
My System is to Kill

In a virtual reality game called "Tranquility Online," a young boy named Niles finds himself in a mysterious and unsettling situation. He's chosen as a Player Killer, a newly introduced class in the game. Armed with a medieval-looking knife, he embarks on a journey to understand his role and the reasons behind it. As Niles explores the game's eerie and blood-soaked cemetery setting, he grapples with questions about his own motivations and the ethics of killing other players. The game's creators promise monetary rewards for player kills, which both tempt and trouble Niles. Niles encounters Nova, a ruthless and experienced Player Killer, and becomes involved in a deadly confrontation with other players. In a desperate bid to survive, Niles taps into unexpected powers but ultimately falls victim to Nova's ruthlessness. The story explores the blurred lines between reality and virtual reality, as Niles wrestles with the moral implications of his actions in the game. With each kill, he earns rewards and climbs the leaderboard but also risks losing his humanity. As Niles contemplates his choices, he must decide whether to continue down a dark path or seek a different way to navigate the virtual world of "Tranquility Online."

SayofChains88 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs

Tsundere Attraction

"You still haven't put your name on the board!" Owl smirked. 

He was in disbelief as he stared at the rankings; the leaderboards being the most powerful system ever created. Even though he knew that Owl had improved his skills tremendously in the past few days, ever since he saw him last in [Girenia], he couldn't imagine the level of improvement Owl would achieve. Owl chuckled before he raised the daggers in his right hand and threw it towards Niles.

"I am fucked…" Niles whispered. 

"Oh, are you a secret as well?" Galena smirked. 

"Niles, the only friends you are allowed to have are your fellow PK players!" Owl scolded. 

He tossed the daggers up in the air once more before slamming both weapons into each other with great force. He swung one of his blades in a circle as he aimed right at Niles with every intent to take his life.

Niles braced himself for death as the blade approached closer and closer to his neck, but instead of slashing at him, red Owl suddenly jerked the weapon upwards and slammed the dagger into the ground. The dagger embedded itself deep into the ground and began glowing bright red, side-to-side followed shortly by the earth around him starting to glow a vibrant darker crimson as all the plants within a two hundred meter radius started turning into dust.

[Owl's innate ability is Reaper's Song.] 

Cracking his neck side to side steps, as Niles backed up several steps, watching his movements closely. His gaze shifted from Owl's eyes to his arms. They twitched as if they had lost all control of themselves, causing the veins in his arms to bulge.

"D-Do I have an innate ability?!" Niles asked. 

[Innate ability processing…] 

"Wait, you don't know your innate ability?!" Owl laughed. 

[Tsundere Attraction: Niles.] 

"Huh?!" Owl thought. 

Galena stepped forward angrily at Owl while trying not to seem angry, but it wasn't working out very well, considering she was holding a staff and he was holding a sword.

"Niles is my boyfriend, after all!" She howled. 

"What the fuck!" Owl yelled. 

She swung her staff wildly at Owl, who quickly moved aside, avoiding being struck.

"I hate PKers. You guys are a bunch of selfish bastards! Why do you always get in my way?" She roared.

Owl had to forcefully block every single attack as Galena struck vigorously. With each swing of her staff, Owl's sword clashed against it, creating a resounding clash of metal. The intensity of their battle filled the air, their determination evident in their eyes.

"Galena?!" Niles shouted. 

The eccentric assassin's innate ability, Reaper's Song, granted him enhanced reflexes and agility, allowing him to predict Galena's movements and counter her attacks with precision. He moved with a fluid grace, his sword deflecting each strike with ease. As Galena's frustration grew, her strikes became more ferocious, but Owl remained calm and composed.

Their clash echoed through the surroundings, drawing the attention of shadows in the area. They watched in awe as Owl and Galena engaged in their intense duel. The air crackled with energy as sparks flew from the clashing weapons.

Owl's mind raced as he analyzed Galena's moves, searching for an opening to strike back.. With a swift and precise movement, he disarmed Galena, causing her staff to fly out of her hands, doubling up with his daggers sending it clattering to the ground.

Breathing heavily, Owl lowered his daggers and looked at Galena, his eyes filled with a mix of concern and determination.

 "Did you bewitch this woman?" Owl asked. 

"I-I dunno…" He responded. 

Galena stared at Owl, her anger slowly subsiding. She took a deep breath, her grip on her staff loosening as she picked it back up. Niles, who had been standing back, watching the intense battle unfold, stepped forward. He looked at Galena and smiled nervously and reassuringly.

"Fuck…you are so hard to kill…" Owl muttered. 

"Come to Niles again and I will make sure you are the one PKed next!" Galena laughed. 

Her avatar paused for a moment as she felt her skin burning as the VR set suddenly. Her body stiffened, and with a loud shriek, her figure vanished in a puff of smoke.

"Shit!" Niles exclaimed.

"What happened?" Owl questioned, confused. 

"I need to see if I can tap their personal info!" Niles yelled. 

[Failure to log out: Error 404.] 

"Huh?!" Owl shouted. 

[Failure to log out: Error 404.] 

[Please keep calm Owl and Niles…our team of experts are working on contacting the healer now and releasing you from the game. For now, take your quest seriously!] 

"Is this why you said you would be watching us for a while?" Owl inquired. 

[Your data is helpful in shaping Tranquility Online. Please stay focused and callus on the friends list if you have further questions.]

"So what happens if I die?" Niles asked. 

[You will be sent to a random map…your duties in this trial are important to us.] 

[ (User: Niles) skill glitched Error 404.]

"Glitched? Gelana is a person! Is she okay??" Niles howled in despair. 

[911 has been dispatched to (User: Galena.) residence…stay calm (User: Niles.)]

"Well…at least we know one thing…" Owl laughed. 

"What could that be?" He said, annoyed. 

"At least we know it was a woman!" The white-haired cackled. 

"Shut–up!" Niles argued. 

Taking his knife, he bolted toward Owl. He lunged forward with the knife extended as he tried stabbing Owl's neck, but missed as Owl blocked his attacks as he jumped backwards.

"Human life is on the line and you are here being petty!" Niled shouted angrily. 

"If she dies, then it's not on us!" Owl roared. 

"You can die with her!" Another voice chimed. 

[His HP decreased by 1,000 points,] [-1,000 points.]

"Wait! Not again!" Niles bellowed. 

"Sorry I was a little late Owl," Survey smiled. 

[-1$ USD] 


Nile threw the VR gear off as he gawked around $1him, wondering where he was. He glanced around and noticed that the room he was in was dark as night, although the bright light that came from outside illuminated everything in the room clearly. There was also a small table and four chairs beside him, along with some bottles of water, juice, and bread on it.

"Wait... I thought it was stuck?!" Niles whispered. 

He noticed the blinking inside the VR helmet's visuals as he gasped for air and sat back. He ran his fingers over the helmet's forehead as he realized the game was still running.

'Damn.. I just died!' He cursed mentally as he leaned back he sighed heavily.

Noticing that everyone seemed to have a friend, but him in the game made him feel lonely and a tad jealous. The feeling was strange, since Niles never thought that he was ever lonely or left behind. He'd always found joy in playing games and having fun together. 

"My innate ability…I won't be alone anymore…" He thought. 

[(Beta) Friends List activated.] 

He grabbed the VR as he read the message highlighted in bright yellow letters. 

"Fuu~!" He cried out.

Realizing he should eat something first and hydrate himself, he took the bottle of water and drank. After drinking half of the bottle, the darkness of the bottle, he felt refreshed and full. He reached for another half of the bottle as he heard a sound coming from outside the door. He put away the bottle before getting up quietly, peering through the gaps of the doors as he examined his surroundings. 

"Dad is gonna get mad at me later…" He sighed. 

Niles watched the shadows pass his room and disappear into the darkness. He walked towards the door cautiously as he held out his hand, reaching for the handle. He gawked at the small radio clock on the wall before he slowly opened the door to reveal a dimly lit hallway. Looking down the hallways, he saw nothing moving. He turned left as he made his way down the hallway. After walking for a few minutes, he heard a sound in front of him, which caused him to turn his head slightly as he heard a faint whisper.

"Starlia?" He asked. 

Knowing the human mind plays tricks on you, he knew she had to be there, yet he couldn't see anything. He took a step towards where he thought Starla was standing when he stopped, hearing footsteps coming closer to him rapidly. Turning his head, he spotted a shadowy figure in front of him and screamed.

The vacuum was silhouetted against the wall, making the figure look like an enormous spider. It raised its claw towards Niles as its mouth opened, revealing rows of sharp fangs that were dripping with blood.

"No! Get away from me!" Niles shouted as he stumbled backward as he tripped.

He was scared to die, and even though his fear of death had faded during his journey into the darkness, his instinct told him to run, but he didn't want to go home empty-handed, so he steeled himself before taking off towards the exit. He sprinted past the shadow, hearing its footsteps following close behind him as he dashed through his bedroom door again, huffing. 

"Am I even cut out to be a PK player?" He thought.