
MHA: Shadow manipulation

Well, what are you waiting for? Give it a shot. Or don't. It's your choice . . . . . AN: This is disclaimer, I don't own this series or any character in it

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13 Chs

Shadow is broken

Nemo started to leave the podium, her steps heavy and her heart even heavier. She felt no happiness, no sense of accomplishment. The victory felt hollow, and it hurt her deeply. Why did nobody accept her, not even one person? Her only friend wasn't truly a friend, and her father hated her. But the one she hated the most was herself.

As she packed her things to leave, someone stood in her way. It was Mina, accompanied by other girls from their class.

"Ehmm, Nemo, hi. I am sorry. I just want to talk. Please, at least look me in the eyes," Mina pleaded.

Nemo didn't have the courage to look at her, afraid she might break down and cry. She kept her gaze averted. "I am sorry, Mina-san, but we aren't close enough to call ourselves by our names like that."

Mina's face fell, her heart aching at Nemo's words. She couldn't believe that the friend she had known her whole life was treating her like a mere acquaintance. "Nemo, please."

"It's too late for that. You had around fifteen years to know me. Now I have to leave; I don't want to be late getting home."

With a respectful bow, Nemo turned and left. Mina's knees buckled, and she collapsed to the ground, tears streaming down her face. The other girls tried to comfort her, but Mina couldn't stop crying. She realized how cruel she had been to her friend, only ever talking about herself and never asking about Nemo's feelings. This realization cut deep, making her cry even harder.

As Nemo rode the bus home, she fought back tears. "Just a few more minutes," she told herself. "I can cry when I get home." She was utterly devastated. Slowly, she made her way to her house. As she approached, she heard her phone ring. She looked at the screen and saw it was her father. Reluctantly, she answered.

Her father's voice was cold and disappointed. "Nemo, I saw you were rebeling, I told you to gave up and now everyone who knows that I am your father looks at me distainfuly. I'm cutting your allowance in half. Maybe that will motivate you to be better. And I hate you with all my being"

Nemo bit her lip, her shark-like teeth drawing a small drop of blood. She hung up and slowly opened the door to her house. The air felt cold, and she noticed an open window she didn't remember leaving open. She closed it and walked to the fridge, taking out a cup of instant ramen.

As she closed the fridge, she heard a voice behind her. "Hey there, hope I didn't come unwelcomed."

Nemo spun around, alert and on guard. "Genocid? What are you doing here?"

The figure smiled and scratched his neck. "My name is not Genocid but Tomura. I saw you at the festival."

Nemo's patience was wearing thin. "Get out. I don't know what you're doing here, but get out. I... I don't have time to talk to someone right now."

Tomura scratched his neck more, looking annoyed by her attitude. "Maybe you will change your mind after this." He put a white hand on his face, a sinister gesture that made Nemo more alert and panicked.

"Y-you... you are the villain!"

Shadows in the room started to move, responding to Nemo's rising fear and tension. But Tomura's next words froze her completely.

"You call me a villain despite what you did, murderer."

Nemo's mind raced. She knew exactly what he was talking about. The incident she had buried deep within her memories, the one that haunted her every waking moment. She fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face. "How... how do you know about that?"

Tomura's smile widened, sensing her vulnerability. "I have my ways. You see, it's not just your own mind that torments you. Others know the truth. The real question is, how long can you keep pretending?"

Nemo sobbed uncontrollably, the weight of her past mistakes crushing her spirit. "I didn't mean to... It was an accident... I never wanted to hurt anyone."

"But you did," Tomura replied coldly. "And that guilt, that pain, it's a part of you now. You can't escape it. But you can use it. Join me, and we can harness that pain, that anger. Together, we can reshape the world."

Nemo shook her head, trying to gather her thoughts. "No... I can't... I won't."

Tomura leaned in closer, his voice a whisper. "Think about it, Anemo. You don't have to be alone anymore. You don't have to suffer in silence. With me, you can find a new purpose."

Nemo's resolve began to waver. She remembered Mina, her classmates, and the promise she made to herself to prove her worth as a hero. But the pain and loneliness were overwhelming. The thought of not being alone, of having someone understand her, was tempting.

"No one accepts me," Nemo whispered. "Not my father, not my so-called friends. I try so hard, but it's NEVER ENOUGHT."

Tomura's voice was gentle, almost comforting. "They don't see you for who you truly are. They don't understand your strength, your potential. But I do. I can help you become the hero you were meant to be."

Nemo's heart ached with indecision. She was at her lowest, her spirit shattered. Tomura saw his opportunity and pressed further, pulling at the strings of her emotions.

"You deserve better, Anemo. You deserve to be recognized, to be powerful. Let me help you. Together, we can make them see."

Nemo closed her eyes, tears still streaming down her cheeks. The pain, the loneliness, the desire for acceptance—everything was too much to bear. Slowly, she nodded, her resolve broken.

"Alright," she whispered. "I'll join you."

Tomura's smile was triumphant. "You made the right choice, Anemo. Together, we will change everything."

Nemo felt a hollow emptiness as she accepted his hand. He hold her by four fingers.

She had crossed a line, one she wasn't sure she could ever come back from. But in that moment, she felt a strange sense of relief. Maybe, just maybe, this was the path that would finally bring her the acceptance she so desperately craved.

(End of a chapter)