
Missing Piece: \\ An LGBTQ One Piece Story

"Are you still in denial?" His words sent a soft minty breath across Zoro's lips and he leaned in more. His lips was right there, his blue eyes looking up at the green haired samurai seductively. Zoro gulped." I'm not gay" he said sharply. Zoro had only ever had his swords and crew mates and that was more than enough for him. He didn't know what love was or how it felt like nor did he expect to feel it in a long run, until unexpected events happen to make him come across with the most beautiful man he has ever laid his eyes on. Zoro is straight......or at least he thinks he is. And then there is Draco Mahawk, the man who was supposed to be his enemy. Will Zoro be the same again? "I-I like you, Sanji. I don't know if this is reciprocal but I just..... I just really needed to-" Sanji kissed him........... The brown haired boy smiled against Sanji 's soft lips and melted more into the kiss. It was his first............. Sanji had spent his life cooking unacceptable food and serving people for all his life, he didn't expect that bundle of joy to come into his restaurant with his crew for a meal. He didn't expect to join them the next day, nor did he expect to fall deeply in love with the captain of the Straw Hats.

Kuro_Joo99 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs

Chapter Eight

"You saw the white ghost and got a view of her skill? No fair, why did I have to be the one to get the people to safety? "Usopp wined.

The crew had returned to the Thousand Sunny after that hectic night. The were currently all sat in the sick bay. Nami was busy taking care of Zoro's wound. The cut wasn't as deep as the one inflicted on Zoro's chest by Yoru. Nami could easily sew it up quickly, and completely stopping the blood flow. But it hurt like a bitch and the green haired samurai had a hard time keeping his hisses and groans in.

"That's not important Usopp, God, out of everything we summarized for you that is all you got out of the story?" Luffy shot him a sour look

"No, not really, but that is the thing that most interested me. I mean, we came across a monster, we've come across many strange things too."Usopp shrugged spinning a bit on the swivel chair he was sat on at the table.

" No, not like this. It was different, the monster was freaking immune to Nami's thunderbolt tempo! "Luffy exclaimed

" And both my Mouton shot kick and Poêle à Frire: Spectre. I think it was more that the usual strange thing we've ever come across." Sanji added. He was beside the door, leaning on the wall and crossing his hands above his chest where his kimino was left unzipped. His blonde hair was tousled caused by his hands roughly combing through it. There was an unlit cigarette hanging from his mouth.

"And it came from underwater, a new type of sea monster maybe?" Usopp added again scratching his chin in thought.

"I doubt it, I mean it took our attacks like there were nothing, I don't know about you but that really as disturbing as hell." Luffy scoffed shaking his head."  But the white ghost killed it in one slash, which was apart from awesome very suspicious. I mean, it was like she knew what to do, how to kill it and we're to cut to kill it. Like she had fought it before."

" That's a very vague and biased thought. If that thing was a sea monster then I'm sure there are lots like it and traveling by ship might not be safe." Said Usopp" do you think we'll be save, I mean we did have a problem with just one of them, what if we encountered three or more horrible a horde of them,"

"Yeah that will be disaster." Luffy agreed." But staying in one place for a long time is not a good idea for a pirate and a crew especially one with having the second highest bounty the pirating world has ever known. We need to move, with what happened yesterday I'm sure every pirates would have either left or will leave first thing tommorow morning. This matter is worthy of the attention of the Marines."

"Yeah, I get it captain, we need to bougie. I'll get the ship ready for sail before tommorow, well leave as early as possible? "Usopp questioned looking at their captain for a go ahead.

" Yeah that would be great, but I'm starving right now. I need meat I feel drained and–"

" Would you all shut up!" Nami's voice sliced through the room coldly. Luffy looked up and turned to look at her dead glare. Her hand was still on the needle that was currently halfway through Zoro's skin with a hard thread." I'm trying work here and if you all are not here to help me get out. I need some space, and quiet this place is too cramped up."

" Okay okay geez we'll leave you to it." Usopp said putting his hand up surrender style and getting up from the swivel chair. Luffy followed suit and got up from the floor beside the bed where he sat and followed Usopp out of the room.

" Just keep on with Zoro, I'll call you when dinner is done." Luffy called after her closing the door with a click. He stared at the door for a while, heaving out an exhausted worried sigh. He hoped Zoro would be okay, for all they knew that monster could be harmful and Infected. They were really threading blindly on a thin rope as they were now. Nami was stressed and extremely worried, that must have been the reason for her annoyed outburst. Not that anyone could blame her, they would also feel pressured if one their comrades health rested on the palm of their hands.

But Zoro would be fine, he just had to believe. That green haired samurai had a lot to fulfill before dying so he knew that Zoro would fight through anything to achieve his dream. Luffy smiled to himself, yeah, he needn't worry, Zoro will be just fine.

Smiling to himself he turned around and skipped over to Sanji with a smile. The blonde however was experiencing a hard hit headache; he really needed some rest. His head pounded painful but he didn't want to disturb anyone with his problem; sleeping it off was part of the options but that didn't give complete assurance that it would go away the next morning.

"Hey Sanji, what's for dinner." Luffy said cheerily leaning into Sanji with a wide cute smile on his face." I'm pretty hungry and you know you kind of promised me a special dinner and...."

Luffy's voice went muffed from then on to Sanji. All he could see was the boy he loved up close to him with a happy grin. Brown eyes twinkling, dimples made by his wide smile. His smooth soft tanned skin having a natural glow in the ships golden lantern light. And that his scent that always managed to slip in through his nostrils, cinnamon with a hint of clove. He could never always get enough of it.

The captain of the Straw Hat pirates, Monkey D. Luffy, was driving him insane.

He needed some space right now and Luffy's proximity wasn't helping." Actually Luffy-" Sanji cut Luffy off from his sentence. Sanji took a step back, wanting to breathe without having to take a whiff of his Captain's scent." I'm sorry but I think that I will have to go back on my words for tonight."

"Huhn?" Luffy cocked his head in confusion.

"I'm not feeling well right now, I need to take the night off."

"Oh, no are you okay?" Luffy stepped forward in genuine worry and placed the back of his hand to Sanji's head and his other hand to his own head to check his temperature. He grimanced." You're not running a temperature, that's a good sign."

"I'm not coming down with a fever Luffy, my head's banging." Sanji let out a semi-amused chuckle, taking Luffy's hand away from his forehead.

"Oh, do you need to inform Nami about this one maybe she could–"

" No, no, it's alright." Sanji shook his head I'm disagreement." It's just a migraine Luffy, I'll sleep it off. Nami is already busy with Zoro, I can't stress her more."

" It's okay, you can go rest Sanji, we'll find something to help ourselves with." Luffy smiled warmly at him.

" Uh, you do know that none of us are either good with a knife right? " Usopp voiced out.

"Zip it." Luffy hissed shooting Usopp a sore look." Sanji don't worry you can have all the rest you need. We'll figure something out."

Sanji hummed in agreement and turned away to leave. Luffy stared at his retreating figure all the more worried about him. Despite it all he was glad Sanji decided to take a break for once, he needed it more than anyone here. However, Sanji decision to sleep off a migraine bothered him. The man needed to eat and take some painkillers or something. But Sanji didn't like drugs...still he needed to eat something to keep him strong.

"Hey, Usopp, I'm going to make dinner." Luffy announced.

Usopp's head whipped towards Luffy, his eyes going huge with shock." Hell to the no!"

Luffy rolled his eyes." Sanji's out for the night, Zoro needs food for strength and Nami would want something after her hard work. Plus we both are hungry and Sanji has to at least eat something."

"Do you even know how to handle a knife."

"Usopp I might not be as good as Sanji and despite you all thinking that I actually don't have any sense of culinary skills I actually do know how to cook. Well, there's only ramen, the occasional stew and meat. I used to help Shanks and our cook in the kitchen when I had nothing else to do! "

" Really? "

" We are having noodles tonight. And don't worry, I will be making my favorite; to that I can assure you it'll taste good."

And with that Luffy went at it, cooking the noodles with all his concentration and ability to make it taste good. He was a bit self-conscious too, he was cooking for the best and utterly amazing chef he'd ever seen, he hoped that the food as at least a bit presentable.

He took his time, making sure the noodles boiled at the right temperature; added the spices for ramen that he's found in one of the cabinet and let it shimmer to a nice softness before taking it down. Just like Shanks taught him. He went on to slicing a small chunk of meat and deep-frying it till it turned brown and crispy, fried the eggs and then stir-frying it all together.

From an angle his eyes caught the sight of Makrut lime powder admist that the other jars of exotic spices and thought of adding it. He didn't exactly know if it would have a presentable taste when out in with his favorite stir-fried ramen, but what is the use of cooking if you won't take risks to try some new recipes. So he added it, putting as much as the Oregano he sees Shanks putting.

He cleaned up the kitchen, and dishes out the food minus his own. For some reason, during his cooking, he'd lost the appetite. And even if he felt quite weak without food, his stomach didn't seem to want anything edible that night.

"Hey Usopp, dinners ready." Luffy shook Usopp away who had fallen asleep n the couch in the dinning.

" Hmm, it actually smells pretty good." Usopp hummed rubbing his eyes and stifling a yawn.

"Thanks, your dinners on the counter, do you mind helping me give Nami and Zoro their dinner, I'm going to Sanji."

"Don't worry Luffy, I got it." Usopp hummed tapping him on his shoulders and making his way to the kitchen.

Luffy made his way out of the kitchen and towards Sanji's room just adjacent his. He hesitated, scenerieos flashing in his head. What ig Sanji doesn't want to eat and shuts the door in my face? What if he wants to be alone and I'm disturbing his piece? What if he gets mad at me for using the kitchen? What if he hates my food? He didn't want to go in, an anxiety taking over. But he had to, Sanji needed to eat something.

So swallowing up his uneasiness he knocked on the cold door and backed away, waiting for Sanji to open up. For a little while he stood there in silence. There was no sign or sound of movement from behind the door. When he was about to give up, there was some shuffling and muffled footsteps before the door opened to reveal an exhausted and shirtless Sanji.

His eyes dropped and his face had a frown on it. His night trousers hung low on his waist exposing his v-line and Luffy swore that if it went at little another inch down he would see what he wasn't meant to see. He tried not to drink in the unadulterated sexiness in front of him and concentrate on his eyes instead.

Sanji looked quite surprised to see Luffy at his door, holding a bowl of what it looked like stir-fried noodles and a fork. The smaller male looked up at him nervously, biting down on his delicious plump lips. " Luffy?"

"Hey, um, s-sorry t-to disturb you I j-just thought that you needed to eat something." He stuttered cheeks going a little pink. Sanji caught Luffy's eyes going over his body for some seconds before snapping back to look at his face. Sanji smiled inwardly, liking the reaction he was getting from Luffy. Come to think of it, they had never taken a bath together with the other guys since he started on the ship. Sanji knew it wouldn't be safe to do so, having a hard on in front of the others while seeing Luffy's naked body wasn't a good idea, so he'd kept to himself. The was probably the first time Luffy was taking in as much of his nakedness despite it being half. Was he just that hot for a straight guy to acknowledge?

His eyes went down on the food again, but this time in wonder." Who made that?"

"Me." Luffy deadpanned.

Sanji blinked at Luffy, Luffy blinked back. Luffy pursed his lips, Sanji blinked the back of his eyes beginning to hurt from the growing migraine. Luffy made actually food??? His mind screamed at him.

"What with that dubious look, I'm not all inept!" Luffy puffed his pink cheeks that only darkened in embarrassment. Sanji really thought he was terrible in the kitchen.

" My apologies for thinking of you as incompetent, it just surprised me"Sanji chuckled wearily." The last time you tried to cut an onion it didn't go well. "

Luffy darkened more and looked away." That's because.....that because I was distracted....you know! "

Yeah! Distracted by how incredibly hot he looked back then, with his aesthetic mood and outfit Luffy had a hard time keeping his eyes off of him with led to him cutting down hard on the onion and the water sprayed a bit into the air and got in his eyes.

Sanji let out a sigh, rubbing his aching head. He didn't not feel too good." I don't think I have the strength to even eat right now"

"Can I come in?" Luffy asked after some seconds.

Sanji looked at him, his heart skipping a beat. Luffy asked to come into his room, it would be the first time he'd enter. And stay there with him no less. Sanji was freaking out because despite his headache he was sure it wouldn't affect any feeling of arousal he would have for Luffy. And to think that his early hook-up would help, he was dead wrong.

"Uh..."he drawled

"It's fine if you don't want to and would like some privacy, I just want to make sure that you at least have something to ea–" Luffy began to ramble taking a step back; feeling self-conscious about his question.

"No, no, no it's fine. Sorry, please." Sanji cut him off with a smile opening the door wide and giving way for Luffy to walk in.

Smiling, Luffy excused himself and stepped into the cool atmosphere of Sanji's room.

Sanji's room wasn't as complex as he had thought, he didn't expect the cook to be so simple and mundane. His hanging bed that was held by thick metal ropes just like every other bed on the ship was covered in red and blondish yellow knitting bedsheets a table and chair to the side with a hanging lantern just above it, there was a couple of books from sat snugly and neatly. His wardrobe was closed and to the left, on the right on wall was a weapon display, couple of swords and knifes; daggers to be precise.

Sanji closed the door and looked back at Luffy expectantly. The shorter male took his hand and led him towards his bed. He got on the bed in a W-posture, opposite Sanji and took a fork full of noodles. He held it to Sanji's lips.

"Are you feeding me?" Sanji cocked a brow looking at the fork of noodles.

"You said that you were too tired to eat right? You don't have to do anything, just chew and swallow." Luffy smiled back at him." So yes, I'm feeding you."

"In that position?" Sanji questioned staring at Luffy. Luffy was stretching his whole upper body forward so he could place the fork close to his lips. There was a little distance between the two of them which caused him to have to learn forward white uncomfortably." You'll hurt your back, and plus, you might get noodles on the bed if you try to feed me like that."

"Oh" was all what Luffy could muster at the moment.

Shaking his head at his clueless captain, Sanji grabbed his thigh gently and pulled Luffy closer towards him. Till their knees touch. Sanji hummed "Much better."he said eating the noodles off the fork.

Luffy looked at him in expectancy, watching was the blonde Frenchman chewed slowly on the food. He hoped it was good enough for Sanji's taste, it would be pathetic if all he was good for was pirating and looting money off ships. Much to his hopeful surmise, Sanji's brow raised in approval." Did you add the Markut lime powder?"

Luffy bit his lips and nodded." It's bad isn't it, gosh I'm so stupid?"

"What are you talking about, as a professional cook I'll say this is actually quite decent." Sanji laughed ruffling Luffy's dark locks


"Of course, I love it!"

Luffy flushed again looking down at the food." Thanks a lot, I guess I know how to make it well because it's actually my favorite non meat food. I didn't know how well it tasted, I haven't eaten any yet? "

" Why? "

Luffy shrugged taking another fork of noodles for Sanji." I just kind of lost my appetite along the way of cooking."

" That's not a good thing, your power drains a lot out of you and food  is one of your only recharge option."

Luffy shrugged again bringing the fork to Sanji's lips." I didn't use much power."

"Gum gum pistol takes an amount of strength. Every gum gum ability does, whether you didn't use your powers or not you have to eat to retain strength, didn't you onload today? "

" I had Yakisoba Yatai at the festival today and Kushiyaki Yatai. Takoyaki Yat–"

" Those are not enough to give strength." Sanji complained taking the bowl and fork from his hand. He placed the fork to Luffy lips" Eat." He commanded. Luffy bit his lips and looked at the noodles with an unwanting gaze. He shook his head slowly.

"I'm fine really, Sanji."

Sanji shot him a deadly glare that had him opening his mouth immediately and taking the food in his mouth. He chewed slowly, feeling self-conscious as Sanji watched him chew. He swallowed, liking the taste of the food." The food is for you, you know."

"We can share it." Sanji smiled taking a spoon for himself before taking a spoon for Luffy. None on them seemed to be bothered sharing the same spoon. Nor did they even give an acknowledgement to notice that it was a sort of indirect kissing.

They continued like that for a while, almost finished the bowl of noodles.

Sanji was silent the whole time, trying not to look too obvious of the reeling pain in his head. Luffy placed a palm of his head, feeling the warm skin on his own. Sanji looked up from his bowl in question, mouth chewing the new scoop of noodles he had eating." Does it still hurt? The headache I mean."

"Yeah, it does. I think just need some sleep or something. I'm not feeling well I'm a bit cold, I've been feeling quite cold since." Sanji said after he'd swallowed, licking his pink lips and relaxing his head into Luffy's palms. Despite his vigorous work, his palms still remained soft.

" It gets cold here on Mock Town. You should close your windows."Luffy mused cocking his head over to Sanji's open window.

Sanji smiled and shook his head." I can't sleep without the window open."Luffy frowned at his, opening his mouth to question him." Don't ask.... please."

"Oh, okay." He nodded slowly, watching as Sanji ate the rest of the food. Luffy was worried that Sanji would catch a cold. The blankets in the ship was not made to warm up enough because the ship would always be warm with the windows closed. The blankets were a bit on the thinner side. He had an idea, it was very invasion of both his and Sanji's space but if that was enough to keep Sanji warm then he was all for it.

"Are you done with eating?" Luffy asked eying the bowl of almost empty noodles. Sanji wasn't eating anymore, and looked about uninterested in the food too. Sanji looked at him and nodded slowly. Luffy took the bowl from him and got off the bed." I'll be right back."

Luffy left the room and hurried towards the kitchen. No one was there but he saw the empty plates in the sink that the others had dropped. He made a quick work of washing and drying the plates before filling a cup with water and walking back to Sanji's room. Sanji was lying face up on the bed, eyes half-open and tired. He spared Luffy a look.

"Can you sit up from me? You need to drink some water." Luffy asked walking to Sanji's side.

With a bit difficulty, Sanji sat up with a painful groan; wincing as his fingers rubbing his head. He drank the cool water quickly, downing at least half of the cup. Luffy placed the cup on his table as Sanji lay back down with another groan. He made sure to cover the cup before removing his straw hat and placing them on the table. He took of his kimino, and the rest of his clothes leaving him self in only his shorts he had worn under.

When he climbed into the bed beside Sanji, the blonde make looked up at him in surprise and with a question filled gaze. Luffy send him a smiled pulling the bigger male against him and resting his chin on the top of his blonde head.

"You said you were cold. If you won't close the window for warmth then I'll warm you up." Luffy informed him slipping his hand through Sanji's soft curls and massaging his head slowly and softly.

Sanji hummed in satisfaction from Luffy's massage. A head massage was the best with the migraine raging a war in his head. Not ready or willing to say anything to ruin the moment Sanji opted to take his chances to enjoy being in his loves arm. He might not get the chance again. Luffy resisted the very urge to flinch in shock when Sanji grabbed at his upper thigh dangerously close to his butt and pulled his closer till every part of the skin touched.

Sighing in content, Sanji wrapped his hand around his waist and buried his nose in the crock of Luffy's neck sniffing in his cinnamon sugar as he breathed in. It was pure bliss.

Luffy's cheeks, however, was burning at their full skin contact. Sanji was cold in contrast to his warm skin. And their closeness only made him hot with coyness. He didn't mind though. He found that he loved this position very much." So warm." Sanji murmured sleepily before his breathing even out indicating that he has dozed off.

Luffy smiled, continuing to massage his scalp slowly, looking down at the man below him. He truly loved him....he just wished it was reciprocal. But deciding not to dwell on it at the moment, he placed a soft kiss to Sanji's eyes and closed his eyes to fall asleep