
Marvel: The Foundation

The MCU is already a perilous realm, fraught with danger at every turn. But for a crimelord like myself, it's a whole other level of risk, especially with heroes lurking around every corner. And if that weren't daunting enough, now I have to contend with the added uncertainty of encountering at least one completely random SCP every month. How many of these anomalies would it take to trigger an XK-class event? Well, here's hoping I get some favorable ones, allowing me not only to survive but also to flourish in this treacherous environment.

Darkstar_crow · Movies
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262 Chs

Ghost’s Ambition -163


[Back at The Colosseum]


Returning to the Colosseum, Alexei and the team of Black Widows disembarked from the transport, their suits gleaming under the facility's lights. The journey back had been swift, but the adrenaline from the combat demonstration still coursed through their veins. As they entered the main hall, they were greeted by the other Black Widows who had stayed behind.


Yelena Belova led the way, a smirk on her face despite the bruises from their encounter with Ghost. She was followed closely by Sonya, Ana, Ingrid, Oksana, Lerato, Helen, Agnesa, and Lauren Okadigbo. The remaining Widows, eager to hear about their experiences, quickly gathered around them.


"Welcome back!" Sonya called out, her eyes bright with curiosity. "How did it go?"


Yelena grinned, "It was intense. We got to test the new Ironsuits. They're amazing, but we had a surprise visitor."


"A surprise visitor?" Ingrid echoed, intrigued.


"Yes, Ghost showed up in a prototype suit," Ana interjected, shaking her head. "Four arms, made of Vibranium. It was a beast."


Oksana, still buzzing from the combat, added, "We fought hard, but Ghost was just too strong. That suit is on another level."


Lerato leaned in, "Tell us more about the suits. What did they feel like?"


Yelena took a deep breath, "The control assistance program is incredible. It uses gesture recognition and neural interfaces, so you don't need buttons. It's like the suit becomes an extension of your body."


"They're made from a highly durable alloy," Ana added. "They can withstand a lot of damage. And the repulsors? Powerful. You can fly, shoot, and punch with amazing precision."


Lauren Okadigbo, the Finnish Black Widow, nodded, "Sounds like a game-changer. Did you get to try any advanced maneuvers?"


Helen, who had been listening quietly, asked, "And what about the fight with Ghost? What was that like?"


Oksana sighed, "Ghost is as arrogant as ever. They taunted us the entire time, but they were right. That prototype suit has two smaller reactors to support its advanced weapons. We hit them with everything we had, but it wasn't enough."


Ingrid frowned, "That must have been frustrating."


Yelena shrugged, "It was, but it was also a learning experience. We need to figure out how to counter something like that. We can't always rely on brute force."


Agnesa, always the strategist, mused, "Maybe we need to think more creatively. Use the environment, exploit any weaknesses."


Yelena nodded, "Exactly. We'll get another chance, and next time, we'll be ready."


Lauren smiled, "Sounds like we have some new training goals."


The group laughed, the camaraderie evident among them. Despite the setback, they were united in their determination to improve and overcome any challenges.


Alexei, who had been observing the interaction, finally spoke up, "You all did well. The suits are impressive, and so are you. We'll be incorporating them into our training regimen. Prepare yourselves, because the next few weeks will be intense."


The Widows nodded, their resolve strengthened by the experience. As they dispersed to their quarters, the sense of purpose was palpable. They knew that in the Colosseum, they would continue to hone their skills and push the boundaries of what they were capable of.


As the days passed, the Colosseum buzzed with activity. The integration of the Ironsuits marked a new chapter in the Foundation's operations, one that promised greater efficiency and effectiveness in their eternal struggle to contain the anomalous.


For Alexei, the success of the Ironsuit project was a testament to the Foundation's relentless pursuit of innovation. He knew that as long as they continued to push the boundaries of science and technology, there was no limit to what they could achieve.


And so, the Colosseum continued its relentless operation, a testament to the Foundation's unyielding pursuit of control over the anomalous. In its depths, lives were shaped, forged, and sometimes extinguished, all in the name of securing a safer future for humanity.





What was unknown to even Alexei was that Ghost hadn't joined him on the trip back and was instead making the trip over to SITE-009, over to Alexander Ricci, O5-1, their boss and patron.


Ghost, as Alexander's most trusted, was able to slip inside the SITE without getting spotted since he could go through all the secret passages without alerting anyone. Added to their own skills and abilities, they made it as far as Alexander's chambers before they couldn't continue onwards. They couldn't even enter the bunker without Alexander.


Knowing that they had to wait, they let members of Alpha-1 know they were there, mostly so they could be served a fine glass of champagne while waiting to make their report.


As Ghost waited with a glass of their favorite champagne, this drink really was well deserved after a victory. Thinking back, they couldn't help but marvel at the power of the suits they had just tried out.


With such power, it could defeat entire armies; with a few of the prototype one and a few dozen of the normal suits, it was likely that no nation in the world could resist other than maybe Wakanda.


Technology really was advancing fast these days. Had they posted something like that, well, the war wouldn't even have required any brilliant military strategy as it could have been won by sheer force alone and easily.


The Foundation easily had the ability to take over and rule the world, bringing about a golden age. Ghost couldn't help but wish they would be able to get a seat on the O5 council soon so they could attempt to push for this.


They knew that Alexander and O5-2 would easily agree, and there were plenty of others that could also be easily pursued. A bonus of Alexander's trust in them was that they knew the identity of every member.


As Ghost savored the taste of victory with their champagne, their thoughts turned towards the upcoming meeting with Alexander. The quiet hum of the facility's air system and the subtle clinks of their glass set a contemplative backdrop to their planning.


Just then, the door to Alexander's chambers swished open. Alexander Ricci himself stepped through, his presence commanding and austere as always. "Ghost," he greeted, with a nod that managed to convey both respect and a demand for attention. "I trust the demonstration went as planned?"


"Even better," Ghost replied, standing to meet his gaze directly. "The Ironsuits performed admirably, and the encounter with the prototype added an unexpected edge to the trial."


Alexander's eyes narrowed slightly, intrigued. "And the prototype? Tell me more about its capabilities."


Ghost set down their champagne and began detailing the encounter, explaining how the prototype's advanced design and Vibranium components had provided a significant challenge. "It's clear that our current strategies could be insufficient should we face such advanced technology in the wrong hands," they concluded.


"A single suit like that would likely be something I wouldn't be able to defeat easily, and even you would likely struggle. It's a big new step forward that is being taken here, we should ensure that others can't reach this stage." Ghost cautioned.


"Indeed," Alexander mused, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the polished surface of his desk. "We need to maintain our technological superiority. It's imperative that we secure all related research and possibly integrate some of these advanced features into our own suits."


Ghost nodded, feeling the gravity of the situation. "I suggest we increase our surveillance and perhaps even initiate a few covert operations to ensure no one else has access to this technology. If it falls into the wrong hands, the consequences could be catastrophic."


Alexander agreed, yet he was hesitant to give his approval for it; after all, it would mean going after Stark, and he was potentially important and under the protection of the ancient one. Not to mention that he still had his uses.


"I want you to go pay the Stark boy a visit." He finally made a decision. I don't want him hurt or removed; I want you to go with a message. Rip his suit into pieces, show him that he is far from invisible, and tell him that if anyone else starts flying around in a suit like his, you will be back to finish what you started today."


Alexander finally decided to give Tony a threat; after all, he knew from the movies that he had been rather careless, even giving a suit to the military, something he couldn't allow. So, it was best to ensure that Tony was aware of the folly of such a thing.


It would also make him work harder to improve his technology, which would allow them to steal any potential improvements they didn't already have.


Ghost nodded, understanding the delicate nature of the task. "Consider it done. Stark won't know what hit him until it's too late," they affirmed, a steely resolve set in.


"Good. Be subtle, Ghost. This isn't just about showing strength—it's about sending a clear message without starting an open war. We need Stark, but on our terms," Alexander clarified, his gaze sharp.


"Once you are done with that, I have another mission for you." Alexander said, pausing slightly. "Wakanda."


Ghost, too, grew extra serious at the mention of his nation, one that had been hiding away and possessed advanced tech that even the Foundation didn't have yet.


Stark was nothing compared to this mission, barely a challenge at all. No Wakanda was a real mission, one that was filled with dangers and opportunities. After all, the nation was a headache for all members of the O5 council, so if they dealt with it, it was possible to gather some support and favors. "I assume we're not making a frontal assault?"


Alexander chuckled dryly. "Hardly. We need information, not a war. Your mission is to confirm whether or not SCP-499 is within Wakanda… You must confirm this, no matter the cost; the Chaos Insurgency will take full responsibility for this and do whatever it takes to confirm this information."


Ghost understood the gravity of the task. The mention of SCP-499 and its potential location within Wakanda meant that the stakes were even higher than usual. Known for their strict isolation and advanced defensive technologies, Wakanda was not a nation to be underestimated. This mission would require a delicate balance of stealth, precision, and perhaps, a level of brutality that Ghost was well-prepared to administer.


"Understood," Ghost replied, their voice even but firm. "I'll make the necessary preparations. We can't afford any mistakes on this one."


Alexander nodded. "Use whatever resources you need. This is a top priority. Wakanda's defenses are formidable, but I trust your capabilities to get us the information we need."


Alexander was giving Ghost blanket permission to put together his own team and to make his own plans for getting it all done. "You can wait and get a custom suit made for yourself, of the prototype variety. I will ensure that they expedite the process. Furthermore, I'm allowing you to use any SCP object you desire. Just get this done."


Ghost grew ever more serious as Alexander continued to speak. They realized that this was a massive opportunity. "If we deal with Wakanda, there would be nothing that could stop us from taking over the world. We could finally take full control and ensure that we could work more effectively and that the people had better lives."


Ghost quickly presented his desire once again, hoping that they could use this to finally unify the entire world under one banner and ensure that it would remain safe from threats.


Alexander knew what Ghost was thinking, and while he agreed on some parts of the plan, he could only shake his head. "The rest of the Council isn't ready to agree to such a thing yet, and if we try to step around them, I wouldn't be able to shield you from their wrath."


 Ghost, understanding the political intricacies within the O5 Council, nodded solemnly. "I appreciate the caution, and I understand the complexities involved," they acknowledged, feeling the weight of the unspoken barriers within the Foundation's highest echelons.


Alexander's eyes softened slightly, acknowledging Ghost's loyalty and ambition. "We must move wisely. Your actions in Wakanda could change the tide for us, providing leverage we've been needing to sway the council. Success there could very well pave the way for broader actions."


"Just don't go too far, we can't afford to rush this, or we may lose more than we gain." Alexander warned, after all, that he knew that in the Marvel universe, there were more threats than just the SCPs and that wasting their strength wouldn't be a good idea.


"Go and deal with Stark, then handle the Wakanda front, get me what I need, and if SCP-499 is indeed in there, we might be able to push the others for more… forceful actions to be taken." Alexander finally said as he dismissed Ghost.





If you want to read up to 10 chapters ahead or even get the chance to pick what SCPs get summoned, or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / SCPsystem