
Chapter 8: Australia

After exiting the Time Door everyone found themselves in an alleyway in the middle of night.

RJ was the first to leave the Time Door finding Himself in a dark alley which at the end led towards a bright light.

After waiting everyone came out the Door with Klaus entering last.

Once everyone left the door Klaus grouped everyone up Knox, Scepter, and Klaus were grouped together while to RJ's surprise.

He wasn't paired with Klaus, but instead simply paired with Zee Zee. Which RJ didn't mind at all.

After grouping Klaus told that His group would be in charge of the Sydney Opera House while RJ and Zee Zee were in charge of the streets towards the Opera house.

After that everyone dispersed and RJ with Zee Zee entered the streets seeing bustling lights that covered the streets with people.

Laughing, Cheering, and a side of Glee could be heard throughout the streets of Bennelong Australia. Where RJ was currently.

RJ saw the happiness in everyone and couldn't help but smile at the sight.

Unbeknownst to Him Zee Zee was just like RJ but instead of looking at the people. Was looking at RJ and once She saw Him smiling She also couldn't help but smile.

Throughout the night both RJ and Zee Zee enjoyed the sights of 1973 Australia. Enjoying a piece of Cotton Candy courtesy of the TVA time bank. Which gives TVA agents currency from other time periods.

As RJ started to finish His cotton candy He had accidentally bumped into someone.

At the feeling of the collision RJ saw a six foot almost Black man in a dark trench coat who once looked in the eyes was wearing pitch black sunglasses at night.

Once the stare down started and soon finished the man smelt something.


"You have the stench of the dead on you."

As soon if not a second later after saying this the mysterious man unsheathed His sword that He had hidden in His coat drew it out seeming to resemble a Katanna.


As the man had swung His sword RJ couldn't react except Zee Zee who stopped the Blade with what seemed to be Her hand.

Weirdly enough Zee Zee's hand didn't bleed and instead made the sound of clashing metal once both Zee Zee's hand and the Man's sword clashed.

As the sound ceased both jumped back avoiding the crowd that began to run away.

Everyone running caused a panic on the street giving away their position to any unforeseen enemies.

RJ felt thankful that Zee Zee saved His life, but was confused on How She did it.

But that's besides the point RJ began to take part in the fight by running towards the enemy and once He was five feet away from Him. Jumped.

The Man's attention was taken at how high RJ jumped only to reconvene His attention at Zee Zee. Who unlike before was now focused and tried scratching at Him only to be blocked by the sword again.

RJ after jumping landed on a nearby Light Post only to use it as traction to jump at the Assailant and shot His foot first aiming downward towards the enemy's skull.


As Zee Zee was countered by the sword RJ was countered By the enemy's left arm taking the brunt of the damage as His right arm was holding His sword defending from Zee Zee.

RJ and Zee Zee again jumped back after fighting trying to make a plan only for their thinking to shatter leaving them open as they both jumped back RJ's leg was grabbed as He tried to jump away using it as traction.


The Assailant grabbed RJ's foot soon slamming Him into the ground hitting and breaking the pavement.

RJ felt the ground very hard damaging His skull. If He were a Normy He would have died.

But thanks to His Healing factor He had begun to heal himself ever so slowly while in the concret.

Zee Zee on the other hand escaped without injuries. But unfortunately not for long as the Man appeared before Her and swung His sword this time connecting on Zee Zee's arm causing it to bleed, but not fall off.

After a kick to the stomach Zee Zee was kicked to the ground.

After being stared down. The assailant knew She was down and not getting up and decided to leave for the other one He was fighting.

After turning around He saw that He was still in the ground and walked towards Him flinging the blood off his blade from Zee Zee's arm.

Once in front of Him the Man hoisted His sword above RJ intending to stab Him quite literally in the back only to be surprised.

RJ used His hands as supports lifting Him up and used His legs to Kick the sword out the Man's hands knocking it to the ground.

In the moment of shock RJ took advantage using His already available foot RJ kicked the Man to the equivalent of an uppercut knocking Him back.

After falling back RJ stood back up standing in a fighting position as He would do towards the training Dummy and waited for the first move. While staring at His opponent who spat out blood from the collision of RJ's kick.

Leaving His sword to the ground The Man ran towards RJ and began throwing punches. Which couldn't connect through RJ's weaving.

Once the opening appeared RJ kicked the side of His attacker.

RJ wasn't the only one who connected. RJ was also hit but in the gut causing RJ to gasp for air.

After a second of gasping RJ was intern kicked back landing on His ass. After hitting the ground The Assailant began punching RJ.




Through the onslaught of Punches RJ spat blood and fell backward onto the ground.

As RJ saw the next punch coming "Is this how I die? Not achieving my dream?" He thought.

RJ had remembered everything as if His new life was flashing in His eyes. Causing a stir to well up inside Him.

Fueled by anger, RJ grabbed the next punch with His hand and with His other grabbed the Man's clothing bringing Him down to be Headbutted.

Once RJ's skull connected He felt a crack causing Him to fall unconscious at the final hit He could muster.

And as RJ began to fall out of consciousness He heard the man speak. "Not Bad."

And after those words a prompt appeared, but before He could read it. He passed out.


I'm sorry but due to family reasons I won't be able to write any more than this for a while. Most likely the next chapter should be around the beginning of January.

I wish you all a happy Christmas and New Year.