
My Undercover Lover

Cherry, a young billionaire heiress who has lived a life of privilege and comfort. Cherry has never had to work a day in her life, and she is surrounded by people who cater to her every need. From maids for almost everything including basic tasks like brushing the teeth and bathing. But underneath her perfect exterior, Cherry is feeling restless and unfulfilled. She wants more from life, but she doesn't know what it is or how to find it. After an unexpected faithful encounter with a man whom lacked all the things she has. Cherry had made up her mind to do the unexpected by approaching him with a fake identity. Will she find love? Or will she chase love away from her when the truth about her identity is revealed?

Grim_Thred · Urban
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8 Chs

A deal.

Fiona's point of view"

"Manicure, Ma'am" one of the maids muttered. I sighed stretching my fingers, my concentration on my phone watching a reel.

The maid tended to my fingers while another with my toes and another my hair.

I rolled my eyes, my life sucks. It goes the same pattern every goddamn day.

Everyone was at my beck and call in this Mansion, I had people do everything for me and it was actually getting sickening.

But I put up with this because it's my life. There was quite nothing I could do about it.

Many people would kill to be in my position, but I was already sick of it.

The clanking of heels filled the room, I reluctantly dragged my eyes away from my phone to the staircase.

The headmaid, Samantha stood at the stairs, her hand to her hips.

I cocked a brow.

"Your bath water is ready, your dress has been sorted out, including the shoe you'd use and of course, the car you'd be taking with you" she stated.

I nodded waving her away returning my eyes to the screen.

Her footsteps echoed as she climbed back up the stairs. I looked away from my phone, raising my eyes upwards exasperated.

I'd told her to get rid of those goddamn shoes, but it seems like no one listens to me around here anymore.

It was time I began to drop some staffs, I don't really need them anymore around here. I needed a life to myself away from eyes and that too —by myself.

"Stop" I ordered and all the movements around me halted. From the ones at my hair, to my fingers and then my toes.

Everything stopped.

In such a way, power was sweet and money was — power.

Raising a brow, a maid hurriedly dropped my footwear in front of me. I nodded, slipping my legs into it getting on my feet.

I dismissed the maids who scurried away in different directions. I trodded up the stairs.

The only thing that was making me leave this house was the contract I had to sign with the Lewis Corp.

And I was inwardly grateful for it, at least, I'd be taking fresh air.

I pushed my room door open, it shut itself immediately I entered.

Just like Samantha had said, my dress was ready.

Moving closer, I felt the silk of the material beneath my fingers. White. One of my favorites.

With a sigh, I dropped my phone on the bed before walking to my bathroom and shutting the door.

Just like every part of my house, my bathroom screamed luxury. My bathroom would be able to give someone a good life.

Ha, I was one lucky bitch.

Taking a quick shower, I walked out of the bathroom, get dressed and applied a little makeup.

I was already running late for the contract signing but they could hold on for a few minutes.

My phone rang, I reached for it. Just as I'd thought, it was Mr. Josè. One of the Spanish contractors.

I don't want to screw this up at all.

"Mr. Josè," I muttered, strapping my wristwatch to my wrists.

"Miss. Anderson, the directors are waiting" he said and I nodded, like he could see me.

I hurried out of my room.

"I'm on my way, just keep them a little busy" I took the stairs two at a time, not minding the loud clank of my heels.

Knowing, it was what I hated.

"They're getting impatient," he stated. I shot a glare at a maid who stood staring at me.

" Just a few minutes more, Josè" the doors pulled open and i stepped out. Luckily, the car was waiting for me with a driver.

Nice work, Samantha.

I climbed in before covering my phone's speaker with my hand.

"To the company" I said to the chauffeur, turning to the maids who stood in line, I asked.

"Is my lunch set?" They exchanged looks.

One stepped forward.

"In the paper bag ma'am, next to you" she said. My eyes fell to my side.

Well, she was right. Good. I hated having to go out for lunch.

Giving a curt nod, I slammed the door close, removing my hand from the speaker.

"... Mr. Josè, I would be there. This contract is important to both parties and I'm not about to screw it up. Trust me" I muttered as we veered out of my Mansion and into 'my' street.

"Five minutes" he said and I rolled my eyes.

" Of course" I ended the call staring at my wristwatch. 10:55.

Five minutes, indeed.

"Can you go faster?" I asked. The driver whom I identified as Romeo stared at me through the rearview mirror, giving me a curt nod.

I relaxed into my seat. I had hope that the contract was going to be a success.



In big bold letters, sitting majestically at the top of the building. I stared.

Closing my eyes for a brief second, I murmured a silent prayer as we pulled into the garage.

Releasing a deep breath, I straightened my shoulders. I got this. I could do it.

Grabbing my bag, I climbed out of the car shutting it. At least, that was one thing I could do without help from anyone.


The guards on seeing bowed lightly in greeting, I walked past them and into 'my' company.

At a young age of twenty five, I was a CEO and a billionaire. I had enough money that could last me a life time.

I can't help but sometimes think about how it'd be, if I lead a normal life.

I mean, a life without so much money. I shook my head trying to push the thought to the back of my mind.

Lately, I have been thinking about it more often and it makes me more than restless. Like there was something I was missing out on.

Yeah, aside from my poor dating life… something else.

The staffs I came across greeted me but I gave reply to none. Riding the elevator to the top floor, I sp tootted my PA rushing to me.

"Ma'am, the directors are at the boardroom" he said and I nodded. I stretched my hand forward, he hesitated for a second before placing the iPad on my hand.

I narrowed my eyes at him before staring at the iPad, going through the presentations.

He led the way and I followed. I was sure my secretary would be inside already. She was way capable than my PA.

Reminds me to fire his already miserable ass.

Pushing the door open, I stepped in plastering a smile on my face. The directors stood up in a silent greeting.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated" I smiled walking to my seat. My eyes met with my secretary's and she gave me a silent encouragement.

Not like I needed it, but yeah, it meant something to me.

The directors sat and the meeting began right away.