
Martial Ascension

A scientist who is nearing his end of life works on a dangerous experiment to extend his life. The experiment fails to extend his life but it will send his soul to a world filled with extraordinary powers. See how Daniel uses his advantages and wits to gain strength in the Martial World. [Poster belongs to the designer and it's credit goes to him]

Dark_Castle · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Entering the Deep Forest

Just as Daniel is about to reply, a voice interrupted him.

"Leader! Are you actually planning on inviting an Early Refining Realm cultivator without any fighting techniques into the team?" The thin lips person finally opens his mouth.

The leader's face turned a little ugly, "Bookworm! Don't talk anymore. What our team lacks is a scout and not a Frontline fighter."

"Bookworm! It must be a code name." Daniel could guess the reason for hiding their names.

Then their leader turned to Daniel, "As you heard! We are actually looking for a scout. Are you okay with that role?"

'Although it is dangerous, scouting is my forte. So it should be alright.' Daniel thought in his heart.

But Daniel still acted a little hesitant. "You know, it is dangerous for me to scout the Deep forest alone. What if I provoke a monster unknowingly?"

'He's trying to bargain with me.' The leader won't miss the hints of Daniel, "All the people in the team have to face the danger to a certain degree. But since you are supposed to act alone, I will give you something that will help you."

After saying that, he threw a box to Daniel.

Daniel did not catch the box but took a step back quickly.


The wooden box fell onto the floor and got opened. A shining silver-colored talisman dropped out of it.

Seeing his reaction everyone is a little surprised.

The leader also narrowed his eyes upon seeing Daniel's dodging speed.

'No danger, I guess.' Daniel picked up the talisman after confirming that there are no traps.

Although Daniel's attitude is a little irritating, they can't call on him for his caution.

Looking at the silver talisman with complex arrays, Daniel asked, "What's this?"

The leader put away his amazement and explained, "It's a detection Talisman. Once activated! Talisman will sense the danger around the person. And once any monster tries to approach the user the talisman will light up itself"

After that, he explained the way to use the talisman and other things.

'So it can help me detect any monster within 200-meter range! That should be enough.' Daniel felt a little more assured of his safety with this talisman.

"Okay, I agree to join in. Let's discuss the plan in more detail. By the way, you can call me Red." Daniel put away the talisman, to study it later and then introduced himself.

Nodding his head, Leader said, "Good decision. You can call me Stryker."

Then he pointed to everyone, to introduce them and explain their roles.

Everyone also eased their expressions after Daniel agreed to be a part of the team.

After everyone introduced themselves, Striker explained the plan briefly to Daniel.

For the next few minutes, there is only one voice echoing in the room.

"Traveling at night will wear us down. So we will leave early morning tomorrow. You can stay in the hotel for tonight if you want." Stryker is hinting to Daniel not to be late tomorrow.

Daniel is also not interested in Strolling today. So, he decided to book another room in the same Hotel.

After Daniel and the other two women left the room, Bookworm turn around and asked Stryker, "What's your plan? Inviting such a toothless tiger into our team? His future prospects are very limited. So why are you giving him so much face?"

Stryker narrowed his eyes are "Tell me! Are you willing to sacrifice a portion of your loot? A cultivator with fighting techniques will definitely ask for an equal share with us. So, he's the best candidate for us now."

Although Bookworm is unhappy, he felt Stryker made some sense, so he shut his mouth.

Then both of them lowered their voices and discussed other things.

Daniel who just got into the room took a seat, 'They must be thinking, I am a low talented cultivator who can be pushed around.'

'But they will never think I am a Fifth Grade Talent and a junior of this year.' Daniel could guess what they were thinking.

If a person were given a choice between good and bad. Then that person would always believe the worst-case scenario of you.

So Daniel is not afraid of them doubting his identity.

'Even if they have some doubts, they will not raise them. So, I should be safe.' Daniel doesn't think there would be any problem for now.

Daniel narrowed his eyes, 'But that guy! Stryker, is definitely a cultivator of realm higher than early-stage of Refining.'

Daniels's instincts are telling him that the Stryker is a cultivator of Middle Stage Refining Realm.

'I must be careful around him. And fight for more share later.'

Daniel is also joining the team just to pursue his interests. And he will not let go of his share so easily.

Both of them tactfully avoided this topic during the discussion.

They intend to use Daniel as a scout and Daniel intends to use them as a shield to hunt bigger prey.

Early next morning everyone gathered at the lobby.

After horses were chosen, they left to the forest quietly without any fuss.

The horse journey is very comfortable but they had to abandon them very soon because the way forward became unsuitable for horse riding.


Three days have passed since they entered the forest.

In the beginning, there were still people here and there, but after the second day, they barely saw the shadow of a human.

Even when they saw other teams, both will just nod at each other and move their own way.

Walking around the dense forest is not easy for a normal human. But because Daniel and others are cultivators they walked through the forest unimpeded.

Everyone came prepared. So they managed to avoid bug bites and many other irritating things.

Take the rest only at the night. The team managed to cover a long distance.

Sleeping on top of the trees also helped them avoid the harassment of many wild animals.

Even the girls did not raise any objections because of the harsh Journey.

Not surprisingly, the only two women on the team got together after the journey started.

'It seems like only Stryker, Bookworm, and the other person are together. The women are not their loyalists.' Daniel is a little relieved when he saw the differences in the team.

Finally, after the fourth afternoon, the team reached the deep forest.

Looking at the leaves and the soil that are completely dark, Stryker said,

"We must have entered the deep forest. Better look for a good camping area."

After searching for another two hours, they found a small River.

Securing the perimeter they pitched up the tents at a distance from shore.

Stryker allocated watch time for everyone and returned to his tent for rest.

The night went by peacefully.

Next morning,

"Red! All of us can't run around searching for suitable prey. So we have to depend on you." The Stryker calls Daniel and urged him to do his job.

Nodding his head, Daniel said, "I will find a suitable monster that is not too strong nor is too weak. Don't worry about it."

After leaving more identifying marks around the camping area, Daniel left to search for prey.

'If I wore the same realm as him, then I would have sneaked back to listen to all his plans.' Daniel thought it is a bit regretful while on his way.


On the other side, two girls are having a conversation.

"Pink, Do you think it is alright, to join an unknown team?" Girl-1 asked the other girl who is standing at the entrance of the tent and looking outside.

Even though they are the only girls in the team and decided to stick together. Both are still unwilling to use their real names yet.

"Black! we're just working together for some period. At any time, if they do anything suspicious, we will turn around and leave immediately. They are not strong enough to stop us from escaping." The Girl named Pink explained everything in a calm voice.

Obviously, the girls are not helpless as they seem. They must have some hole cards on them.

"It seems that guy 'Red' is alone. Don't you think it is a good idea to draw him to our side?" The Girl named Black wanted Daniel as a Flower Guard.

Nodding her head The Pink said, "I also thought that. The other three are acting suspiciously. They must have known each other personally. But Red must be a newbie."

Then both girls discussed many things, silently.

Although all the persons are here for harvesting season, they all have their own plans.


With excellent scouting skills and added agility, Daniel safely explored the area around the perimeter, for the entire day.

After returning, Daniel explained the situation briefly to Stryker.

Looking at Daniels's leaving figure, Stryker thought, 'How much we gain before the Harvest Season depends on him? If he can't pick up any traces of prey very soon, then I have to go to the field myself.'

Obviously, he cannot leave the camp and others on the search for prey.

And it is not his Forte either.

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