
Martial Ascension

A scientist who is nearing his end of life works on a dangerous experiment to extend his life. The experiment fails to extend his life but it will send his soul to a world filled with extraordinary powers. See how Daniel uses his advantages and wits to gain strength in the Martial World. [Poster belongs to the designer and it's credit goes to him]

Dark_Castle · Fantasía
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31 Chs

First Success

Two more days have passed since then,

Daniel searched the nearby areas for some suitable, prey, but there is no success until now.

This morning Daniel is prepared to go out for scouting again.

'There is no use wasting time here. I should go further for achieving any success.' Daniel knows that he has to take some risks now.

After choosing a direction, he left the camping area.

The Sun moved its position to top from Horizon,

"I should find some fresh meat. I am getting sick of eating dry food." Daniel is chewing on the meat jerky with some difficulty.

Not eating good food for more than a week will numb the taste buds of anyone.

'What's that sound?' Daniel who is preparing to continue his search heard some distant footsteps.

Looking at a tree with dense leaves, Daniel immediately hid.

Stabilizing his heartbeat and breathing, Daniel waited patiently.

After a few minutes, four people came to the place where Daniel had lunch.

All four of them are wearing black clothes and they stopped under a tree at a distance from Daniel.

"Let's stop! We are already a long way from the camping area. If we go any further, it may be difficult for us to return before night." One guy sat down on a stone and said to the other three.

Another guy with a stitched mask, also agreed, "He is right! It will take a few hours to return. So it's better to stop here."

The other two also nodded in agreement.

After resting for a few minutes, they turn around and left the way they came.

Daniel is cautious by Nature. So he stayed on the tree for some more time before descending to the ground.

Dusting off all the leaves on him, Daniel looked in the direction the black man left.

'It seems like I have to change the direction of my search.' Daniel did not want to waste his precious time. So he chose another path.

'Since they came here safely, then it is highly unlikely there will be a monster habitat in that direction.' Daniel thought so.

Navigating through the forest area and avoiding the difficult terrain, Daniel continued his search.

A few hours passed by.

Just as Daniel is thinking there will be no success today. He heard some faint roaring sounds from a distance.

'Roar....' 'Roar....'

'My luck is good today!' After thanking his luck Daniel approach the source of the sound.

Daniel felt faint vibrations under his feet even before he reached the destination.

Moving in the Shadows, Daniel finally saw the whole picture.

In an open area covered with knee Tall Grass, two Rhinos are fighting each other for hegemony.

There are also some big and small rhinos that are watching the fight from a distance.

'So it's a fight for territory.' Daniel could guess what's happening here with one look.

After looking around, Daniel put his focus back on the fight.

The massive figure of the Rhinos is bringing pressure to the surrounding area.

And the ground is vibrating heavily under their weight.

The remaining birds and small animals that are hiding nearby also started escaping the area with no peace in sight.

'Roar…' 'Bang..' 'Bang..'

'What a sight!' Daniel felt visual pleasure watching two heavy monsters ramming against each other.

Every time the Collision happens, Daniel felt like the sky is about to fall, and the ground is about to collapse.

Daniel felt his blood rushing after watching the fight for some time. He had to suppress the impulse to participate in such a fight.

The Collision sounds in the deep forest continued for more than an hour.

Here Daniel waited patiently to see if he could pick up a free bargain.

Following some high-impact collisions, the intensity gradually decreased.

At this time both rhinos are bleeding heavily at many places because of deep injuries.



Finally this time, the horn of one Rhino got broken after a thunderous sound.

The Rhino which won, gave a roar of triumph, while the Lost Rhino roared in defeat and pain.

Hearing the Roars, the Rhinos that are standing at a distance also started making noise.

The defeated Rhino took one last look at the winner and the herd before leaving the territory.

'My chance is here.' Daniel, who is waiting patiently started following the defeated rhino silently.

Because of the heavy injury, the speed of the Rhino got slow down.

After half an hour of following,

The Rhino approached a big vacant cave and went in there without hesitation.

Daniel waited for some time behind the Shadows.

As the roar of the rhino died down, Daniel approach the cave silently.

After approaching the entrance, Daniel held onto his breath and looked inside the cave.

Since the cave is not too long, Daniel can see inside clearly.

Here, the hurt Rhino is sleeping and is completely devoid of any movement.

'This must be a hiding spot.' Daniel could see that the rhino choose this safe area to heal its wounds.

After looking around, as not to miss anything, Daniel distanced himself from the cave without making any noise.

After putting a sufficient distance from the cave Daniel let out a sign, "It is too strong for me to tackle alone. If I had some powerful fighting techniques, then I would have definitely tried my hand."

Shaking his head, Daniel turned up towards his Camp while leaving some marks along the way.


"Stryker, can I come in?" Bookworm, who is standing outside the tent, asks for permission.

Stryker, who is meditating opened his eyes and said, "Come in."

After entering, the tent Bookworm directly went to the issue. "Do you intend to keep that guy for the harvesting season?"

Obviously, he still hung on to Daniel even now.

Shaking his head Stryker said, "I just want his help for scouting monsters. But if he wants to continue with us then, it will be a win for both sides. And again, why are you so much against him?"

Hearing that, Bookworm asked again, "If I find the monsters for the team, would you kick him out?"

Stryker becomes a little irritated, "Stop joking around! Scouting is a job that requires suitable physical attributes. The attributes at the beginning are difficult to overcome. Even if you want to perform a scouting job, it will be very difficult and unproductive."

Daniel also knows his attributes are inclined to scouting and assassination. That is why he chose the scouting job without much hesitation.

Of course in the later stages, all these parameters will become nonsensical. And the fighting techniques will dominate the future path.

But at the beginning, for five to six years, a person will prefer taking jobs based on his tested physical attribute points.

Most of the juniors will have attributes that are suitable to act as Front-line Fighters, Archer, and Berserk.

Only a few have attributes that lean towards Scouts and Assassins.

That is why Stryker is also reluctant to kick out Daniel.

A person with such attributes is rare among juniors.

Although he is unwilling, Bookworm still had to bow to Stryker.

Bookworm left the tent having seen no point in further arguing.

Stryker shook his head a little in disappointment. "I should choose another right-hand person after returning to the sect."

It appears Stryker decided to push Bookworm aside after hearing his childish demands.

Bookworm, who returned to his tent, would have never imagined that his unconditional hatred would cost him dearly.

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