
Marvel: The Foundation

The MCU is already a perilous realm, fraught with danger at every turn. But for a crimelord like myself, it's a whole other level of risk, especially with heroes lurking around every corner. And if that weren't daunting enough, now I have to contend with the added uncertainty of encountering at least one completely random SCP every month. How many of these anomalies would it take to trigger an XK-class event? Well, here's hoping I get some favorable ones, allowing me not only to survive but also to flourish in this treacherous environment.

Darkstar_crow · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
262 Chs

Combat test -162


[SITE-103- The Colosseum]


The Colosseum was one of the SCP Foundations largest and most important SITEs since it housed all the many D-class personnel they used all over the world. Allowing the Foundation to spend lives without a care.


This SITE was also under the direct control of O5-1, who kept the influence of both the other members of the O5 council and the Ethics Committee. In fact while the Ethics Committee wanted to meddle they didn't even know where it was.


Merely knew that the SITE existed and who ran it, something which didn't help their relationship with Alexander.


This SITE was just one of Alexander's little playgrounds, though no doubt the biggest one. It was here the remains of the Red Room had been taken; here, they were trained and inducted into the Foundation.


 And while Alexander spent very little time there, mostly staying back at SITE-009 or SITE-001, he left this particular SITE in the capable hands of Commander Alexei Petrov. While he wasn't solely in charge of the SITE, he was still the last line before Alexander himself.


Alexei rarely left the SITE, often being busy with his work and hardly needing to leave, as the SITE had everything one could ever want or need. Yet today he would be setting out for a longer visit to another SITE under the command of Alexander, that being Facility Zeta-12, The Garden.


While Alexei normally didn't have much to do with The Garden since it was the main lab under O5-1 and he really didn't care much for such things. He did care about some of the stuff they did there, which included making a new type of equipment.


The newest toy they had produced was one the infamous Wraith really couldn't help but desire greatly. He had seen Tony Stark in his suit in action and had been greatly impressive, and he couldn't help but want some of those suits for himself.


So he was naturally happy to hear that such suits were finally done. He had known about the attempt to make them for a while, and now they were ready for his approval.


He wasn't going alone, he would be bringing with him a rather large party, which included some of his most elite men, a few Widows from the Red Room and even Ghost, likely the most trusted subordinate of Alexander.


Ghost's true identity was known to very few, even within Alexander's inner circle. Alexei was among the few who knew, and this made it hard to act normally around them, not only because of their identity but also because of their possible future identity.


They were so treasured by Alexander that he hadn't just given them a permanent dose of water from SCP-006, but even been granted SCP objects and anomalous powers. All because Alexander was trying to get Ghost a seat on the O5 council.


This wasn't easy, but the mere fact that Alexander wanted this highlighted how much he valued Ghost. Alexei himself has only been working for O5-1 for around 80 years, a far cry from the nearly 200 years Ghost had been following him.


Ghost was likely the most powerful person under the command of Alexander, and someone even Alexei himself had to step carefully around; after all, they might become his superior one day. Not to mention that given how closely Ghost was valued by his own boss, it was likely that if he earned Ghost's displeasure, he might lose his own dose of the waters of youth.


Still, Ghost would like always mostly just move around on their own and do their own thing. Which suited Alexei fine since it allowed him to focus on his own task without having to watch over his shoulder nervously.


Alexei's departure from the Colosseum was a well-coordinated affair. Security was tight, and a convoy was prepared to ensure his safe travel to Facility Zeta-12. As stealth jets moved out, the Colosseum's operations continued unabated, with D-class personnel being processed and dispatched to various SCP sites worldwide or moved in for training to replace those sent out.


Ghost had disappeared somewhere; even Alexei didn't know where, not that he had much time to pay attention since he was busy dealing with the Widows, who were rather excited to finally leave the Colosseum once again.




Upon arrival at The Garden, Alexei was greeted by Jun-seo Park, the lead scientist in charge of making the dream of an entire fleet of Ironsuits a reality.


Jun-seo was another highly trusted member of Alexander's inner circle, and their rank was no less than his own within the Foundation, so Alexei could only greet him politely even if he didn't have much respect for scientists.


Alexei followed Jun-seo through the immaculate hallways of The Garden, finally arriving at a vast, state-of-the-art laboratory. The Ironsuits were arrayed in neat rows, their sleek designs gleaming under the bright lights.


"These are the latest models," Jun-seo explained, gesturing to the suits. "Each suit is equipped with advanced control assistance programs to ensure that the pilot can easily fly around while focusing on the enemy.


Alexei walked among the suits, inspecting them closely. "Impressive. And they're fully operational?"


He was well aware that one of the biggest problems so far had been controlling the suits, after all there wasn't a lot of room for buttons and switches in there, which meant a different system entirely had to be developed.


"Yes," Jun-seo confirmed. "Would you like to see a demonstration?"


"Absolutely," Alexei replied, a note of excitement in his voice.


Jun-seo had clearly anticipated the eagerness and just nodded as someone was called over to help provide assistance. "Very well, better get your people ready, after all the best demonstration is a live test right?"


Alexei hadn't expected for the scientist to be so eager, but then again, he could understand them having some pride in their work and wanting to show off and see it in action.




The group moved to an adjacent testing facility, an expansive area designed to simulate various combat scenarios. Alexei's team, including the Widows, suited up in the Ironsuits with the assistance of the lab technicians. Ghost, as usual, was nowhere to be found, likely observing from the shadows.


The suits powered up, their systems humming with energy. Alexei watched as Yalena, Ana, and Oksana, the lead Widows, moved with newfound agility and strength, the suits responding seamlessly to their commands.


Jun-seo gathered the Widows and began explaining the suits' specifications. "Each Ironsuit is equipped with an advanced control assistance program, which uses a combination of gesture recognition and neural interfaces to ensure precise control without the need for physical buttons. The suits are reinforced with nanomaterial for increased durability and equipped with repulsor technology for flight and energy projection."


He pointed to the sleek, metallic gauntlets. "These repulsors can be used for both propulsion and offensive attacks. The HUD inside the helmet provides real-time tactical data, including target acquisition, threat analysis, and environmental awareness."


Yalena nodded, her eyes narrowing as she took in the information. "What about defensive capabilities?"


"The suits are made from a highly durable alloy that can withstand significant damage," Jun-seo replied. "While there are no energy shields, the material itself offers substantial protection against most conventional weapons. Additionally, the suit's exoskeleton enhances physical strength, allowing you to perform feats of superhuman ability."


Ana flexed her armored fingers, feeling the power coursing through the suit. "Let's see what these babies can do."


The operatives moved into formation, and Jun-seo initiated the combat simulation. Drones and robots armed with various weapons emerged, each one programmed to engage in complex combat tactics. The Widows sprang into action, their movements fluid and coordinated.


Yalena led the charge, her repulsors firing precision blasts that took down multiple targets. Ana followed closely, using the suit's enhanced strength to engage in close-quarters combat, her punches shattering robotic opponents with ease. Oksana provided aerial support, soaring above the battlefield and raining down energy blasts from her elevated position.


The control assistance program worked flawlessly, interpreting their gestures and neural inputs to execute complex maneuvers. The Widows moved as one, a deadly ballet of high-tech warfare.


As the simulation intensified, the Widows adapted, using the suits' full range of capabilities. Yalena deflected a volley of incoming projectiles with the suit's durable alloy, then counterattacked with a devastating repulsor blast. Ana lifted a massive piece of debris and hurled it at a cluster of drones, clearing the area in one powerful motion. Oksana performed an aerial flip, evading enemy fire and landing a pinpoint strike on a high-value target.


The combat demonstration was a resounding success. The Widows, clad in their Ironsuits, had annihilated the opposition with ruthless efficiency.


Yet before they could celebrate their success, another iron suit suddenly flew into the room. This one was larger, somewhat crude, and slightly blackish purple in color. Alexei narrowed his eyes and looked over at Jun-seo, only to see him looking angry. "What is this?"


"That is a prototype, but it's not ready yet. It's far more advanced than the others, and far more expensive. It's made from Vibranium and is nearly indestructible. It not only has a more powerful reactor but has two smaller ones to further enhance and support the more powerful and advanced weapons system."


"It's the next step up, and it's very much not ready for use." They continued, clearly angry at seeing their suit used without permission, which was more than enough to allow Alexei to know what was going on.


The only person who could be in there was Ghost, who clearly wanted to play around but wasn't satisfied with the normal suits.


"If you are done warming up, it's time to start the real test." The mechanically obscured voice of Ghost sounded from the suit moments later, proving Alexei right in his suspicion. 


Yalena, Ana, and Oksana exchanged glances, their expressions resolute. Yalena smirked, "Well, ladies, looks like we've got a new challenge."


Ana nodded, her eyes narrowing. "Let's show Ghost what we're made of."


Oksana took to the air, hovering as she prepared her repulsors. "We've got this."


The three Widows launched their attack in unison. Yalena fired her repulsors, aiming for Ghost's suit. Ana charged forward, her fists ready to deliver powerful blows, while Oksana circled above, raining down energy blasts.


Ghost's suit reacted with startling speed. The shield arm deflected Yalena's repulsor blasts with ease. Ghost counterattacked, firing a beam that forced Yalena to dodge. Ana reached Ghost and swung a mighty punch, but Ghost caught her fist mid-air with one of the free arms, the Vibranium suit absorbing the impact effortlessly.


"Is that all you've got?" Ghost taunted arrogantly, their voice distorted by the suit's mechanics. Ghost flung Ana aside, sending her crashing into a wall.


Oksana aimed for Ghost's exposed flank, her repulsors charged. "Take this!" she shouted, unleashing a barrage of energy blasts.


Ghost's suit absorbed the energy, the smaller reactors glowing brighter as they powered up. Ghost turned and unleashed a concentrated beam at Oksana, striking her mid-air and causing her to plummet to the ground.


Yalena, undeterred, activated a secondary weapon system. Small rockets emerged from her suit's gauntlets, and she fired them at Ghost. The projectiles exploded on impact, but when the smoke cleared, Ghost's suit remained unscathed.


"Your suits are impressive." Ghost remarked arrogantly. "But you're outmatched."


Ghost activated their suit's advanced weapons system. The sword arm swung with blinding speed, cutting through Yalena's defenses and damaging the suit. The other free arm grabbed Ana, lifting her off the ground effortlessly. Ghost then used the repulsor blasts to target Oksana, who was attempting to regain her footing.


The Widows regrouped, bruised but not beaten. "We need to hit them all at once," Yalena panted. "Overwhelm the suit's defenses."


"On your mark," Ana agreed.


"Let's do it," Oksana nodded.


They attacked in unison, a coordinated assault from all angles. Yalena fired her repulsors, Ana charged in with brute force, and Oksana provided aerial support. For a moment, they thought they might break through.


Ghost, however, was calm, his suit just absorbing the energy from their attack. Soon, an energy pulse emanated from the Vibranium core, creating a shockwave that sent the Widows sprawling. As they struggled to rise, Ghost's suit glowed with an ominous light.


"It's over," Ghost said, their tone dripping with arrogance. "You fought well, But you never had a chance."


Alexei watched, impressed despite himself. Ghost had proven the superiority of the prototype suit, but the Widows had shown incredible tenacity and skill. It's not that Ghost wasn't a master of such things; they merely didn't need tactics since they had the overwhelming advantage in equipment.


As Ghost deactivated the suit's weapons and approached the fallen Widows, they offered a hand to Yalena. "It's over!" Ghost said, their tone as cold and mysterious as always.


Yalena accepted the hand, pulling herself up. "We'll get you next time," she promised.


Ghost chuckled. "I doubt it."






If you want to read up to 10 chapters ahead or even get the chance to pick what SCPs get summoned, or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / SCPsystem