

A story about blind love. Imagine meeting your soulmate, but differences stop you from being with them. This is a classic love story with a twist. Kayla met Alek at a time where nothing seemed right in the world. She knew this. However she hadn't prepared to fall so blindly.

ButterflyPoettt · Adolescente
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8 Chs

Chapter Three

College was a drag, throughout the whole day I just kept thinking when will this end. My mother always told me teenage years are the best years of your life but I can't imagine that being the case. I mean I go to college wishing for the day to be over that doesn't feel like the 'best years' of my life at all. Kayla closed her eyes for a second pinching the bridge of her nose and breathed out. She could feel herself getting overwhelmed again and tried her best to change her thoughts. The thing is my life hasn't been the worst if anything my mother had made the best possible life for me trying her best to give me everything I needed. But something was missing, I couldn't put my finger on it it's like a part of me was missing. I think for a long time I'd felt that way. Empty. Just as she thought that Elena came skipping over and sat down opposite her. Elena was what you could say one of my best friends we met during secondary school. Elena was.. well let's just say she was an acquired taste, like marmite. You know how they say you either love it or you hate it?, well Elena was that kind of girl. But I don't know I kinda got her in an odd way. "So are you coming over to mine?, we need to study and I know tha.." I looked up from my notepad at her and sighed "Elena I don't know I kinda wanted to go home and take a nap" I replied before she could finish. I didn't know what was wrong with me I just wanted to be by myself, I didn't want to entertain anyone right now. "I am not taking no for an answer we need to study" Elena continued rambling on but something behind her had caught my eye. I watched as I seen two guys walk into the library but these guys were different they were from Armar I could tell. It as still crazy to me, the whole divide I felt like there was so much we didn't know. I felt like this world was too cruel, as I continued to analyse the two boys who had entered the library. I looked around as people whispered and looked at them as if they were criminals who had been caught.  "Elena I never asked you before, do you ever think of how your life would have been if your family stayed in Armar?" I asked intriguingly. Elena's family lived in Armar during the war they had traveled to Atlas before she was born to give her a brighter future. Her dad had secured a job here which allowed them to live let's say...comfortably by comfortable I mean she had more than me and given her family came from less that was saying a lot. I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable talking about her Armarian history but seeing those boys sparked curiosity in me. "I mean you know I don't even really know about all that, obviously I am Armarian at heart it's in my blood" she paused for a moment almost as if she had just realised all over again. "It is sad" Elena muttered. "What's sad?" I questioned confused by her sudden comment. "How the world is.. the fact there is even a divide I say everyone is equal atlas or Armar? It's not fair" she continued. I think I may have started daydreaming because I was knocked out of it to her pulling me from my seat walking towards the door. I obeyed accepting the fact I would be going to her house whether I liked it or not.