
My Undercover Lover

Cherry, a young billionaire heiress who has lived a life of privilege and comfort. Cherry has never had to work a day in her life, and she is surrounded by people who cater to her every need. From maids for almost everything including basic tasks like brushing the teeth and bathing. But underneath her perfect exterior, Cherry is feeling restless and unfulfilled. She wants more from life, but she doesn't know what it is or how to find it. After an unexpected faithful encounter with a man whom lacked all the things she has. Cherry had made up her mind to do the unexpected by approaching him with a fake identity. Will she find love? Or will she chase love away from her when the truth about her identity is revealed?

Grim_Thred · Urban
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8 Chs


Fiona's point of view"

The car glided through the bustling city streets, the city lights blurring into streaks of vibrant colors as we sped towards Diamond Club. Anticipation crackled in the air, a welcome environment from the world I was used to.

Diamond Club wasn't your average nightclub. It exudes an aura of exclusivity, a secret haven for the city's elite. As we pulled up to the imposing entrance, a pair of uniformed attendants materialized at the car doors. They were impeccably dressed, their smiles genuine yet respectful. One held the door open for me, the other gave a polite bow.

Stepping out, I was greeted by a breathtaking spectacle that never failed to amaze me. The entrance was a masterpiece of modern design, sleek black marble accented by cascading waterfalls that shimmered with hidden LED lights. Inside, the air buzzed with a low murmur of conversation and the rhythmic pulse of electronic music.

The lighting was subdued, casting an intimate glow that highlighted the plush velvet booths and polished chrome tables. Every detail screamed luxury, from the meticulously groomed staff to the strategically placed crystal sculptures that caught the light like captured rainbows.

This was my safe haven, a place where I could freely behave as I wanted without anyone watching me or criticizing me, without anyone to remind me of my affluent background. It was just me and my friends who were the same as me…rich but crazy.

I straightened my dress, a surge of confidence washing over me. This was my world, a world where wealth and status opened doors.

Holding my head high, I moved into the club when a guy bumped into me.

Whatever he had spilled on me, almost ruining my dress.

Okay, I could be cool headed and hot headed at the same time. And this —I hated this.

"Don't you watch where you're fucking going?" I asked, pissed off.

He raised his eyes, rich green eyes stared at me. I blinked, his eyes drawing me in.

"I'm sorry, miss. I was kind of distracted" he muttered, gathering his stuff into his bag.

I snorted dusting invisible dirt off my dress.

"Pay much attention, next time" I looked him over.

" This dress could give you quite a good life" I muttered before moving past him.

Guilt, gnawed at my insides. I shouldn't have said that to him. At least, he'd apologized.

Taking a deep breath, I walked in.

There, nestled in our regular plush VIP booth, were my friends. Reya, the first to spot me, erupted in a wave of greetings and waves like I didn't see her .

Her fiery red hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall, a stark contrast to her sleek black dress that hugged her curves perfectly.

Well, I guess I should properly introduce each one of them.

Reya, the makeup guru owned the most successful beauty brand in the country, her name known for flawless complexions and smoky eye looks. Beside her sat Nadia, a beautiful Canadian Lady of 23 years, Her dark hair was pulled back in a sophisticated bun, revealing the sharp angles of her face. As the CEO of a multi-million dollar real estate company, Nadia commanded respect with a single glance at people. She was really serious when it came to work but outside work, she behaved like a crazy old lady.

And then there was Isabelle, the life of the party and the youngest member of our group at just 21 years old. Her platinum blonde hair was styled in a playful bob, framing her sparkling hazel eyes. A mischievous glint flickered in them, a promise of the fun to come. Isabelle, the tech whiz, had changed the social media landscape with her innovative app.

Together, we were an unlikely quartet. Fiona and the three musketeers, that was the title. We were united by Ambition and wealth and we all held the secret wish to live a less affluent life just like other women our age.

We greeted each other with a flurry of cheek kisses and hugs. It was good to see them again.

"Have a seat" Nadia said, her voice slightly higher than a squeal as she gestured to me to sit next to her.

I crashed down on the plush black sofa and groaned.

"I've missed you guys so much…how long has it been?" I asked dramatically as I poured a glass of wine for myself from the expensive red wine in the ice bucket.

Isabelle laughed melodiously.

"Ummm…I think it's been 18 hours since we last met" She snorted.

All 4 of us burst into laughter ㅡ we were that kind of friends, the type that couldn't stay away from each other for long.

"I get your point, Belle," I said, sipping my wine slowly. This was the life I wanted to lead, without people watching over my every move, without dictating to me on how to behave.

"So, guys…" Nadia said, her eyes wide with excitement. " Kieran asked me out today!" She squealed.

We erupted into high pitched squeals as we congratulated her.

Kieran was a movie celebrity that Nadia has had a crush on since like…forever! She finally got the chance to meet him a couple of weeks back and now, he asked her out.

"Oh my goodness, you guys should get married" Isabelle screamed, breathing heavily.

The three of us turned to look at her with confusion in our eyes.

"What the… they haven't even made it official yet you're talking about marriage?" Reya asked, her lips curved into a frown.

Isabelle shrugged.

"I just want you guys to settle down soon," she said.

We looked at ourselves for a fraction of a second before bursting into laughter again. Marriage? As if! We were married to our jobs, not people.

"Alright, alright. Let's spice this place up a bit" Nadia said rubbing her palms together as she stared at everyone of us.

"What are you suggesting, you little witch?" Reya asked playfully, leaning forward as though to hear the conspiracy that Nadia was thinking of.

"Truth or dare!" Nadia exclaimed, clicking her fingers.

One of my favorites. I hadn't played in a long time, I loved the thrill and suspense. Last time I played it a couple of months back, I was dared to flirt with my PA. That was the worst day of Edward's life, it was hilarious but he understood that it was simply a prank.

"This should be fun," I said, contemplating the idea in my head.

5 minutes later, we were playing the game with all seriousness.

"Dare" Reya said to Isabelle.

"I dare you to give me a free massage and makeover tomorrow" Isabelle said without hesitation.

Reya glared at her then shrugged.


Isabelle squealed happily, doing a spa session with Reya was simply the best. Her hands were magic.

"My turn" I said excitedly

Reya sent a look at Nadia who nodded. What were they thinking?

"Alright, Fiona. Your dare is quite simple yet may be difficult" Reya said, smiling ruefully at me. Her smile alone made me nervous of what was to come.

"Go ahead" I said, my tumbler of wine in my hand.

"I dare you to pack up your designers, leave your dearly beloved mansion and live in a normal house like a regular person for a whole month or at least till when your parents get back" She said, a smile creeping up her face.

I leaned forward in my seat, a mischievous glint in my eyes.

"What's the punishment if I refuse?" I asked.

Her lips sprawled into a huge grin.

"The peacock brooch that you value so much" She said plainly.

Wow, she really thought this true. The peacock brooch was the second most expensive item in the world with an estimated sum of $100 million with more than 1,300 gemstones. It was my most prized possession and I wasn't going to lose it on a simple bet.

The room was dead silent. My smile faltered for a moment, surprised by the audacity of the dare. Living like a normal person? The very thought was absurd. Yet, a strange sense of excitement bubbled within me. It was a chance to break free from the cage of my life, to experience what it was like to be... normal. It was what I wanted yet here I was contemplating it, was it worth it? Would I survive? I could easily give her the brooch, I was a multi billionaire so I could easily get something worth more than that yet the thrill to do it was just there. Mum would flip if she heard what I was about to say but who cares? Not me!.

Taking a deep breath, I met Reya's gaze and smiled at her, a playful glint in my blue eyes.

"Deal," I declared, the word leaving my lips before I could fully comprehend its implications. A collective gasp filled the room, followed by a mixture of cheers and amazed looks.

"Wow, will you actually do it?" Isabelle asked, her eyes wide with concern.

I raised my glass in a toast, the ruby liquid reflecting the playful twinkle in my eyes.

"Let the games begin. What could possibly go wrong?"
