
Martial Ascension

A scientist who is nearing his end of life works on a dangerous experiment to extend his life. The experiment fails to extend his life but it will send his soul to a world filled with extraordinary powers. See how Daniel uses his advantages and wits to gain strength in the Martial World. [Poster belongs to the designer and it's credit goes to him]

Dark_Castle · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Continued Journey

Under the warm light of two Moons, the aroma of food started spreading throughout the entire camp. Few people are already gathered at the campfire with their utensils.

"What are we eating today?"One guy with a short figure asked the tall guy beside him.

"I will eat anything edible."The tall guy answered dumbly without even turning his head.

The short guy is stumped by the answer so ended the further conversation.

"I heard the hunting team got lucky and stumbled onto a buffalo in the forest."Another guy with thick eyebrows shared the information he got.

"Good! I can eat beef in full this time" Big dumb guy is happy to eat good meat.

The short guy sneered at him, "You can dream! A major portion of the meat will go to the seniors who checked our qualifications. And on the remaining, preference will be given to the other two groups. So best we can get are some broken meat and sticky soup"

The short guy vented his previous frustration and is completely relieved.

"Bones and soup are also delicious. I can eat them all the time." The big guy shared his true thoughts with a smile and is completely oblivious to the satire of the short guy.

"Alright! You guys get out of here or I will inform senior Jeff of spoiling his food." The chef had enough of their bickering so he lashed out.

The teenagers surrounding the fire moved a few meters back and started observing from the distance. Ignoring the hungry eyes, the cook got back to work peacefully.

On the other side, Daniel who is sitting on the futon slowly opened his mouth and spits out the drop of medicine he put in his mouth.

'The medicine is alright! Since the kid did not tamper with it, I will give him another chance. For now, I have no other choice to settle with this.' with a sigh, Daniel opened the bottle and took all the medicine in one go.

The medicine is very effective. Within a minute, a cooling sensation came from the head.

'If I take this medicine daily I will recover completely within a week. I better inquire Lloyd about the source and purchase as much as possible.' With that thought, Daniel started looking for money on his body.

After a few minutes, Daniel showed a chilling expression, 'So the valuable things on this body were robbed yesterday. Good! Good! You people better be prepared! I will take back what you took from me with a heavy interest'

Seeing the few broken silver in his pockets Daniel felt the taste of poor for the first time. And this really pissed him off, so he swore his first oath after coming to this world. The vengeful person he is, he will not tolerate anyone who threatens his interests. And when he strikes back there will be no mercy for the enemies.

It took a minute to calm his mood and start meditating to heal the wounds. The meditation continued until the medicine effect completely worn off.

After an hour, Lloyd came back with a portion of meat soup and returned before anybody spotted him.

Ignoring him, Daniel cleaned up the bowl very fast for he had not eaten more than a day.

After dinner, Daniel set up a warning bell at the entrance and went straight to bed.

The night went peacefully and Daniel recovered his mental health completely by the early morning.

When Daniel got out of the tent and viewed the surroundings, he could not help himself by giving a compliment loudly, "What a beautiful world!"

Golden-Red Sun is rising at the east and giving warm sunlight to the entire world. The light which is falling onto the skin is giving warmth to the body which experienced cold the previous night. The red soil under the feet is giving a sense of stability to the mind. And the leaves on the trees and bushes are looking vibrant in many colors. The sense of freshness and visual pleasure brought by ten-meter-long trees is high.

Daniel's senses are overloaded with pleasure because of all kinds of sounds and smells. So he took a seat on the near stone and enjoyed the early sunrise for a few minutes.

After having his fill, Daniel thought of doing his early exercise but he backed off thinking of the injury, 'I can only postpone this habit until I made a complete recovery'

Without disturbing others he packed his tent and approached the carriage he was allocated.

Drivers and Caretakers of each carriage are picking up the luggage dropped by the kids and tying them to the roof.

When the sun became completely visible over the trees, the order to set off came.

Daniel, Lloyd, and the other four kids were already seated in the carriage before the coach driver urges them to do.

The carriage started slowly at first but it picked up speed in a few minutes after the entire lineup got synchronized.

From the bird's eye view, a dozen carriages traveling on the mud road made resemblance to a snake slithering on a traced path.

The journey in the entire morning is smooth. Even when wolves and tigers tried to approach the carriages they were dealt with immediately by the patrol team.

In the afternoon caretaker came to deliver the white bread to all and left without saying much

Until the evening the carriage did not stop anywhere for anything. If the horses were not costly then the carriages will be driven until they die.

During this entire time, the people in the carriage did not talk much. Even if they did, Daniel is kept out of the loop intentionally.

Daniel sneered at this and put his concentration just on healing.

When the sun was about to go down, the company finally stopped by a water lake.

After the call of security clearance, all people in the carriages took their equipment and left hurriedly to look for a good safe spot.

Daniel took his baggage silently and set off in the direction of the lake. After finding a big rock near the lake he took a seat and waited for his worker.

"You could have at least started by plucking the weeds, you know!" Lloyd came as promised after a few minutes.

Daniel just smiled at him, "Get to work early or you will be sharing tents with the poor fellows from the First Group"

Lloyd put a weird expression on his face after hearing those unsympathetic words. Because old Daniel will never say that kind of words to him. This is the first time Daniel ever talked to him from a high point.

'When I heard, a near-death experience can change a person! I thought it was a joke. But now..' With a sign, Lloyd got to work without saying much.

After an incense stick of time, a tent is erected leaning to the rock but Lloyd's figure is nowhere to be seen.

That night when Lloyd came back with food, Daniel had a general conversation with him. Only when he got all the answers did he pardon him.

'It appears, I have to heal my wounds patiently.' During the conversation, Daniel tried to borrow more healing medicine but he failed. Since medicine is precious here, people rarely keep spare. Even if they have spare medicine, the possibility of selling during the journey is low.

'Fine! Let's wait it out patiently then.' With no better option, Daniel decided to go the usual way. But he had enough of this sticky head.

'I will clean up the wound by the lake and Band-Aid it again tonight.' Daniel made plans for the night while eating dinner.

The lake is reserved for boys and girls separately. So girls from all groups went to bath first while boys are suppressing their impulse under the watch of Captain Mark.

The obedient boys cleaned up later but there seems to be a small fight that was dissuaded later.

It is midnight and all the camping area is clear of people. Daniel quietly stepped out of the tent and approached the lake for a bath.

"What are you doing?" When Daniel is nearing the lake an abrupt voice came from behind him.

"Who!? Oh, it's you, Captain Mark! Is there anything wrong?"Being caught off guard this close really made Daniel uncomfortable. But he still asked why he is interjected.

Captain Mark narrowed his eyes and questioned again, "Did you not know it is against the rules to move around the camp after midnight?"

"I do know the rules. But I was sleeping during the allocated time so I had to clean up now. Also, I am injured, so it takes more time." Daniel answered unhurriedly and pointed to his head at the end.

Yes, Lloyd did mention the rules but that could only scare 12 to 13-year-old kids. Being a criminal himself why would he care for those silly rules.

Mark has a general idea about this kid's situation. But what does it got to do with him? As long as they don't kill each other in broad daylight he wouldn't care.

"Alright! It is dangerous here at night, especially for a weakling. So return quickly after washing." After warning Daniel, Mark turn around and left for patrol without paying much attention.

"Thank you for the reminders! Captain Mark!" Daniel gave a slight bow and waited until his shadow disappeared before continuing his way.

This episode refreshed Daniel thinking and made him more alert to this world, 'If a person is not careful in this cruel world then he would pay a heavy price, even his life!'

Here on Daniel decide to pay more attention to his surroundings and the people around him.

After reaching the lake he had a clear look at himself for the first time in the reflection. Seeing the Red-Haired handsome face, he nodded in satisfaction.

Shamelessly taking off all his clothes Daniel took a bath in the lake naked. After a few minutes, he returned to the shore with a refreshed mind.

Before clothing himself, he took off his Band-Aid carefully and cleaned up all of his wounds. After applying the antiseptic medicine that was borrowed he put on the new Band-Aid more cleanly. This took more than half an hour but he is relieved seeing his wound recover slowly.

Although this is a tedious process it is safe. Because he wanted to avoid swimming with open wounds and is even less inclined to sleep with a wet Band-aid.

Wearing his clothes Daniel returned to his tent without any suspense and went to sleep.

The next day, after finishing the leftovers they set off again.

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