
Chapter 7: Vampire

In the dark back water pitts of Germany where no sunlight could reach stood a castle that could only be seen in the fifthteenth century.

Inside the castle there were beings of Ash black skin, Talon like fangs, and Crimson eyes. Vapires.

And at the center was a creature much worse than the average beast. In a chair of fine leather sat a man with white pale skin and hair with a set of crimson eyes. This creature was the King of Vampires Count. Dracula.

As Dracula sat in His throne room. Several images appeared throughout His mind.

First a long hall seemed to lead somewhere, but couldn't tell since He was on the floor. The second image was that of men in strange armor branding the title of TVA. And the third Image was three people.

The first visible one was a man in His early twenties wearing a business-like uniform with both brown hair and eyes. The next was the Woman who had black hair and one red streak in it also seeming to wear business attire.

Then the third image was of a black man firing a weapon seeming to fire high speed projectiles hitting the Vampires face. Where after being shot the Vampire disappears.

After seeing these peculiar visions Dracula spoke in a caramel like tone. "Come."

As Dracula spoke five rows of two Vampires appeared on one knee bowing to their Lord. All the Vampires awaited their orders staying in their bowing position.

Where once after a second of speaking Dracula dismissed them saying "Find this TVA faction back in Australia where one of their men were bitten."

After speaking the Vampires evaporated into thin air turning into smoke and leaving through Dracula's chimney leaving towards Australia.


'Ah I'm Fucked.' RJ sat in the one viewing room with three others Zee Zee and the other two Minutemen who were present in the Vampire incident.

After a few minutes each person was called up being questioned personally by B15 asking what had happened from their perspective.

The first one called was Zee Zee followed by Her where the two Minutemen who shortly left after leaving RJ in the waiting room trying to contain His sweat from hitting the ground.

RJ knew that Klaus had noticed that He knew something about the Vampire and was trying to devise a way to get out scott free until. He was called out by Klaus.

Where once called RJ stood up and was moved from the viewing room to an interrogation room with only two chairs one was empty and the other one was filled.

The one sitting down was B15 waiting for RJ. Once walking inside the room Klaus had shut the door leaving the two of them inside alone while they were being observed from behind the mirror.

As RJ was looking at the mirror B15 began "I Know you are nervous, but this isn't an interrogation just a follow through on what happened and what you saw."

After RJ heard B15's statement a small breath of wind exhaled out of His mouth.

Once taking a minute to calm, RJ's eyes looked back at B15 asking 'give the first question.'

With that the interview went smoothly until B15 had asked "And what did you say or thought when you saw the Minutemen?"

RJ intended to speak, but was interrupted by B15 stating "Klaus thought He heard you mumble Vampire. Zee Zee couldn't confirm this since She was distracted by said 'Vampire'."

With that aforementioned word RJ hushed up and wondered about giving an excuse until His face gave way and B15 concluded 'So it was a Vampire. But how'd He know?'

B15 kept coming up with theories until the thought of RJ being a spy crossed Her mind B15 first felt ashamed for thinking that until She mulled it over until it became sound. What confirmed Her suspicions was what RJ said next.

"I'm sorry I can't say." B15 started to feel betrayed until RJ finished His sentence "But I will help with stopping this problem and at the end if you deem so I will leave the TVA and won't return."

B15 after hearing this decided to leave and talk with Klaus getting His input over RJ's continued employment into the TVA.

After standing B15 allowed RJ to leave, but He'd be appointed a cell in order to wait for B15's decision.

Once leaving the interrogation room two TVA Minutemen occupied RJ to His cell thankfully no cuffs were needed since RJ willingly moved to His cell without resistance.


Inside the cell looked to be the exact same as the one X5 and General Dox. Thankfully RJ didn't have to wear the jumpsuits as they had to, but the time collar was necessary.

Since RJ wasn't registered as a criminal, the TVA didn't want to risk anything by not being prepared.

RJ didn't mind the collar and then sat in His cell on the only chair that was provided.


B15 with Klaus were doing steady work trying to come up with a reason on why and how? RJ withheld the information on Vampires.

B15 was on the side of finding out everything by gaining trust with RJ. While Klaus was on more of the interrogation approach until the automatic door to B15's office opened.

Wheels could be heard on the ground treading onto the tile floor. Once B15 and Klaus looked at the direction of the sound B15 spoke. "I didn't expect you to be here?"

The Woman soon came into view showing a long red strap across Her left shoulder extending to Her right side. Bellow that She wore professional TVA attire. And Her hair had one white streak while the rest was mainly dark brown.

As Klaus saw the Woman approaching He had grumbled thinking "Anything involving this woman means something is off."

The Woman faced B15 greeting Her. "How have you been B15?"

B15 stood proud looking at the Woman in front of Her and responded "Doing well Ma'am."

Klaus didn't show the same respect as B15 and simply grumbled saying "I see you haven't retired yet?"

"And I'm surprised you haven't either?" Commented the Woman.

After both Klaus and the Woman back talked to each other B15 broke it addressing Her. "Gamble. What are you doing here?"

Gamble broke eye contact with Klaus and then looked at B15 and answered. "I'm here to ask you about this to recruit you put into a cell. And why was he imprisoned?"


B15 brought Gamble up to speed with the events that took place from the Vampire incident.

The response both B15 and Klaus heard from Gamble surprised them. " Let him go and find out."

A look of confusion covered their faces asking 'What?'

Gamble elaborated "It's simple have Him go on a mission with His team and let Him have free range. If He intended to escape He would have done so already. But if you feel inclined to watch Him, disable the Time door function on His Tempad till He can be trusted again."

B15 took Gambles' words to heart and then asked Klaus to bring RJ to her. Which He did grumbling in the process.


After RJ was brought into B15's office RJ noticed a face he hadn't seen except on television with Her being Gamble.

After addressing the situation of being stared down by three people, RJ sat down in the chair in front of B15's desk, meeting Her gaze.

Without a moment to waste, B15 started the conversation. "I understand you can't tell us anything revolving around the Vampire attack the TVA received so you will be under quite the surveillance…"

RJ wasn't surprised about the first half of the message, but the second half took Him by surprise. "But in light of this You will accompany your team as if nothing will happen under Klau's supervision in discovering the source of the Vampire."

Before RJ could settle a prompt He hadn't seen in awhile appeared.

{Mission: Find The Source Of The Vampiric Disturbance

Definition: Ina timeline unknown to the User is infected with Vampires. With their origin unknown. You and your party must find and stop the source.


Rewards: 55MP

Failure: Possible Death}

RJ was astounded at the amount the rewards of MP was because for His past ranked missions were in small intervals of Five from the first difficulty being five, the second Ten and so forth.

RJ thought that the increase in MP ethier meant one thing. The difficulty didn't matter and it just showed how dangerous it could be and based on how dangerous determines the MP distribution.

After noticing this fact RJ wondred "Could missions be labeled easy, but still cause death with enough points?"

Several more thoughts clouded His mind till B15 woke Him up talking to HIm. "RJ? RJ!"

After giving Her His attention B15 asked "Do you accept these conditions?"

RJ acted like He took a second to think acting like He was considering it and after a minute He agreed.

Once the agreement was in place the time collar on RJ's neck was taken off with precaution because if taken off without precaution the collar could explode.

After the quite literal time bomb was taken off RJ's neck. RJ felt like He could breathe again, but not for long.

Klaus had taken RJ to a dressing room covered all over in Men's clothing hanging on hangers.

RJ looked around walking down the halls of clothing only to find Knox choosing a seventies tux that was mainly dark brown which matched His hair and eyes.

Once Knox noticed RJ He asked where He was for the past day. RJ was reminded by this that B15 forbade Him from talking about anything about why what happened.

RJ changed the subject asking "Why the sudden interest in 70's clothing?"

"Oh. Klaus told all of us to grab Seventies clothing for the mission." Knox spoke in a surprised manner wondering how RJ didn't know about Him knowing about the mission.

But RJ simply played it off and then looked at the choices of clothing available and chose a red button up with black pants with three buttons and to keep the look going wore a black buckled belt.

After finishing it off Klaus appeared telling us once we finished changing to go to the main hall and wait for further orders.

After changing first RJ left to wait in the main hall where He found Zee Zee and Scepter waiting for Him.

Zee Zee was wearing black slacks with a dark over shirt over a lighter color of black with bright stars across the selves.

Scepter wore something similar, but it was brown and without stars on Her sleeves with instead a brown purse over Her shoulder.

Zee Zee was the first to strike the conversation asking "How are you? Are you okay?"

Zee Zee felt shy after asking, but RJ simply smiled and calmed Her saying "Yeah I'm just fine."

The next person to speak was Scepter who asked "What happened with the screaming and the alert?"

RJ was worried on how to answer so Zee Zee spoke "Oh! That was a false alarm a training drill Klaus met us at the hall and told us we 'passed His test'"

Scepter felt angry that She didn't know about the drill. And decided to keep Her mind sharp for other similar situations and spoke out. "I understand."

After a while Knox came back with His tux with Klaus. Who was wearing a simple tie with His TVA business outfit wearing a fedora.

After Klaus showed up B15 arrived and told everyone "Your mission is to find out the 'disease' that infects 1973 Australia."

After that B15 whispered in Klaus' ear saying "I expect this threat to be stopped at all costs."

Klaus just gave a grunt and looked at His Tempad opening a TIme Door.

Once the orange door appeared Klaus moved His right hand in the motion of asking for them to go in. The first one to enter the Door was RJ followed by Zee Zee, Scepter, Knox, and then Klaus.

After Klaus went through the door B15 spoke the Time Variance Authority's motto "For all time. Always."