
Martial Ascension

A scientist who is nearing his end of life works on a dangerous experiment to extend his life. The experiment fails to extend his life but it will send his soul to a world filled with extraordinary powers. See how Daniel uses his advantages and wits to gain strength in the Martial World. [Poster belongs to the designer and it's credit goes to him]

Dark_Castle · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Strength Test

At Daniel's backyard,

'Breath in…Breath out…Breath in…Breath out.. .'

Daniel completed his morning breathing exercise and stoop up from the ground.

"Finally! After more than ten days, my realm got stabilized! I can start cultivating from today!" Daniel felt no more improvement in the last two days so he has no doubt about this.

"But Before that, I have to see how strong I am actually now" Daniel had this itch from the day of the breakthrough but he suppressed that thought.

Now it's time to let of the reservations and test his true limits.

To test his strength Daniel chooses the three-meter long, three-ton weighing stone pillar that is preset in the backyard.

Approaching the pillar stone pillar, Daniel clenched his fist and took a casual strike at it.


The pillar shook a little but it did not change its position. The fist also did not suffer any damage.

"Not bad! This punch is enough to knock a normal person to death." Daniel nodded his head looking at his clenched fist.

Next, Daniel took a deep breath and punched the stone pillar with all his strength.


This time the three-ton stone pillar is pushed back by a meter.

Because of the reaction force, Daniel is also forced to take a few steps back. Only by anchoring himself to the ground, did Daniel manage to stabilize himself quickly.

Although the entire right hand is tingling slightly in pain, there is a smile on Daniels's face.

"Good! This strength is enough for me to implement my next plan."Daniel is a little more assured of his strength now.

Looking at the fist marks and cracked edges on the hard stone, Daniel felt satisfied with his progress.

Now he is confident in punching his way through a brick wall.

After the strength test, Daniel went ahead to check his speed, defense, and stamina by doing various exercises in the backyard.

After more than two hours, Daniel simply lay flat on the ground because of tiredness.

Now Daniel has a thoughtful expression on his face.

'All my physical attributes have at least tripled and that too in such a short period of time. This kind of change can only be possible by cultivation.' Daniel experienced personally how magical the cultivation is, in the past ten days.

A normal human has to work hard for months or years to increase his attributes in decimal points.

And it is impossible to increase his strength in multi-fold even if he works for his entire life.

As for as, the five senses are concerned, there are no tested ways for normal humans to enhance them.

The difference between a Martial Artist and a Mortal human is like the difference between Heaven and Earth.

After resting a little, Daniel got up from the ground and started dusting himself off, "If I were to face that Kingbird again, then I can catch it within a few minutes and snap its neck with a single slap."

It is no exaggeration to call Daniel a superhuman now.

Even while taking a bath, Daniel is still thinking, "If I am so strong now then how strong are those seniors who practiced additional 'Fighting Techniques' for years?"

Thinking about them, the arrogance of standing above all juniors dimmed a little.

"Without sufficient data, it is impractical to draw conclusions on their strength."Daniel is still thinking about the seniors of the sect while preparing to leave for the dining hall.

'Well, it's no use thinking now. I will get in touch with them sooner or later.' Daniel put away his thoughts and opened the front door, only to see someone standing there.

"Oh! Hello Daniel! I was just about to knock on the door."The person is also surprised when the door got opened suddenly.

'I should install some perimeter alert arrays later, if possible.' Daniel knows the person in front, "Oh! Hello Jimmy! Why are you here?"

[See chapter 9 for introduction]

Daniel could see the tension on Jimmy's face, so went for the topic straight away.

Jimmy put on a serious face and said, "Daniel! Johnny wanted to meet you urgently. Although I don't know the reason, but I could sense some urgency in Johnny voice. Since you are ready now how about meeting him at his house."

'What could be such a rushing matter? Is it a call for a new hunt or something ?' Daniel is gauging the seriousness of the call in his own way.

Daniel turned to Jimmy, "What about Lloyd, Bell, and others?"

"This time only team leaders are called for the meeting. Only after deciding on the action plan will others be notified. So we don't have to reach out to them now." Jimmy answered the question hurriedly.

'Well! Let's see, what the situation is before deciding on it.' Daniel has no strong reason to skip a group meeting, "Show me the way."

Jimmy nodded and showed the way forward. Both walked at a fast pace to cut more distance in less time.

At this time Johnny, Arthur, and a few others important people are having tea while waiting for the remaining people.

The group seems to have doubled in the past month as many new faces are present here.

The most eye-catching of them all is the Pink haired girl who looks very beautiful.

Minutes passed as more and more people arrived at the venue.

Hearing the footsteps again many turned towards the door.

"Daniel! You are the last to arrive. Come take a seat."Johnny invited Daniel who just arrived at one of the front seats.

After everyone took their seats Johnny took a deep breath to calm his mood and started the meeting.

"Sorry for inviting you all in such a hurry! But the problem we are facing needs a quick action plan, so I had no choice. And if we don't solve this problem then all our profits will be cut." Johnny first gave a simple apology before warning others.

Hearing what Johnny has said, everyone in the room looked at each other. But Daniel is sitting calmly with his head down while running his thoughts.

'A problem involving me?' Daniel immediately has a guess on what the problem is.

Arthur raised his eyebrow and asked, "A problem involving the interest of the members of the group? Johnny! stop running around in circles and say it straight."

Thinking about the issue, the anger in Johnny's heart rose again but he suppressed it and said, "It's about the hunting grounds. Sparrow joined hands with other groups and completely occupied our claimed area."

[Look at Chapter 15 for the introduction on Sparrow.]

Johnny talked about this word by word while grinding his teeth.

Arthur wrinkled his eyebrow and asked, "Are you talking about the eagle-nosed guy?"

Johnny nodded his head, "Yes! That's him! Not only did he break the previous promise, he actually surrounded the perimeter of the hunting area completely and did not let our people in."

Arthur and others become a little angry after hearing this but they are also a little confused.

A newly joined person raised the question that is on everyone's mind, "Why would he waste his precious cultivation time by keeping watch at the perimeter of the forest?"

Yes, everyone has this doubt. Although hunting can give you some meat and money, it is very time-consuming.

For people at their level, every hour and every minute counts a lot. If they waste this precious time on other things then their cultivation will stagnate. Who would be willing to stay behind others?

"He must be planning to collect toll tax from others later!" Daniel could guess what sparrow is doing because he also had a similar plan to generate an extra source of income but struck down the idea later.

Johnny must also have the same plan otherwise he wouldn't instruct his men to scout the area.

Importantly, Johnny is angrier about Sparrow digging his heels in the hunting area than about disrespecting his followers.

Hearing what Daniel said, everyone in the room became shocked and a little enlightened. Except for Johnny and his close followers though.

Arthur started drooling, "That's a very good way to make free money. Can we also do that?"

Johnny nodded his head, "Yes! We can! This is the very reason, why I called everyone here. That hunting area belongs to us rightfully and we should be the one collecting the toll tax."

The word money brought the attention of everyone in the room.

The pink-haired girl has a doubt though, "Will the sect even allow that? And what about the seniors of the sect? Do they not claim those lands?"

Johnny shook his head and explained the perceptive of the high people, "Are you joking! Why would the strong people even care for those chickens and some broken change? Their value is too low in their eyes. Sect must have raised them here specifically for juniors like us."

Arthur supported Johnny's thought, "Yes! Johnny is right! Strong people would rather prefer going into the deep forest to hunt some real monster and make heavy profits. Why would they waste their precious time on the low-quality prey?"

The pink-haired girl, Aries, also thought what they said made sense, so nodded her head in agreement.

"Are we going to hunt some humans this time then?" After saying this Arthur started stroking his bow lovingly.

Everyone is also thinking about whether to fight the other group or not.

Johnny did not answer the question but turned to the other side, "Daniel what do you think?"

Daniel is also weighing his pros and cons on the matter.

Juniors of the sect will rush to that area for the next four months. And the number will be around three to four hundred.

Calculating on this basis, the total profit would be around three thousand gold.

But after diving it among all the group, Daniel would get around two hundred gold.

'So I would get an income of fifty gold per month and that too for four times.' Daniel is calculating based on time because it may not be a one-time thing.

'People are greedy and it will be troublesome if people come challenging for tolling rights.' Daniel felt it is difficult for him to rush to rescue every time trouble comes knocking.

Thinking about all this Daniel answered with an uninterested face, "Let's drop the issue altogether for now."

"What?!" Everyone in the room, including Johnny is surprised by the words spoken by Daniel.

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