

A story about blind love. Imagine meeting your soulmate, but differences stop you from being with them. This is a classic love story with a twist. Kayla met Alek at a time where nothing seemed right in the world. She knew this. However she hadn't prepared to fall so blindly.

ButterflyPoettt · Adolescente
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8 Chs

Chapter Two

Five years earlier:

Kayla rolled over in her bed stirring from her deep sleep.

"Kane wake up you're going to be late for school", Mum shouted to my brother. I could already feel myself waking up even though my head was telling me to stay asleep. I knew I had to get up I had college even though I didn't want to I opened my eyes staring at my ceiling and sighed. I hopped out my bed and began walking down the stairs towards the bathroom. I stared into the mirror for a moment analysing my face, something I tended to do a lot. As if I thought one day it would change completely leaving me in utter shock but as ever it was still the same. A round shaped face and small eyes which were a deep brown dark enough to be black stared back at me. I focused on my lips which were full and plump and pouted them for a moment. My expression was blank I couldn't quite work out if it secretly matched my subconscious thoughts. In that moment I splashed water on my face finally waking me from my daze.

As I entered the kitchen dressed for college I headed towards the fridge opening it to see a range of food my head and stomach was not in the mood for. I resulted in grabbing an orange and heading towards the door in that moment my mum started speaking.

"Kayla, make sure you grab something to eat before you leave" she shouted from the top of the stairs. I proceeded to walk to the bottom of the staircase where I stood holding up the orange proudly. I knew she would mention it. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day",she continued. I mimicked her words as she spoke, I was used to being told this most mornings, I always rushed out the door without eating if i am completely honest it was genuinely me being forgetful I wasn't really a morning person. I lived with my mother and siblings, two sisters and one brother. I was the oldest, the firstborn of the family, we were all very close but to ourselves at the same time often all being glued to our own rooms.

"I know mum, you tell me this every morning", Kayla replied sighing as she headed towards the door and opened it. She began heading towards the exit of her street starting to peel the orange she was holding. As she crossed the road she looked at the time on her phone, it was 8:23 am.

Every morning she met one of her closest friends they lived not to far from each other, so this was her partner in crime when travelling to college. "We're gonna be late", Kayla muttered to herself sighing. But in that moment she saw Lia exit her door scrambling with something in her hand it looked like she was trying to shove it into her bag. Lia had deep brown eyes too matching mine however her eyes were much bigger, she had a curvy figure the kind that was ideal, often getting her some attention. However, she always felt she needed to lose another pound or two which in my eyes was ridiculous.

I looked at her and before I could even speak she started, "I know I know we are running late", Lia exclaimed as she began to pick up the pace. I laughed out loud, rushing for me wasn't a problem I had the longest legs, so I always got to places quickly. Lia always joked about me being a spider often comparing herself to me saying remarks like "well it's nice for some not everyone can fly to college" she found it fascinating how fast I could be.

I glanced at my phone, "it's 8:30 we should be able to make it in time" I replied. I knew we would for sure we didn't live too far from the college. And with my spider legs combined with Lia's competitive nature I had no fear. "How are you feeling today", Lia asked me as we began to walk side by side. We often had these little chats on the way to college, what was crazy was I spent a lot of time with Lia however we never ran out of things to speak about. "Mm I am fine,same old" I replied to her smiling slightly, the sun was shining today which was a reason to smile.

"That's good, I was up all night but I feel like I slept like a baby" she continued as she pulled out a slice of pizza from a small container.

"Pizza for breakfast?" I asked laughing as I said it, I could never understand how she ate such random things so early in the morning. I looked down at my orange and raised it waving it in her face. "I have an orange and you are pulling out pizza and it is not even 9am.. I have seen it all", Kayla continued laughing causing creases to form by her squinting eyes. "Don't knock it till you try it.. pizza the next morning is always a must", Lia replied simply not bothered by my opinion at all. Another quality of hers she always knew what to say, how to reply. I call it stubbornness but she would argue it's facts. I giggled in reply to her in which she carried on eating her pizza. My giggle was confirmation enough for her, letting her know she'd won he argument.