
Martial Ascension

A scientist who is nearing his end of life works on a dangerous experiment to extend his life. The experiment fails to extend his life but it will send his soul to a world filled with extraordinary powers. See how Daniel uses his advantages and wits to gain strength in the Martial World. [Poster belongs to the designer and it's credit goes to him]

Dark_Castle · Fantasía
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31 Chs

Plan to Rob

"I never thought there would be sissies in this team."A newly joined black-haired man looked at Daniel with contempt.

Not only him but many newly joined members have the same feeling.

It's no surprise because they were never been in touch with Daniel and don't know about his strength.

But older teammates wrinkled their brows after hearing such comments.

Johnny is also a little angry at his heart because that kind of comment will not help the situation in the least.

Daniel also looked at the person who threw comments at him.

He's a typical guy with black hair and black eyes. There are no strong traits about him. If you throw him into the crowd it would be difficult to even find him.

But his healthy wheat color skin and callous hands are hinting at his hardworking nature.

Johnny doesn't want the things to escalate, so he spoke first without giving a chance for Daniel to counter him, "Samuel! Speak carefully! Daniel is not someone you should provoke casually! And I advise you not to initiate any discord in the team in the future."

But Johnny's thoughts were redundant because Daniel is not some who will get into unproductive arguments with kids.

Seeing Johnny giving such value to Daniel the newly joined members are a little surprised. This also forced them to reevaluate Daniel in their hearts.

Samuel did not like Johnny lecturing him in front of all others but in order to pursue his larger interests, he has to swallow this humiliation.

After warning Samuel, Johnny turned to Daniel, "Daniel! Why do you suggest leaving the hunting area to them? Do you know how much profit it can make? It's a lot of money for us."

Ignoring the angry-looking Samuel, Daniel answered Johnny in a calm tone, "You are talking about huge profits and I can agree with that. But who will waste next few months by keeping guard at the perimeter?"

'Yes! It will be disastrous for anyone who camps there for such a long time without cultivating', The same thought came to everyone's mind at this time.

The pink-haired girl, Aries, agreed with Daniel, "Johnny! He is right! Although we can win back the hunting area, keeping it for such a long time is another big problem altogether. You should know, it is impossible for me to put aside my cultivation for such mere profits."

Everyone is hesitating now because cultivation needs peace of mind and more importantly safety.

It is easy to hurt someone who's mentally exhausted after practicing 'Ascension Mantra'. So it is impractical to think of cultivation in the forest area.

Hearing the arguments, Johnny also fell into a dilemma.

After a minute of silence, Daniel raised a question that needs clarification, "How are Sparrow and his team dealing with this? I don't think he is dumb enough to sacrifice his cultivation for mere gold."

Hearing the question everyone turned to Johnny for an answer.

But Johnny raised his hands slightly, "I don't know! He just took over this morning and I didn't have enough time to inquire on other things."

"How can you be so uninformed, 'Leader Johnny'! It's damaging your stature a bit."Samuel who is angry all this time didn't let go of this chance and started mocking Johnny.

Johnny gave a warning glare to Samuel which shut him up immediately.

'There must be some relation between Johnny and Samuel. Otherwise, there is no need for Johnny to keep a loosely mounted person in the team.' Daniel sensed the weird atmosphere between the two from the start.

"Putting all that aside! We cannot let him get away with this! Even if we can't keep the hunting area to ourselves, it must never be in the hands of our enemy."Arthur once again started showing fighting intent.

Samuel got up from his seat and gave a pat to Arthur on his shoulder, "That's what you call a man! Never giving in to your enemy and striking back with no hesitation."

Many people in the room have high qualifications and are obviously arrogant.

So it is no surprise that many resonated with the words spoken by Arthur.

The initial calm meeting turned into a war discussion and the entire hall started reverberating with chants of war and revenge in a few minutes.

Johnny is also influenced by the atmosphere and is on the cusp of declaring an all-out war.

"Wait a minute!" Daniel gave a loud shout and brought everyone's attention to himself.

Johnny also became a little calm after the shout, "What is it, Daniel? Do you have anything to share?"

Daniel narrowed his eyes and said, "If we were to declare war then let's plan the attack after three months."

"Why wait such a long time?"Samuel questioned impatiently.

"Let them gather all the toll tax for the next three months. If they are successful in doing that then we can simply rob them at the end." Daniel answered Johnny calmly as a matter of fact.

Thinking for a moment Johnny also nodded his head, "Yes! It's better to rob them later than attacking them now."

The girl Aries also added, "That way we can gain all the profits while avoiding most of the trouble."

'Interesting fellow! Maybe I can partner with him later on.' After hearing the few suggestions of Daniel, Aries's interest in him is increased.

Arthur and others also thought it is much better to fight for profit so didn't push for an immediate bout.

Samuel also had to go with the flow even though he is unhappy with it.

Now that a consensus is reached on the issue, Johnny gave his final thoughts, "Very well then! All of you cultivate well. I am expecting a few refining Realm cultivators among you after three months."

'Of course, if that happens then it will not be a difficult task to overthrow the other party.' Daniel thought in his heart.

Arthur struck his chest, "Don't worry Johnny! I will be a full-fledged cultivator by the end of three months period."

Aries also nodded her head in a way of expressing her promise.

Johnny gave a smile to top leaders of the team, "I know all of you have the talent to achieve that."

Before others could say their part, someone broke the pleasant atmosphere.

"Who needs three months! I can enter the Refining Realm in just two months. You all have to work hard to keep up with me." Samuel said this while looking down on everyone in the room.

But he didn't know that many are distancing themselves from him in their hearts.

Suppressing the urge to kick Samuel, Johnny gave a warning to everyone, "Keep all that happened here a secret. It is even better if you don't discuss the plan altogether. If I find someone leaking the plan, then don't blame me for not showing any mercy."

'Not bad! With time he is accumulating the aura of authority.' Daniel gave his approval to Johnny in his heart.

Seeing everyone promising to keep the meeting a secret, Johnny gave the call to disperse, "Well then! All of you can leave now! I will inform you later once the time is ripe. Please be ready by then."

Everyone, except the leaders, left the venue in twos and threes while discussing other things.

After looking at the crowd leaving, Daniel approached Johnny and asked, "What is the total strength of the team now?"

"Right now! Including you, there are a total of six Fourth Grade talents, fifteen Third Grade talents, and forty Second Grade talents in the team." Johnny answered the question with a proud look on his face.

'How is he managing to keep such a large army without enough resources?' Daniel is starting to doubt Johnny's financial status.

But Daniel is still a little impressed by the charisma of Johnny, 'That is a good number considering the overall situation in the sect.'

Nodding his head Daniel continued, "What about the other teams? Do you know anything about them?"

Johnny answered the question without hesitation, "There are about Six big teams like us at present among the juniors. As for the small and medium teams, I don't know much."

Before they could complete a few more exchanges someone approached them.

Aries joined the conversation after giving a beautiful smile to Daniel, "What are you talking about? Would you mind if I join in?"

It's no surprise Aries is trying to get the attention of Daniel. His calm aura and mature attitude are very attractive to girls of her age.

While Aries is observing Daniel, He is also observing her every move.

'Smart, Calm and Beautiful.' These are the three words that came to Daniel's mind after the initial contact with Aries.

Johnny laughed a little and spoke while shaking his head, "You are thinking too much! We are not discussing any secret plans or anything. I am just updating Daniel on the team's strength."

For the next half an hour, all of them had a lengthy conversation on many subjects. While Samuel just stood there silently, after failing to bring any interesting topic to the table.

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