

A story about blind love. Imagine meeting your soulmate, but differences stop you from being with them. This is a classic love story with a twist. Kayla met Alek at a time where nothing seemed right in the world. She knew this. However she hadn't prepared to fall so blindly.

ButterflyPoettt · Adolescente
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8 Chs


City of Atlas was once known for bringing people together it's culture was to have people envision happiness and give them hope to reach the goals they have. But then came the war 25,000 people dead. The city went into turmoil resulting in a split of nations. The city split into two sections, the city of Atlas and City of Armar. This is where my story starts. You could say this is the reason why my story ended and you are probably wondering what I mean by that. Well don't worry I will explain everything in due time.