

The city hummed with life, the air filled with the sounds of merchants calling out their wares, the clatter of horse-drawn carts, and the chatter of townsfolk. Alan decided to take a stroll through the marketplace, eager to familiarize himself with the city.

The marketplace sprawled out before him, a lively maze of stalls and vendors. Colorful awnings shaded the displays of fruits, vegetables, spices, and meats.

'Oh man the food smells soo good....'

The aroma of freshly baked bread mingled with the scent of exotic spices, creating a tantalizing olfactory blend. Alan's stomach rumbled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten since the previous night's feast in the forest.

As he wandered through the market, Alan marveled at the variety of goods on offer. One stall boasted vibrant bolts of cloth in every color imaginable, while another displayed an array of finely crafted leather goods. He passed by a food stall where a vendor was grilling skewers of seasoned meat, the sizzling sounds and smoky aroma drawing a crowd of hungry customers.

Alan paused at a stall selling weapons and armor, admiring the craftsmanship. He ran his fingers over the hilt of a finely balanced sword, but he knew he didn't need another weapon. The long sword he carried from the goblin camp was sufficient for now. Still, it was fascinating to see the variety of equipment available in Tallian.

Continuing his exploration, Alan made his way toward the western part of the city, where Thomas had recommended an inn. The streets became narrower and quieter as he moved away from the bustling market. Eventually, he spotted the sign for Sunny Days Inn, a modest establishment nestled in the corner of a busy intersection.

'Looks like a decent place I hope the service and food will be good' Alan thought.

The inn had a welcoming façade, with flower boxes under the windowsills and a wooden sign swinging gently in the breeze. Alan pushed open the door and stepped inside. The common room was almost filled with customers, travelers, and locals alike enjoying their meals and drinks. The atmosphere was lively, but not overly noisy, with a pleasant hum of conversation filling the air.

"Well it looks like Thomas has good taste" Alan said.

The interior of the inn was rustic but cozy, with wooden beams supporting the ceiling and a large stone fireplace crackling warmly in one corner. The scent of roasting meat and freshly baked bread wafted through the room, making Alan's stomach grumble again.

'Let's eat after I get a room here!' Alan decided.

He made his way to the counter, where the inn's manager stood. She was a formidable woman, tall and muscular, with a no-nonsense demeanor. Her stern expression softened slightly as she greeted him. "Welcome to Sunny Days Inn. I'm Melina, the manager here. How can I help you?"

"I'm looking for a room for a week, and I'll need meals included," Alan replied, meeting her gaze.

Melina sized him up for a moment before nodding. "We have a room available. That'll be ten silver pieces for the week, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner."

Alan agreed to the price and handed over the silver pieces. Melina pocketed the coins and called over a young worker. "Take him to room 22 on the second floor," she instructed.

The worker, a boy of about twelve, led Alan up a wooden staircase to the second floor. The corridor was lined with doors, each numbered in brass. They stopped in front of room 22, and the boy unlocked the door, pushing it open to reveal a modest but clean room.

Inside, there was a sturdy wooden bed with a thick mattress, a small table with a chair, and a window that overlooked the street below. A washbasin and a pitcher of water sat on a side table. It was simple, but it would do nicely for the week.

"Breakfast is served from six to nine, lunch from noon to two, and dinner from six to eight," the boy informed him. "If you need anything else, just ask."

Alan thanked the boy and tipped him a copper coin.

'Ahh that felt cool' Alan thought to himself. He always wanted to tip a person.

After the door closed behind him, Alan set his belongings down and lay on the mattress, feeling the weight of his journey settling into his bones. The bed was firm but comfortable, and the quiet of the room was a welcome change from the bustling streets outside.

As he rested, Alan's thoughts drifted back to the marketplace. The diversity and vibrancy of Tallian were impressive. He could see why it was a hub of activity and trade. But amid the city's allure, Alan also felt a twinge of loneliness. Despite the crowd, he was still an outsider, a wanderer with no real ties to anyone here.

His mind wandered to the merchant caravan he had helped. The battle with the bandits had been intense, but it had given him a sense of purpose. He wondered if the connections he had made with Thomas and Gregory would prove useful in the days to come. For now, he needed to focus on settling in and learning more about the city.

After a while, Alan rose from the bed and unpacked his belongings. He carefully placed his long sword against the wall and set his bag on the small table. The spices he had bought at the market would come in handy for future meals. As he organized his things, he felt a sense of satisfaction. Despite the challenges, he had made it to Tallian and was ready to face whatever came next.

Deciding to explore the inn further, Alan left his room and headed back downstairs. The common room was still bustling, with patrons enjoying their meals and drinks. He found an empty table near the fireplace and sat down, observing the lively scene around him.

Melina moved efficiently behind the counter, her muscular frame a testament to her past as an adventurer. Alan wondered what stories she could tell and whether she might have useful information about the city. He made a mental note to strike up a conversation with her later.

For now, he was content to sit back and soak in the atmosphere. The warmth of the fire and the hum of conversation were comforting, and for the first time in a while, Alan felt a sense of normalcy. The journey to Tallian had been long and fraught with danger, but he had made it. The city held promise and potential, and Alan was ready to seize whatever opportunities came his way.

Alan was waiting for his food at a table near the window of the Sunny Days Inn. The common room was filled with the morning hustle and bustle, with patrons enjoying their breakfasts and preparing for the day ahead. As he sat there, his attention was drawn to a nearby table where four adventurers were deep in conversation.

Their discussion piqued his interest, and he decided to eavesdrop. He casually shifted his position to better hear their voices without appearing too obvious.

At the table, four adventurers sat, their gear piled beside them. They were a diverse group, each with a distinct presence.

"Markus, are you sure about this mission? It sounds risky," said the first adventurer, a burly man with a thick beard. His name was Gareth.

Markus, a lean and agile man with sharp eyes, nodded. "It's risky, but the rewards are worth it. The mayor himself is offering a substantial bounty for dealing with the bandits near the north road."

A third adventurer, a woman named Elara with a bow slung over her shoulder, leaned in. "I've heard those bandits are well-armed. Do we have enough supplies to take them on? And what about their numbers?"

Markus shrugged. "From what I've gathered, there are about twenty of them. We can handle it if we plan well. Plus, the bounty includes a bonus for bringing back their leader alive."

The fourth member, a young mage named Lysandra, looked thoughtful. "Capturing the leader alive will be the hardest part. We need to ensure we don't kill him in the heat of battle. Do we have a plan for that?"

Gareth scratched his beard. "We could use a net or some rope to restrain him. Maybe set a trap."

Elara frowned. "Setting a trap could work, but it's risky. We need to ensure we don't get overwhelmed while trying to capture him."

Markus took a sip of his drink. "We'll split into two teams. One team will engage the bandits directly and draw their attention. The other team will flank them and focus on capturing the leader. It's crucial that we coordinate our attack perfectly."

Lysandra nodded. "I'll be on the flanking team. My spells can immobilize him long enough for us to capture him."

Gareth grunted in agreement. "Fine by me. Elara, you and I will be in the main team. We'll draw their fire and keep them busy."

Elara nodded. "Sounds like a plan. We should stock up on potions and other supplies before we head out. I don't want any surprises."

Markus agreed. "We leave at first light tomorrow. Make sure you're all prepared. This is our chance to make a name for ourselves and earn a significant reward."

The conversation continued, with the adventurers discussing finer details of their plan and logistics. Alan listened intently, intrigued by their strategy and the promise of a substantial bounty. The mention of bandits near the north road caught his attention. It seemed that danger and opportunity were never far away in Tallian.

As the adventurers finished their discussion and began to gather their belongings, Alan's food arrived. He thanked the server and took a moment to consider what he had overheard. The adventurers' mission sounded challenging, but it also presented an opportunity. Perhaps he could cross paths with them again, or even assist them if the situation called for it.

For now, he would focus on his own objectives. But the conversation had given him valuable insights into the kind of missions available in Tallian and the potential rewards. With his curiosity satisfied, Alan turned his attention to his breakfast, already contemplating his next move in this bustling city.

'Hmm looks like there's should be an adventure Guild in this city. I should apply for a membership.

What kind of reincarnated person would I be if I didn't join a adventure Guild member or a hunter...?' Alan decided to check out the Guild next day.

As the evening wore on, the inn gradually quieted down. Patrons finished their meals and headed to their rooms, while a few lingered by the fire, chatting in low tones. Alan decided it was time to call it a night. He made his way back upstairs to his room, feeling the fatigue of the day catching up with him.

He closed the door behind him and lay down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. The events of the past few days played through his mind—the battle with the goblins, the trek through the forest, the encounter with the bandits, and now, the bustling life of Tallian. It had been a whirlwind, but Alan felt more alive than ever.

As he drifted off to sleep, he felt a sense of anticipation for what tomorrow would bring. The city of Tallian was full of possibilities, and Alan was determined to make the most of his time here. For now, he would rest and recharge, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Hey guys hope you liked the story.