
Chapter 6: Questions And Alarm

After practicing with the Dummy gaining a better understanding of His new found powers. RJ makes His way to eat dinner at the TVA cafeteria.

While eating His casual Burger and fries, RJ had an unexpected visitor. A man with white hair wearing a Hawaiian shirt and shorts with a Jet Ski magazine on the table while He ate key lime pie.

RJ knew based on this description that the retired TVA agent most came to love Agent Mobius. The liaison of LOKI, the previous God of Mischief and now God of Time.

As RJ stared across the table where they both sat Mobius noticed "It'll last longer with a picture" He commented.

RJ was surprised that Mobius could notice Him through the Jet Ski magazine. RJ tried talking with His mouthful and nearly choked because RJ had forgotten that He had food in His mouth.

After coughing, RJ ended up speaking, apologizing to Mobius for staring. "It's alright I know this great hybrid caught your eyes." Mobius thought that RJ was interested in the Jet Ski on the front page of His magazine and then started commenting on each variety.

By the time RJ broke free it was already 10:30pm. It was against RJ's plans to go look at the store again to see if there was anything new, but was too tired too and went straight to bed after showering.


A familiar sound filled throughout RJ's ears waking Him up. Unlike the first time waking up at 4:30, RJ felt tired and wanted to sleep more since by the time He reached His bed it was around eleven.

RJ against His wishes of going back to sleep decided to wake up by showering again where once after RJ looked at His Tempad seeing the time 5am. Only thirty minutes had passed and RJ didn't feel any better and decided to go and walk around the TVA.

As RJ walked He noticed major differences between night and day. The TVA seemed to have most of the lights off signaling night, but that didn't help with LOKI's huge timeline glow covering the sky in green.

Another difference was the majority of the staff working during the day with only a third of it working at night. Most of these workers worked mainly in the control room monitoring the Timelines. While a set few worked on side jobs like custodial work and Ouroboros working in His station continuously.

RJ was the only one walking down the halls seeing everyone work to His surprise Miss Minutes started to talk to Him. "Hey RJ!"

RJ felt frightened and shocked to hear Miss Minutes talk to Him this way. Then again She was programmed to be friendly so RJ played it off.

"Hi. How are you?" asked RJ. Miss Minutes was shocked at the kind tone She was given. Not that She never received it before but the way She received it from RJ seemed genuine to Her.

Suddenly more memories resurfaced and Miss Minutes was brought back to the sight the Stranger was showing Her.

"Isn't it beautiful?" The Stranger asked. Miss Minutes actually responded first seeing the Temporal Timeline or the First set time line and responded "It is."

As she stared into it She felt life coming from it making it an organism of sorts stabilizing several worlds. As Miss Minutes starred the Stranger spoke again "Here I can observe the start of Time and control it of course every Tyrant will be slain by a valiant foe or a couple of despised Gods."

Confused by the Strangers words of speech Miss Minutes wondered what He meant until She was again brought back without answers and even more questions.

During Miss Minutes' time in dreamland RJ tried talking to Miss Minutes only to actually see a glowing widget instead of Miss Minutes' eyes. As RJ stared at said widget it slowly began glowing in a circular motion seeming to debuff something.

After a thorough debuffing, Miss Minutes came back to Her automatic senses and apologized to RJ "Sorry I couldn't hear you, what'd you say?"

RJ wasn't offended and asked a question "Is there a document on the beginning of Time?"

Miss Minutes was quite shocked to hear this question and surprised that She an AI didn't think to even use this file to investigate Her dreams.

Miss Minutes decided to lead RJ in search of these files because apparently She Herself had no programing of it even though She was present.

RJ didn't mind the tagalong and had followed Miss Minutes to the File room where once there a huge broken statue of Kang was present looking at the crumbled stone head down to the cracked legs and below that was a desk with a sleeping librarian on top of the desk.

But what took RJ's attention from the librarian was an umbrella-like roof above Her sleeping head to defend against the falling rubble.

RJ continued to follow Miss Minutes past the sleeping librarian and soon found Himself in a room full of drawers containing files from different timelines and Time anomalies.

Each file was on different points in history in irony of not being in chronological order. From Leonardo Da Vinci to King Ramses.

After trying to find a document on the file at the beginning of time both RJ and Miss Minutes were stopped by a digital file that told both of them that they didn't have access to the file.

RJ wasn't surprised that He didn't have access since He was a newly appointed Minutemen with no power in the TVA. But what did surprise Him was Miss Minute's also not having access to said file.

This didn't stop them from searching only to end at the same conclusion with several files not giving either RJ or Miss Minutes access to them.

Throughout the research time that went by RJ had looked at the time seeing it show [6:30]. Once RJ noticed He started running to the simulation room while waving to Miss Minutes who once on His deparcher felt empty on the inside.

Once arriving into the simulation room RJ noticed that its shape and setting remind Him of His old college classes that He had took for His Business in development degree.

After revisiting the past RJ looked to see how many were present besides Klaus and Himself luckily He was the second to arrive after Zee Zee who had seemed to be excited to see Him.

Once entering the room Klaus "Grab a seat only up to the third row" commented.

RJ obviously went to sit next to Zee Zee who seemed even more excited than before. After sitting RJ had asked an appropriate question. "How'd you sleep?"

The once excited Zee Zee became embarrassed for some reason that She Herself couldn't determine.why, but She knew it had something to do with RJ and after a while of waiting She whispered. "Ok…."

To Zee Zee's surprise, RJ had heard Her and smiled saying "I'm happy to hear it."

Shortly after RJ had spoken and Zee Zee blushing bothe Knox and Scepter walked into the room.

While the two of them walked into the room Zee Zee's face became flushed and before She could ask about how RJ slept. Klaus interrupted "Now since everyone has arrived we will go over the basics of mental training."

At the sound of it Klaus said Mental training which confused everyone in the room except of course Klaus. "Just as I want your bodies to be strong, I expect you to have the mentality of soldiers. But I still want you all to have free will not like how we were with He Who Remains. Who controlled us without Our own individual wills and used us as simple puppets."

As Klaus talked about He Who Remains the room became dreary, everyone except RJ and Klaus seemed down about the thought of being puppets again. But that thought never crossed RJ's mind since He promised Himself to explore this world no Multiverse and that the TVA was simply the starting point of that dream.

Klaus on the other hand simply came to terms with what happened in the past and simply gripped His right fist into a ball. "Alight. Back on topic."

Klaus ordered, causing the downed team to refocus on what Klaus's next words were going to be.

Before Klaus had said anything He had pressed a button on His Tempad causing the floor to open. From the floor seven chairs came up from the floor with helmets equipped to them. Each helmet had wires plugged from the helmet to the chair.

Once the Chairs stopped moving Klaus directed the Team to sit in one of the chairs He Himself got into one pressing a button on the right handside of the chair. After sitting down Klaus stared at the team with a glare telling them "Grab a helmet."

At this peculiar sight RJ and Zee Zee were first to act next was Scepter followed by Knox. Who once all got in their chairs pressed the same button as Klaus did. Suddenly the Helmet fell onto their individual heads and then everyone saw a bright light.

Once after staring into the light everyone had found themselves in a battle field of what seemed to be World War 2. At this sight everyone was wondering how what they were seeing was possible until RJ heard a voice and a shake from His soldier "Sir what are you doin-"

RJ simply stared at the soldier who tried talking to Him only to see the soldier get shot. RJ then looked around seeing countless lives lost. Seeing blood hail as if it were rain, and bodies falling on to each other making Hills.

After staring at this for so long RJ was shot. At first He had thought since this was a simulation that it wouldn't hurt. RJ had thought wrong.

Throughout the experience of being shot RJ felt unbearable pain after a while. RJ woke back up seeing everyone around Him back at the classroom.

As RJ looked around seeing His was the last to wake up. Once waking up Zee Zee felt relieved seeing that RJ was well and seemed to be fine. Until again Klaus cuts Her off saying "Every Tuesday and Thursday we will be training with these machines and every other day of the week will be simple martial arts training. And with that you're dismissed."

After being dismissed RJ left the simulation room with everyone except Klaus trying to piece together what had happened and during His mental debacle Zee Zee felt worried seeing RJ's worried face.

RJ had thought that death would be painless and simple only to discover it to be Painful and Heart aching. After experiencing this feeling RJ wanted no part in it ever again and considered quitting the TVA.

As soon as this thought had crossed His mind He was reminded of what world He was in which was the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Yes there will be bad, but there will also be good things bound to happen as long as He stuck with what He thought.

This helped RJ steel Himself to further His chances at His Goal like Dream come true.

After this thought RJ steeled Himself to continue His life inside the TVA for now at the least since it benefited Him to stay.


An Alarm suddenly went off which soon after an intercom system spoke out. "Invasion! All available Minutemen report to Main Hall."

At this alarm both Zee Zee and RJ moved with their heightened speed running towards the main hall where they both saw something Strange.

At the sight there were three Minutemen, one was being held down by the other. But the one that's being held down seemed to be putting up a fight against the other two minutemen.

Suddenly both Minutemen were thrown off by five feet in two directions one going Left and the other towards both RJ and Zee Zee.

At the moment of being thrown off the minutemen that were on the floor stood up.

Sniff Sniff

RJ and Zee Zee heard the sniffing and were confused until the Minutemen faced them showing off His shapeshifting skin from pale white to a dark ash. Two other changes were visible: the Carnins of the Minutemen started changing, forming teeth like daggers.

The other change was the eyes instead of them having a usual cornea and pupil contained only red. Instead of a normal eye it was only crimson.

RJ knew what this was and mumbled under His breath "Vampire."

At the moment RJ spoke the Vampire jumped towards RJ trying to bite Him hissing in the process.


At the sound RJ saw the Vampires face filled with bullet holes and was tossed backwards towards the main hall.

As the Vampire had hit the floor the Vampire itself turned to Ash letting only the armor of the Agent hit the ground once after seeing the armor hit the ground.


RJ turned around seeing Klaus with a cigar in his mouth and a shotgun shell being ejected from its socket.

RJ was of course surprised by both the Vampire and Klaus, but mainly the Vampire on how it somehow got into the TVA.

Klaus took a deep look at RJ 'He seems to know something' thought Klaus.

After that B15 arrived where Klaus gave a report including His thoughts on His observation of RJ-213.

B15 decided that She'd have a conversation with RJ-213 to determine what She would do to explore this problem.

Both RJ, Zee Zee, and the two Minutemen were in a one mirrored viewing room.

As RJ looked at His surroundings He had a simple thought for Himself 'I Fucked up.'