
My Undercover Lover

Cherry, a young billionaire heiress who has lived a life of privilege and comfort. Cherry has never had to work a day in her life, and she is surrounded by people who cater to her every need. From maids for almost everything including basic tasks like brushing the teeth and bathing. But underneath her perfect exterior, Cherry is feeling restless and unfulfilled. She wants more from life, but she doesn't know what it is or how to find it. After an unexpected faithful encounter with a man whom lacked all the things she has. Cherry had made up her mind to do the unexpected by approaching him with a fake identity. Will she find love? Or will she chase love away from her when the truth about her identity is revealed?

Grim_Thred · Ciudad
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8 Chs

Diamond Club

Fiona's point of view"

"So we got ourselves a deal, right?" My secretary asked and a few directors grumbled their response.

30 minutes later, we wrapped up the meeting.

"It's nice working with you, Miss Fiona," the director said, bowing his head in respect for me. He was way older than me and it kinda felt cringe anytime someone older than me showed me that type of respect, it made me feel like I was older than I actually was.

"Same here, Mr Paulo" I said, smiling brightly at him. I gave Mr. Josè a curt nod.

The director's filed out leaving me and my PA and my secretary who stood beside the leather swivel chair where I sat, ready to answer to my every beck and call.

This sucks, wherever I went, there was always someone to look after me, it was almost like they were stalking my every move, I couldn't even sneeze without someone watching me. Ugggh, Damn it!

My PA, whose name is Edward, bowed his head slightly before speaking.

"Will you be here for the rest of the work day to supervise, Ma'am?" He asked, his voice tinged with his Australian accent.

I looked back at him and rolled my doe blue eyes.

"What else would I do, Edward?" I asked exasperated.

This was why I was contemplating firing the man, he was slow witted most times and asked questions that had obvious answers. I usually came late to work but I always stayed to the official closing time so I could monitor the work progress in the company. My parents were out of the country for a month so I was fully in charge of the company.

So weird, I was just twenty five years old yet I was already laden with so many responsibilities ㅡ Another reason I wanted to live a normal life just like girls my age, get a nice guy, feel the normalcy of life… Damn it! I was doing it again, thinking about something that would never happen. I really need to get ahold of myself.

"Sorry ma'am" Edward apologized, his voice low.

I rested my head on the comfy headrest, swiveling my ball point pen between my fingers while thinking about my life.

The ringing of my phone snapped me out of my thoughts, I scrambled to get my phone lying idly on my neatly arranged oakwood table.

It was Reya, my friend. Thank goodness, I really needed someone to talk to.

I looked at Edward and my secretary and told them to leave with a wave of my hand. They bowed and quietly left me in the meeting room.

I called her back and she picked up on the first beep.

"Good morning, Ma'am, how may I help you today?" Reya's voice teased over the phone.

I rolled my eyes ㅡ I had three close friends only and everyone of them knew how much I often thought about living a normal life. They didn't live a completely normal life either as they were all millionaires but at least they had some form of freedom. Remind me why my life sucks again.

"Can you just stop, Reya" I huffed, rolling my eyes.

Her laughter resounded over the phone, a squeaky type of laugh that never failed to amuse me.

"Alright, alright" She said between bursts of laughter.

"What's up? How's work going?" I asked, relaxing on my chair.

She was the CEO of the most successful Makeup and stylist company in the country.

"Everything's great, the employees here are doing a great job today so I'm leaving the company now for some rest" She said. I could hear her chauffeur in the background asking her where she was heading.

"Back to the mansion" I heard her whisper to him.

"Right, so.." She continued speaking to me and I could hear the car door close gently in the background.

"So I called the rest of the girls and I wanted us to have a great evening today. It's already late afternoon so I want you to get your ass off your chair and join us at the club to let off some steam" She said playfully.

Club? I liked the sound of that. We clubbed in our free time, it was the one thing that made me forget my worries and sorrows.

" Diamond?" I asked.

"The very same" She affirmed.

Diamond was a five star club that only the richest of the richest could afford, it wasn't rowdy but with the best services you would ever see. It was my ideal type of club, little People, VIP treatment.

"Deal!" I said, a smile creeping up my face.

"See you by 6" Reya said before hanging up.

I kept my phone inside my black tiny Posh bag and left the office. My secretary was standing right outside the door and as soon as I walked out, she bowed deeply to me.

"Are you leaving, miss Anderson?" She asked respectfully.

What is it with everyone and asking stupid questions today?

"Does it look like I'm entering?" I asked with an obvious eye roll.

She was used to my behavior so she just smiled and straightened up.

"Your bag, miss. I'll escort you to your car" She said, reaching her hand out to collect my bag.

"No, I can hold my own bag, thank you." I said walking away, my heel clicking loudly as I strode away, the employees bowed to me as I walked past.

Outside the company, the car was ready and the chauffeur quickly opened the door for me. I had hands, people! I could do that myself.

I got into the car and he drove back to the mansion. And yeah, that reminds me of my lunch.

There was no time for me though, I'd just join the girls and better still have dinner with them.

The maids were out to receive me as soon as the car swerved into the garage where my other posh cars were.

I hurriedly opened my door before anyone would beat me to it and I sashayed into my mansion with the maids trailing behind me.

Frustrated, I whipped around to look at the train of 6 maids behind me. Could they just stop following me?.

"Don't you have other things to do? I'm not a mother duck! Stop following me" I said firmly.

They curtsied and maintained a reasonable distance from me.

Walking up to my room, I dropped my bag on the bed and kicked off my shoes.

"Martha!" I yelled.

A young girl rushed in, she was the person I put in charge of my dresses and she was a spirited young girl.

"Get a dress ready, it's for an outing. A club. You know your job" I said as I walked to the shower to freshen up.

20 minutes later, I walked out of the shower, water dripping off my body and hair.

I looked at the dress laid on the bed and inspected it ㅡ A black knee length corset gown. Silky and smooth just how I liked my dresses. Perfect.

I dried my hair using a blow dryer and spent the next 15 minutes doing my makeup by myself. I wanted no one's help doing it, I wanted to do it myself.

I had learnt a lot from Reya, she was the most skilled make-up artist in town so I learnt from the best.

20 minutes later, I had done my makeup ㅡ Light latina makeup was the best, it suited me so well, I applied red savvy lipstick again and pouted my lips while staring at my reflection in my crystal mirror.

"Purrfect" I purred, I liked what I saw. My looks were top priority, I had learnt that much from my mum ㅡ Always look like you're the boss ㅡ That was my favorite quote and I liked to live up to it.

I put on the dress and with the help of a maid that I called in, I got the straps at the back tied so that the dress accentuated my slim but curvy shape.

"What more do you need, my lady?" She asked.

I told her to leave my room, which she did immediately. This felt so good, getting ready by myself, my mum would never allow it if she was home, mum believed money should be used to the fullest which meant we shouldn't do anything stressful but leave it to the maids which wasn't how I wanted to roll.

A short time later, I walked out of my room, my black heels clacking loudly as I trudged down the stairs. All the maids curtsied as I passed but I couldn't help but note the look of dissatisfaction at my behavior ㅡ A lady wasn't supposed to let her heels clack that loudly while walking… Blah blah blah. Fuck that!.

"I won't be eating dinner home so tell the chef not to prepare dinner tonight. I'll be back soon" I said to no one in particular as I walked out the house to the already prepared car.

The chaffeur reached out his hand to open the door for me and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Don't you ever get tired?" I asked.

He smiled but opened the door nonetheless.

Sighing, I got in and pulled out my phone from my small bag

"Where to, Ma'am?" The chauffeur asked, his eyes darting to me through the mirror.

Without looking up from my phone, I replied.

"Diamond Club" I said.

He nodded, let in the clutch and drove out.