
Martial Ascension

A scientist who is nearing his end of life works on a dangerous experiment to extend his life. The experiment fails to extend his life but it will send his soul to a world filled with extraordinary powers. See how Daniel uses his advantages and wits to gain strength in the Martial World. [Poster belongs to the designer and it's credit goes to him]

Dark_Castle · Fantasía
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31 Chs

Amazing Strength of a Martial Artist

Days passed and Daniel got accustomed to the boring life while healing himself.

Even after a week of the journey, they are still in the forest which hints at the depth of this world. The good news is, the bandages on the head are finally off.

'A couple of more days and I will finally be able to test this body limits and begin a workout plan accordingly.' Daniel is holding on to these thoughts while basking on the sunlight falling through the carriage window.

All things are moving in a positive direction but there is no smile on Daniel's face. The reason is, nobody in the carriage had a bath for more than a week.

So stink in the carriage is making him uncomfortable. And from what they were told, the destination is about another week away.

While he was thinking of countermeasures a commotion happened at the front and the carriages stopped abruptly. This caught everyone in the carriage off-guard.

Since Daniel is near the window he grabbed the rail quickly to save himself but everyone is not so lucky.

Although the people here are not hurt heavily they did get some bruises. After a couple of minutes, they got back to their positions while rubbing on to the bruises.

While Daniel was preparing to get off and see the situation, a voice came from the outside.

"Everybody stay in the carriage! It is dangerous outside! We will leave as soon as the obstruction gets cleared. So don't come out and increase our workload." A patrolman came riding a horse and gave instructions to each carriage.

Everyone got back to their seats and started observing things through the four windows.

"What could have caused the entire carriage lineup to stop!?" A yellow-haired average looking girl raised her voice with a hint of fear on her face.

And yes! there is a girl in this group of six people. This is because the carriages are allocated originally based on locality and because of trust deficit most of them avoided getting on to the other carriages.

Even girls preferred sticking around people from the same locality to avoid discrimination and bullying. So this girl and all other five people are from the same locality as Daniel.

Playing hero is an impulse of every man and this trait gets amplified by teenage hormones.

In seconds, every boy in the carriage including Lloyd got around the girl to soothe her fears.

"Miss Lily don't worry all the people from the escort team are strong. They will never allow any danger to get near us." A Sleek Black-haired guy reminded the strength of Captain Mark and their team.

"Yes! Yes! Importantly don't forget the two seniors who are guarding the lineup." Another guy added.

"I heard both seniors are true Martial artists and are strong enough to blast an elephant into pieces with a single punch. So whatever the obstacle may be, it will be cleared out in minutes." The sleek guy continued to show off his knowledge.

"Are the seniors that powerful!?" The girl played the troubled princess again.

"Yes! It is true! Every Martial Artist is a strong one, even the newly cultivated ones. You know, we will also become very strong once we join the sect and get our hands on 'Martial Arts Mantra'. After successfully cultivating it we can fly over the sky and pinch strong people like Captain Mark to death."The sleek guy has gotten off track and started spewing nonsense now.

'Idiot! When is it that easy to gain power? This guy is underestimating the difficulties of becoming a Martial Artist. If it were that easy to cultivate then why would there be so few successful Martial Artists in this world? He will be hit by reality very soon and at that time he will suffer' Daniel thought of this while gently shaking his head.

"Ms. Lily! Be assured if any danger comes to you I will cut it down with my sword." Saying this, Lloyd took a fighting posture with his blade and started showing off his basic sword skills.

Who knew!? That drama actually worked. Lily started watching the swordplay with twinkling eyes. While the Sleek guy and others showed envy towards the Metal Sword and the Sword Skill.

Daniel has no more interest in their conversation so he started observing the changes outside the carriage.



Suddenly a roar of an animal shook the hearts of everyone inside and outside the carriage.

When he shifted his vision towards the source, Daniel finally found the cause of the entire commotion.

It is actually a bear. A big bear that is more than four meters tall. Even the hard rock under it got cracked because of its weight. This is not a wild animal we see in everyday life.

'This must be a First-Class-Monster that Lloyd mentioned before.' Daniel classified the Monster correctly by observing its general characteristics.

Although this is the lowest class among all monsters, it is very strong. A casual punch of it can squash an adult horse into meat sauce.

Facing the horrible monster is the two seniors of the escort team. No! It is not a mere faceoff.

The girl Lily who is also observing the fight let out a happy shriek suddenly, "It's amazing! The seniors are so strong! They are actually toying with the monster."

Others also joined the girl and started cheering for the seniors but this is ticking off Daniel. For he does not want to attract the attention of the Monster because of their noise.

This is also the first time Daniel came to understand the horror of a Martial Artist. The seniors are moving so fast that all he sees are blurry images now and then. Even the stones under their feet are getting cracked because of their foot strength.

Every time they strike, a strong Eagle chirp is heard in the area and a few bloody holes will appear on the Bear body at the end.

The animal tried to catch up with them by swigging its heavy and bulky arms but it got tired very quickly. After an incense stick of time, it stopped attaching altogether and started defending itself.

A few minutes passed, the original Brown Bear became a bloody red one. Except for its head, every part of it is severely injured. At this time fear of death finally appeared in its heart.

"Brother Steve! The animal is showing signs of retreat! We better not give it a chance."Senior Jeff cautioned his partner while fighting.

"Rest assured Brother Jeff! I will not let it slip by my side."Senior Steve answered unhurriedly. He also observed the changes in the fighting pattern of the monster.

Bear tried to break free from encirclement but in a hurry, it left an opening in its defense. Senior Jeff who is waiting for a chance took the killing shot and broke its skull.

With a big 'THUD'! The huge body of the Bear fell to the ground and raised a lot of dust.

Both seniors are gasping for air but they have a big smile on their faces.

'Soon! Very Soon! I will definitely get such strength and even surpass it' Daniel soothed a little bit excited heart like this. Although he is a crazy old man, his body is not. So the blood is rushing to his head after watching such a bloody fight and making him overly exciting. Although this is nothing compared to the people in the carriage who are jumping around like kids, he did not like it.

'It will take a few months to take control of the body completely! Until then I better do meditation to keep emotions in check.' Daniel thought of tangible measures for the immediate problem. Because losing logical thinking will go against one of his key principles.

If anyone finds spelling mistakes please leave a comment.

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