
MHA: Roronoa Zoro Reborn

Roronoa Zoro dies, but instead of going to heaven or hell, he loses his orientation and ends up in the reincarnation chambers. Only predetermined souls get the chance of another life at the reincarnation chambers, so Zoro's appearance causes the automated system to fail and reincarnate him into a body that already carries a soul. -One body 2 minds. Zoro doesn't have his memories, only his ambitions and personality remain. No Harem. No getting One For All. Main Story changes.- -Whoever guesses who I based Zoro's and Ryoto's relationship on gets to create an oc- - Don't own the cover nor the story- 

sargen · Cómic
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27 Chs


[All the guesses: Yugi Muto and Atem, Yuji and Sukuna, Ichigo and White/Zangetsu, Naruto and Kurama, Moonknight, Killer bee and 8 tails, Issei and the dragon, Deku and OFA predecessors, Rimuru tempest/great sage, Raphael etc., Bruce Banner and Hulk, Ghost Rider, Balud Cornelius/Oka Sadatoshi/Oka Masaharu, Tsunayoshi Sawada and reborn, Seras Victoria and Pip Vernedead. (All wrong)]


Before he arrived at school, Ryoto saw a crowd of reporters asking information on All Might and if he was really teaching at U.A.

Sitting and eating lunch and the cafeteria, the boys of class 1A discussed certain topics. The first to talk was Kaminari.

"Hey, Ryoto. Thanks for not cutting off my limbs. Even if today's medicinal technology is good enough to reattach a limb, I would've been surely traumatized," he thanked.

"As long as you are not a Villain, I will hold back. I must act responsibly and cautiously. One wrong judgement and it's the heads of my opponents rolling on the floor," Ryoto said, stuffing his face with Lunch Rush's protein-rich food.

"Jiro wasn't so lucky though. She now has a huge scar on her left palm," Kaminari informed the boys, making them think of Ryoto's battle trial.

"Let's stop talking about me, and let's start talking about everyone present. I will start. Tokoyami, I saw you at the entrance exam on training ground Zeta, you Quirk is quite powerful if controlled properly," Ryoto said with Zoro's advise.

The boys bonded as they talked about their hobbies and such. The boys that weren't present at the lunch table were Shoto, Deku, Bakugo and Iida.

"So, tell me who you like best," Ryoto probed.

"What do you mean," some of the boys asked.

"You know exactly what I am talking about. I saw your faces before sitting at this table. Don't be ashamed for something that your body's chemistry is causing," Ryoto reassured.

"It's Jiro for me--"

The boys talked about the girls in class. Suddenly, the school's alarm system activated and a panic broke out. Looking outside of the cafeteria window, Ryoto could see the U.A entrance gate gone and dozens of reporters storming the U.A premises.

'The reporter who caused all of this must have some balls...' Ryoto yelled to inform everyone.

"It's a false alarm!"

His voice was over toned by the panicking students.

Ryoto searched for Momo, and when he found her getting crushed from the panic stricken students, he pulled her away.

"Can you make a megaphone? This is a false alarm, there are no Villains, just reporters that destroyed the gate," Ryoto asked.

"Sure...," she said, happy to have escaped the crowd.

Stabbing the wall with a screwdriver-like weapon and pulling himself up, Ryoto used to megaphone to inform the panicking students about the current situation outside.

"Listen up! There are no damn Villains! The reporters from this morning dared to destroy the front gate with some Quirk. Do NOT fucking panic, alright?!"

Hearing Ryoto's statement, the panic began to settle down. Realization and shame showed on most students' faces. Most thought, 'I am trying to become a Hero, yet I got scared when 'Villains' attacked'.

'Stupid kids,' Zoro said, disappointed.

1A's next class was with their homeroom teacher Aizawa. The tired-looking Hero asked the class to vote for a class representative.

Everyone voted for themselves except for Momo, Denki and Iida. Those three voted for Ryoto. Ryoto won with 4 votes, and Momo won with 2 votes.

Ryoto and Momo only one because of what they did at lunchbreak. "True leadership--"

"I'm glad this class gets to be represented by me. I will make sure to not let anyone down," Ryoto gave a dishonest thank-speech. Ryoto then leaned towards Momo. "I can't deal with all of them, so if you could handle the girls, I would be thankful.

"Now that it's over, get ready, we will be going on a trip. Search and rescue, today's training," Aizawa explained.


On the bus to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, class 1A had small talk about their Quirks.

"Your Quirk is similar to All Might's," Tsuyu with the frog Quirk said.

"Wh-Why would you think that," Deku asked, sweat building up on his forehead.

"Yeah, Deku. It's VERY similar to All Might's," Zoro added.

"Wait. But All Might doesn't injure himself," Kirishima added. "Your Quirk is a lot more flashy than mine. I can just harden my body, and that's all there is to it."

"If we talk about flashy and cool, Shoto's, Bakugo's and Ryoto's Quirks are the ones I think about. One can create ice and flames from his body, the other one explosions from his palms, and the last one can cut you," Aoyama added.

"He is right," Kirishima said. "I can't forget Ryoto's trial yesterday. He cut Denki without even touching him with something. What is your Quirk even called, Ryoto?"

"I call it Sharpness, but I think it's more than that," Zoro responded.

At the USJ, pro Hero 13 was the special guest that would oversee the USJ training together with Aizawa. All Might would've also been there if not for his time limit.

"Students, my Quirk is called Black Hole. Anything that is on the receiving end of my Quirk will get pulverized," 13 explained.

"Wow!" A few students cheered, impressed by her Quirk.

"But that's not all. This Quirk is also very lethal. I could pulverize someone and leave no trace if I wished. Such is the case for some of your Quirks as well. Some Quirks that you saw someone use at the battle trial and the Quirk apprehension test can be quite destructive and lethal if aimed at another person. But today, we won't be focusing on fighting. We will be focusing on search and rescue," 13 preached, receiving class 1A's cheers after she finished.

A mere second the later, at the USJ's centre where a fountain was, a purple blackness spread out for several feet.

Figures started to appear from this mist-like blackness.

"Woah! That looks way too real," Kirishima remarked, getting Aizawa to look down at USJ's centre.

Seeing scary-looking individuals being led by a skinny, blue-haired individuals who wore severed hands all over his body including his face, Eraserhead ordered the class to stay put and stand behind 13.

"Those are Villains," Eraserhead revealed, giving his students a reason to feel scared.

'Things are getting exciting. Do you think we are allowed to defend ourselves with our Quirks,' Zoro asked Ryoto.

'Probably, just do what Eraserhead tells you to do,' Ryoto advised.

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