
MHA: Shadow manipulation

Well, what are you waiting for? Give it a shot. Or don't. It's your choice . . . . . AN: This is disclaimer, I don't own this series or any character in it

Apandora · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Shadow in shadow 5

In the room sat Nemo, her hands hugging her knees, her entire body trembling with the weight of her emotions. She was a complete mess. She didn't understand why she had screamed at All Might. The embarrassment and self-loathing gnawed at her, making her feel smaller and more isolated than ever. She hated when others tried to change her, especially when they knew nothing about her. To them, she was invisible. No one ever asked about her feelings, which were now at a breaking point. Only a small trigger could make her explode with emotion.

Nemo: "Why did I yell at him? He was only trying to help..."

The sound of her own voice startled her in the silence of the room. She buried her face deeper into her knees, trying to shut out the world. The familiar pain of being misunderstood and ignored cut deeper than any physical wound. She had always been a shadow, unnoticed and unimportant. But now, her feelings were ready to erupt like a dormant volcano.

Suddenly, P. Mic's voice boomed through the speakers, breaking through her thoughts.

P. Mic: "Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've been waiting for! It's time for the finals! On one side, we have the icy hot prodigy, TODOROKI SHOUTO!"

The crowd's roar was deafening. Nemo's heart raced, not from fear but from a desperate hope that winning this battle might make someone, anyone, accept her. She used her Quirk to tap into the shadows, disappearing from her room and reappearing at the gate of the arena.

P. Mic: "And on the other side, the mysterious and formidable, ANEMO NEMO!"

As Nemo stepped onto the stage, the crowd's reaction was muted compared to Todoroki's reception. She swallowed hard, trying to push down the lump in her throat. She needed to focus.

Todoroki looked at her coldly, his mismatched eyes devoid of emotion. "You should surrender. I'm on a different level than you."

The words stung like a slap to the face. Anger bubbled up inside her, hot and fierce. She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, her entire body trembling with the effort to contain her rage.

Nemo: "You don't know anything about me," she whispered, more to herself than to Todoroki.

Midnight raised her hand, signaling the start of the match.

Midnight: "Prepare... attention... START!"

Todoroki wasted no time, launching a massive wave of ice towards Nemo. But she was ready. She tapped into her shadows, slipping through the cracks in the ice and reappearing behind him. She launched a dark tendril from her shadow, aiming straight for Todoroki's back.

But Todoroki was quick, spinning around and blasting her with fire. The heat singed her clothes, but she used the shadows to shield herself from the worst of it. She emerged unscathed, her eyes glowing with determination.

Nemo: "You think you're better than me?" she shouted, her voice echoing across the arena. "I'll show you what it means to fight someone who's been ignored and underestimated their whole life!"

She attacked again, her shadows swirling around her like a living, breathing entity. Todoroki countered with a blast of ice, but Nemo was relentless. She darted in and out of the shadows, her movements fluid and unpredictable.

The crowd watched in stunned silence as the battle raged on. Todoroki's calm, calculated attacks were met with Nemo's fierce, desperate strikes. It was a clash of wills, a battle between two souls who refused to back down.

Nemo knew she had to win. She had to prove to herself and everyone else that she was more than just a shadow. With a final, desperate surge of power, she summoned all her strength and launched a massive shadow attack, engulfing Todoroki in darkness.

When the shadows cleared, Todoroki was on the ground, struggling to stand. Nemo stood over him, her chest heaving with exertion. She had won. She had finally won.

Midnight: "Winner, Anemo Nemo!"

The arena fell into complete silence. No cheers, no applause, nothing. Nemo looked around, confusion etched across her face. Why wasn't anyone clapping? She had given everything she had, fought with all her might, and yet, there was nothing but silence.

As she walked off the stage, the weight of the silence pressed down on her. She didn't understand why no one acknowledged her victory. She had hoped this battle would make people see her, accept her. But instead, it felt like she was more invisible than ever.

Midnight's voice cut through the heavy silence, announcing the winners. "In third place, Katsuki Bakugo!"

Bakugo stood on the podium, staring at the floor. His fists were clenched, and his jaw was tight as he muttered to himself, "How did I lose?"

"In second place, Shouto Todoroki!"

Todoroki stood beside him, still in a stupor from what had happened. His mind replayed the battle over and over, trying to understand how he had been bested.

"And in first place, Anemo Nemo!"

Nemo stood on the highest podium, her face unreadable as she hid behind her hair. Her heart pounded in her chest, but the emptiness around her victory felt suffocating.

Suddenly, a gust of wind announced the arrival of All Might, who landed gracefully in front of the podiums. "I AM HERE!" he declared, his booming voice full of energy.

He approached Bakugo first, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You fought well, young Bakugo. Remember, every battle is a lesson. Learn from this and grow stronger." He handed Bakugo the bronze medal and gave him a reassuring hug. Bakugo's scowl softened slightly as he accepted the medal.

Next, All Might moved to Todoroki. "Young Todoroki, you demonstrated great skill and strategy. Keep pushing your limits, and you'll achieve greatness." He handed Todoroki the silver medal and gave him a supportive pat on the back. Todoroki nodded, still deep in thought.

Finally, All Might turned to Nemo. He smiled warmly, trying to pierce through the barrier of her hair. "Young Anemo, you showed incredible determination and resilience. Remember, being a hero isn't just about strength; it's about heart." He placed the gold medal around her neck and pulled her into a gentle hug.

The crowd erupted into applause, but Nemo could tell it wasn't out of approval or admiration. The clapping was obligatory, a hollow sound that echoed her feelings of isolation. She clenched her fists tightly, her nails digging into her palms.

Nemo: "I won, I won... why does nobody accept me?"

Her whispered words were drowned out by the noise, but the pain in her heart was deafening. She had hoped this victory would change everything, but instead, it felt like nothing had changed at all. The emptiness remained, and her longing for acceptance burned more.

(End of a chapter)