
Missing Piece: \\ An LGBTQ One Piece Story

"Are you still in denial?" His words sent a soft minty breath across Zoro's lips and he leaned in more. His lips was right there, his blue eyes looking up at the green haired samurai seductively. Zoro gulped." I'm not gay" he said sharply. Zoro had only ever had his swords and crew mates and that was more than enough for him. He didn't know what love was or how it felt like nor did he expect to feel it in a long run, until unexpected events happen to make him come across with the most beautiful man he has ever laid his eyes on. Zoro is straight......or at least he thinks he is. And then there is Draco Mahawk, the man who was supposed to be his enemy. Will Zoro be the same again? "I-I like you, Sanji. I don't know if this is reciprocal but I just..... I just really needed to-" Sanji kissed him........... The brown haired boy smiled against Sanji 's soft lips and melted more into the kiss. It was his first............. Sanji had spent his life cooking unacceptable food and serving people for all his life, he didn't expect that bundle of joy to come into his restaurant with his crew for a meal. He didn't expect to join them the next day, nor did he expect to fall deeply in love with the captain of the Straw Hats.

kuro_joo99 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter Seven

Slimy hard flesh that dripped goo. Huge and it reeked with a stench of death. It was about ten feet tall with it's arms longer than normal and dropping to the ground, it's knees bent and back hunched. It's eyes were huge, mouth was slit with three rows of pointy sharp teeths inside. It was hideous. It lunged at Zoro, with a swipe of it's sharp and elongated claws it slashed Zoro to the chest and pushed him down with a deadly roar.

"Luffy get out of the way!" Sanji screamed in a panicked frenzy. Luffy found himself being abruptly pulled back by the Sanji and thrown to the ground behind. Sanji, who had a long wooden boa, from where he got it from Luffy didn't know. The paddle had been broken off to create a sharp spare like weapon." Luffy get Zoro and snap out of it."

Gulping, he stood up with trembling hands, he wasn't like this ever, it just happened so quick. Sanji pulled his arm back a long way before swinging his arm again forward catapulting the wooden spare towards the beast. It pierced it through the lower thigh and a deafening screech filled the air.

"Usopp get the the people out of here!" Nami screamed after her black haired comrade in arms. She threw him a crying child in a purple flowery kimino and dash towards the battle but her kimino was restricting her movements. With a grunt of frustration she grabbed a full length of the orange kimino and ripped a good length out of it. Her thighs were free and exposed to run well. But she was sullen, she wasted Berry on that clothing and she happened to like it. But it wasn't the time to be sulking on a piece of clothing, she needed to help Zoro and Luffy.

"Clima-tact!" she screamed raising her hand in the air. The dark clouds above lit with a slash of lightening and a booming thunder followed. From the west to where their ship was docked at the shipping bay, her staff came zooming past the air and towards it's beholder. It slammed into her palm like it always did, it's polished and highly maintained metal sparking with electricity.

Luffy dived into the fight desperate to reach Zoro. Zoro wasn't unconscious or completely helpless in the fight but he was below the beast, trying to keep the blood flow at a minimum. He couldn't risk abandoning the injury, it had cut an artery and he'd at least need a few minutes to stop the blood flow through meditation before getting into the fight.

"Gum gum..." Luffy screamed dragging his hand to a long stretch behind him and getting ready for his hard hit attacks." PISTOL!!" He finished, propelling it forward to deliver an incredibly powerful punch that sent the beast flying back three feet in the air.

"Art of weather" Nami spoke taking in a deep breath and raising her staff to the clouds. She felt a shift in the weather at her words, the air became colder and the wind picked up. She manipulated the weather, drawing the clouds of thunder to one single direction. The lightening slashed across the sky delivering a deafening thunder that rung the ears of the people in the vicinity. When she felt that she was ready she swiftly pointed her staff towards the direction of the beast and said" Thunderbolt tempo!"

From the surrounding clouds a slash of lightening descended from the sky and stroke the beast. A blood curling scream escaped the monster at the moment of impact. However, the result wasn't what they had hoped it to be. Instead of it to disintegrate or electrocute it grew. It grew bigger, the outer skin tearing as it's body expanded in size only to bring in new skin.

It was two times bigger it's previously size with thick defined muscles on the arms and legs, the face had it's teeth out in display, the skin around it's mouth burnt off by the lightening.

"Oh, God." Nami gasped in horror as she watched it stretch and stand up fully, it's enormous body casting a huge shadow over the ground. It turned towards Nami, as if it sensed that the lightning attack was from her. It's green eyes looked at her with a dangerous glint. Then it roared loudly before starting after her.

"Shit Nami!!" Sanji bellowed dashing after them.

" Arghhh, what is that thing! "Nami cried in panic as she ran for her life. The beast was just right behind her and it wasn't giving up on letting her go. Nami was trying her best to escape especially with her swift agility but the thunder strike that she has delivered to the beast granted it it's own top notch agility.

It lunged at her, leaping over to cover the distance and pin her to the ground but Sanji dashed in just in time. He leaped into the air turning his whole body to a flip before delivering a powerful mouton shot kick to the mid region of the head, sending the monsters front jamming into the ground and breaking it.

Getting onto a handstand, Sanji whispered to himself," Black leg style....Poêle à Frire: Spectre." He stomped on the back of the beast repeatedly with high accuracy and speed. The sounds of bone breaking countered with the pained grunts of the monster. After he'd finished with his move he grabbed on to Nami's hand and dragged her away from the beast and towards Luffy and Zoro.

"Is it dead?" Luffy asked Sanji, his hands pressing a damp bloody piece of Zoro's kimino on Zoro's thick cut.

"I have no idea, but I suggest we get going before –"

Sanji was cut off but the monster standing up again and roaring into the wind. It looked on at them with a murderous gaze, eyes and nose flaring, veins popping out all around it's body. It's cuts were self-healing, smoke coming out of its skin as it closed up fast.

"Ah, spoke too soon" Sanji winced

"What is that thing?" Nami gasped.

"Is that enhanced healing regeneration?" Luffy pondered.

"Can't wait to find that out!" Zoro spoke.up ignore the pain,  getting up on the feet and drawing his sword when the beast stared towards them with speed. Zoro slid in front of them, holding his two black swords in a fencing fighting position, waiting for it to come near before his final strike to kill it.

It jumped at them it's huge mouth open and wide to bite at anyone who's luck didn't save it from it's jaws...but that was before she jumped in to save the day.

She came in like a swift wind, launching herself towards the monster in mid air shifting her momentum so she spins on the air above it. Her hands firmly gripping her right sword backhanded with the blade facing out and her left sword normally allowing them to cut in circular, spinning motions. When the beast landed, it landed with a severed head.

The white ghost

The crew watched in awe at the sight of her swift kill. Nami watched in shock, the beast that proved hard to kill, the beast that was immune to her thunderbolt tempo was killed with a sword. With a single slash of her spinning technique. Amazing.

Zoro stared at the white ghost in surprise, she pulled of its annihilation so flawlessly, like she had been doing it all her life. It's was like she knew that severing the head was the only was to destroy the beast, and she had the best technique to use in order to do so. And that spinning technique, it's something he'd never seen before in his life. From that single view of the move he knew that it would be a hard one to pull off.

"Whoa!" Luffy said in awe, getting up on his feet.

The white ghost flicked her sword to get the dripping blood of it a bit before sliding it back into the hilt behind her. She spared a minute to turn to them, her face hidden by the casting shadows of her hood, but her blue eyes glinted in the dim. The wind blue across the ruined boat dock, her long white hair following it's movement.

Zoro wanted to say something, but he didn't know where to start. There were so many questions he had in mind, but didn't know which one to ask first. Taking one step forward, clutching his injury in pain. Flinching at his movements, she turned and dashed away quickly, fleeing from the scene.

It was expected, she was the white ghost after all, and no one knew about her.