
Missing Piece: \\ An LGBTQ One Piece Story

"Are you still in denial?" His words sent a soft minty breath across Zoro's lips and he leaned in more. His lips was right there, his blue eyes looking up at the green haired samurai seductively. Zoro gulped." I'm not gay" he said sharply. Zoro had only ever had his swords and crew mates and that was more than enough for him. He didn't know what love was or how it felt like nor did he expect to feel it in a long run, until unexpected events happen to make him come across with the most beautiful man he has ever laid his eyes on. Zoro is straight......or at least he thinks he is. And then there is Draco Mahawk, the man who was supposed to be his enemy. Will Zoro be the same again? "I-I like you, Sanji. I don't know if this is reciprocal but I just..... I just really needed to-" Sanji kissed him........... The brown haired boy smiled against Sanji 's soft lips and melted more into the kiss. It was his first............. Sanji had spent his life cooking unacceptable food and serving people for all his life, he didn't expect that bundle of joy to come into his restaurant with his crew for a meal. He didn't expect to join them the next day, nor did he expect to fall deeply in love with the captain of the Straw Hats.

kuro_joo99 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter Nine

The room was warmer come morning and Sanji's heat had improved. The room was filled with the gentle lapping of sea water against the ships body and the smell of salt filled Luffy's nose when he awoke from his slumber. Finding himself in a tangled mess of limbs and blankets with the blonde haired cook brought a faint pink blush on his cheeks.

There were no restrictions. Luffy's left leg was tangled along with both of Sanji's legs leaving his right leg resting on the Frenchman. Sanji's arms went tightly around his waist, still hugging him and burying his face in the crook of Luffy's neck.


He smelt of pure sweet and exotic spices. His neck tickled with Sanji's soft quiet breaths, he warmth of his body almost luring the tanned skinned captain back to sleep. But he shook it off, he had to get up and help to get the ship ready to sail. But when he tried to untangle himself from the twisted heap that was their limbs, Sanji's arms around him righted more and Luffy was being pulled towards his warm body.

Luffy grinned at the utter cuteness that was is crush. He snuggled his nose deeper into Luffy's soft skin letting out a soft content exhale. Luffy did want to wake him up, he looked too peaceful and cute at the moment. But he also needed to get up and Sanji wasn't making it easier for him to sneak out unnoticed. So he resulted to the only option available.

"Sanji....come on Sanji. Wake up yeah?" Luffy said in a soft whisper tone. He shook Sanji's gently trying to rouse the blonde.

Sanji let out a disturbed hum, brows creasing down a bit as he snuggled against Luffy a little bit.

"Come on Sanji we have to get up."

"Five more minutes." Sanji groaned into Luffy's neck.

Luffy smiled and shook his head treading his fingers through the mass of his black curls." No Sanji, come on we better set sail if we want out of Mock Town before the Marines get here."

"I won't mind an early morning battle." He teased, Luffy could feel the smile of his lips against his skin.

" I won't mind one too but I don't think I wanna face my grandpa. Knowing him the moment he hears of what the Straw Hat pirates did here in Mock Town he would fly the next Marine warship to come catch." Luffy grimanced with a frown.

" Ah, fuck, that's true." Sanji groaned raising his head to look at the tanned skinned man before him. Luffy's hair was fluffy and soft making it hardly look tousled or stuck out in places after sleep. It just lay on his head, feeling like cotton and silk, his wide smile and prominent dimples to adorn his face. The guy was a walking ray of sunshine to Sanji. A precious gem.

Luffy, however, was hiding the fact the Sanji's morning look made him want to drool. His hair was sexy despite the morning look. He was one of those person that made it look like morning hair was a hairstylist hair do. He pulled it off easily. His pearly skin glowed under the sun's ray making the appearance much more flushed. He was beautiful.

"Good morning." Sanji's words snapped him back to reality.

"Uh-huh yeah good morning to you too. How was your night?" Luffy asked trying hard not to stuttered and blush at his embarrassing gawk.

"Except for it being the best I've had in a while?" Sanji cocked a brow, a wide smile curving across his lips." It was splendid...and warm."

"Oh?" Luffy replied staring into his blue grey eyes.

"Yeah. Thanks for sleeping with me by the way. I wasn't feeling too good last night."

" It's no problem." Luffy waved him off feeling disappointed when Sanji let go of him and slipped out of bed. He stood on the warm wooden floor on the ship, muscled back facing Luffy and stretched. His muscles rolled perfectly and his night trousers still hanging unhealthyly low for his eyes.

"We should get dressed." Sanji announced turning back to look at him.

Luffy blinked at Sanji mindlessly. Sanji blinked back looking at him in calm anticipation. Luffy craned his neck wondering why Sanji was giving him an expectant look, wondering if he needed some from him.

"Well I mean I'm not adverse to it....." Sanji continued with a devilish smirk." You are welcome watch me dress, maybe we could dress together."

"Ah! I'm sorry! I'll leave now!" Luffy burned a bright red as he catapulted from the bed making it rock from left to right and bolted towards the door.

"Why you running? We're all men here?" Sanji teased.

"My clothes are in my room bye!" He called after him slamming the door in time to muff Sanji's amused chuckle. Luffy took a deep breath and leaned on the door; the previous scene replaying in his head. He felt his warm cheeks, it was embarrassing and Sanji enjoyed his coy reaction to his words. It was unbelievable.

"Captain?" Usopp called brows furrowed in wonder as he approached his blushing Captain. Luffy's head whipped up and his wide eyes stared at Usopp like a deer caught in a headlight." You okay? You're looking a little flustered there?"

"Huh..... Oh yeah." Luffy cleared his throat standing straight and willing his blush to go away." Do you need something."

Usopp frowned, mind wondering why Luffy had acted that way. He was in front of Sanji's room and looking quite dazed. It won't be the first time that he had noticed something going on with the two and he felt like today wouldn't be the last. He just didn't exactly have a hand on what exactly was the problem.

"I was looking for you, to ask if you wanted me to set sail right now."

"Ah, of course. Quickly, I wanna be out of here before grandfather finds us again." Luffy nodded getting off the door.

"Ugh, old grandpa yeah we better scram, I'll start our voyage." He said clasping his hands together and turning away to leave.

Luffy watched Usopp's retreating figure with a relieved smile. He was crushing on Sanji, badly, but he wasn't sure if telling his crew was the right thing to do at the moment. He was afraid, he didn't know exactly what they would think of his sexuality. He didn't even really have an education on sexuality.

Disoriented, he dashed to his room and pulled on a new and clean outfit for the day and deciding to wash off yesterday's battle later in the afternoon. A white tank top and a dark blue three-quarter short with his sandals and straw hat. He was ready to sail.

Luffy bumped into Zoro on the way to the deck; he noticed something quite bothering about his green haired comrade. Zoro wasn't looking too good. His skin was extremely pale and his eyes were red rimmed. His lips were dry and chapped with this sort of unhealthy look on his face. In fact, his entire body had an unhealthy look etching.

His eyes were hooded as he plodded forward, hands dangling loosely and carelessly against his sides but his swords were still there making Luffy wonder if the weigh of the metal was making it harder for his injury. However, he's been cut before, by Dracule Mihawk's Yoru for that matter. He almost died but he didn't look as sickly as this even in his comatose state. This looked a lot like a worrisome problem.

Zoro's eyes finally left the floor and assessed his captain walking towards him with a frown on his face.

"Zoro? Hey buddy, you okay?" Luffy asked Zoro in concern letting his eyes wonder around the samurai's face.

"Not really but I'm not dead yet." Zoro answered in a gruff tone, face crunching up in a grumpy expression probably because of the pain.

"Yet! But you can be dead the next day come morning or in a few hours or even in a few minutes! So why wont you heed my warning to rest Zoro! "Nami voice growled out of nowhere in irritation as she made her way towards the two male, her eyes fixated on the the the very sickly looks frowning greenete beside her Captain.

Zoro moaned in annoyance, glaring at Nami." I don't need more sleep Nami. How many time will I tell you that I. Am. Fine! "

" Take a look in the mirror Zoro, do you really look fine? "Nami snapped back in outrage, her hair pulled up in two Chinese buns. Her out fit was a tight blue and white striped shirt that gave a bit of her cleavage some air and white shorts with black boots. "You look like you've just had a rough encounter with death and came back! You are sick Zoro."

" Nami get off my back! "

"Maybe when you finally get back your color and stop looking like a chocking fish, I will because you are nothing but a pain in the ass"

" Captain tell Nami to get off my back! "Zoro turned to Luffy.

Luffy looked in between the two of them, studying, wondering. He pursed his lips not really wanting to be subjected to both their squabble so early in the morning. But he was captain. " Uh, firstly, Nami, you should probably give the guy a little space. He might be irritated with everything that had happened yesterday and he will rest eventually–."

"See?" Zoro hitched a thumb towards Luffy." He gets it! "

Nami shot Luffy a look of utter disbelief and betrayal.

" –Secondly," Luffy continued holding his index finger up in front of Zoro." Zoro Nami is also right. You have got to get some rest, you look like you've been drained dry by a vampire. Kinda like Dracule Mihawk, but even he managed to pull off his pale look. I know that you are my buddy, and I'm sorry but I'm taking Nami's side on this one. We are worried about you."

It was Nami's turn to send him a smug smirk. Zoro huffed reaching up to rub his forehead with a groan. The back of his eyes hurt like he hadn't spent his whole night on the bed in the world of dreams and nightmares. But he didn't like to be babied. He never had been and he wanted to keep it that way." You have to take it easy, Zoro, at least just for today and we'll see if your temperature goes down."

"Temperature? What's wrong with his temperature?" Luffy inquired in curiosity and uneasiness pressing the back of his hand over Zoro's head. A tiny hiss left his lips and snatched his hand immediately away at the contrast of Zoro's burning skin against his cool one. It was hot! Too hot.

"Holy shit your temperature is skyrocketing!" Luffy exclaimed glaring up at the green haired samurai and wondering how he must have been feeling.

"Since last night. His temperature has been terrible." Nami chimed in, the smug look on her face fone and replaced by a look of weariness and fright. Fright for her comrade." I spent all night trying to at least cool the burn with a cold rag but the both the water and rag were the things that got hotter. And it hasn't simmered down either."

"Can you guys stop talking about my condition like I'm not here?" Zoro growled silently.

"Is that normal?" Luffy questioned turning to assess Nami fully, deliberately ignoring Zoro to try to get to the bottom of his condition.

"As if!" Nami snorted." It's a miracle that he's still walking much less alive. You should have seen him last night. It was hell."

"What didn't you tell anyone then? "

" So you can do what? No offense but none of you have any knowledge in the health area of expertise. I, at least know a little something on the concept of medicine because I've been alone most of all my life and even my knowledge on it is helpless to Zoro's condition."

" But still, "he hummed biting his lips feeling disquieted at the lack of answers to their situation.

The boat suddenly swayed and groaned a bit, on the water causing the three of them to hold on to each other's arms until it steadied. It was an indication that Usopp had finally set sail and left the dock of Mock Town.

"And lastly, his body might be burning but his injury is a different case." Nami added taking Luffy's hand and gently placing it over Zoro's injury. Zoro flinched groaned in pain and jerking away from his captain touch. A cold sweat ran down the side of the forehead as he resisted the urge to grasp at the wound.

" Ah! I'm sorry Zoro! "Luffy winced an apology, his eyes going down to glare at his hand.

They were cold.

" They're cold. "Luffy observed, narrowing his eyes towards Nami.

" And I don't know why. I've never seen the case before in my life. I don't even know what to do. The cold seeped through the double bandage I placed over the wound, i-it's crazy Luffy."

" Screw this! "Zoro finally lost it and stomped out of the hall. Jed had enough of their discussion on his topic. He didn't feel good and he could admit that, but he was a man a fighter, a warrior and and injury was something that he should be able to handle.

Them treating him like a cracked egg was a collosal humiliation to his dignity. His condition and the way he was treated because of it was a shame to the orthodox of his people custom! He didn't need their sympathy or their unending worry and care. He could handle it, and if it brought him death. So be it! He would accept it with a samurai's honor and dye a samurai's death.

"Zoro can you at least try to listen?" Nami called after him, increasing her pace to match with his own.

"To what! Talking about this isn't going to do anything to help!" He yelled back at her, fighting the urge to throw her off her feet and send her scramming.

"But a good rest will!" Luffy amended.

"Don't you get it!" He snapped, seething in irritation, left hand subconsciously tightening on his white sword." I HAVE rested. I have taken caution. All through the night I spent some hours in pain reflecting on the outcome that this is something that any of us has ever seen! Why should I spend my hours in bed if these could be my last? Now I don't know about any of you, but if I'm dying? I'd rather do something worthwhile that rot on my sickbed "

The words hit hard. Nami hasn't expected Zoro to already think of death. He was sick, yes, but never had she once let that vile thought take form in her mind. Luffy too was frozen. Death is not something he took so well, especially when it involved his loved ones. He had lot his brother, his parents, and just maybe the love of his grandfather. He was not loosing anyone else. No matter what!

"What are you saying!" Nami finally spoke in a hard tone, eyes wide in shock and face in a neutral expression.

"It's possible Nami that I–"

"Shut up! Shut it I don't want to hear it!" She screamed, hands shaking at her sides and eyes watering. Her nose and cheeks turned a rosy color, and indication that she really wanted to cry. An occurrence as scarce as hens teeth." You think you only got it hard? Because of your way of living as  a samurai you don't get to be worried about because of a a single injury? Well news flash green head if you die it'll all be on me! It's my responsibility to see that you live! Quit being a jerk you asshole!"

Luffy and Zoro watched the feisty tangerine-color haired girl stomp away from the two off them to the opposite direction. The two buddies turned to look each other a minute later. There was a look of guilt etched on Zoro's face, while Luffy looked back at him in stress. Being a captain was hard.

"You apologize." Luffy stuck his index finger in Zoro forehead with a huff and backed away from his friend. Crossing his arms around his chest and leaning on the wall he narrowed his gaze at the greenete." And try not to be a dick, Zoro. She's trying her best here and you know how Nami is! Despite that facade she out on she's the softest of us all–"

"I know that–" Zoro cut in.

" I don't think you do. "Luffy interjected." Because if you really did you'd take her advice and go apologize right this moment! "

" Okay, okay, I will I will... I'm gonna–"


A loud boom cut their conversation short. The shiped canted downwards to the left pulling both Luffy and Zoro with it. They grabbed for anything in reach in order to keep steady and avoid falling.

"Shit what's happening!" Zoro cried in pain holding himself on a wooden pole in the hallway, the strain he put on his wound but forcefully using his arms to keep him steady searing through his burning skin.

"Argh! Don't tell me the have caught on already!" Luffy exclaimed in panic biting his lips.

"What? Who?" Zoro questioned just as the ship was pulled back to it's previous position but the swaying of the ship hardly gave them a chance to stand steadily.

Luffy didn't answer him but dashed away and made a beeline for the deck. Zoro followed after in confusion wondering who was the intruder searching to loot off of their ship this time.

Climbing on to the deck, they both saw Nami, Sanji and Usopp already there. Usopp was at the wheel grasping it tightly as he tried his best to stop the ships erratic swaying. Nami held on for dear life on to the edge of the ship with one arm while the other arm held a binocular to her eyes. Sanji was at the risen sails grabbing the arms used to let it down for support.

"The Marines?" Luffy questioned in a yell to no one in particular.

" Worse! It's Abura! "Nami yelled back pushing herself away from the egde and sliding down to grab her staff." Worry not I'll end this in a blast! "

"Nami watch out!" Usopp's voice came from the steering wheel as their eyes zeroed on three cannon balls heading straight on for their deck. They screamed as Usopp made a hard turn to the left to manoeuvre the obstacle promise a swift destruction to a thousand sunny. Nami tripped and fell to her side, sliding down the direction the ship and canted towards.

The went out of the way of two canon balls except for one which had the perfect direction on the middle deck of their ship.