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What is LoveIsBlind

Lee la novela LoveIsBlind escrita por el autor ButterflyPoettt publicada en WebNovel. A story about blind love. Imagine meeting your soulmate, but differences stop you from being with them. This is a classic love story with a twist. Kayla met Alek at a time where nothing seemed right i...


A story about blind love. Imagine meeting your soulmate, but differences stop you from being with them. This is a classic love story with a twist. Kayla met Alek at a time where nothing seemed right in the world. She knew this. However she hadn't prepared to fall so blindly.

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Thomas Nyakango

Life is full of surprises. One may have dreams in terms of big achievements in the growth and development journey, however, in the process, things change for the better or worse. What does this scenario tell us. That imaginations or plans in life are one thing and actual results as planned or not planned are another. It is therefore critical to be psychologically prepared for anything even when one is working towards premeditated goals. We have seen or witnessed these things happen, I being one of the victims, to the betterment or detriment of the individuals involved. Plans are either achieved or shattered in the full glare of the affected people. One may have wanted to build a house of some sort, marry a woman or man of certain level of education, color, height, social and economic background, achieve certain level of education and professional background, be a person of repute in a way different from what the rest have experienced and related scenarios but which results are not ultimately implemented or achieved. Hence, what we need to understand in a nutshell is that we should expect surprises in life either negatively or positively. Here, we should be ready to accept such scenarios because nothing is perfect. Given second chance it is possible to correct situations for the better and/or worse depending on the strategy or approach embraced. Regrets in life is very common scene in life since apparently no one has ever made it as planned; people struggle to be at the level planned but practically that come to pass without reaching the expected heights in life. The reason why people keep on working hard or smart to be where they want to be in life. But because life itself is not permanent, people die before realizing their full potential, though practically it has never happened in the life of most people.

Thomas_Nyakango · Real
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